Source code for SoftLayer.managers.ssl

    SSL Manager/helpers

    :copyright: (c) 2013, SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

[docs]class SSLManager(object): """ Manages SSL certificates. """ def __init__(self, client): """ SSLManager initialization. :param SoftLayer.API.Client client: an API client instance """ self.client = client self.ssl = self.client['Security_Certificate']
[docs] def list_certs(self, method='all'): """ List all certificates. :param method: # TODO: explain this param """ ssl = self.client['Account'] methods = { 'all': 'getSecurityCertificates', 'expired': 'getExpiredSecurityCertificates', 'valid': 'getValidSecurityCertificates' } mask = "mask[id, commonName, validityDays, notes]" func = getattr(ssl, methods[method]) return func(mask=mask)
[docs] def add_certificate(self, certificate): """ Creates a new certificate. :param certificate: # TODO: is this a dict? """ return self.ssl.createObject(certificate)
[docs] def remove_certificate(self, id): """ Removes a certificate. :param integer id: a certificate ID to remove """ return self.ssl.deleteObject(id=id)
[docs] def edit_certificate(self, certificate): """ Updates a certificate with the included options. The provided dict must include an 'id' key and value corresponding to the certificate ID that should be updated. :param dict certificate: the certificate to update. """ return self.ssl.editObject(certificate, id=certificate['id'])
[docs] def get_certificate(self, id): """ Gets a certificate with the ID specified. :param integer id: the certificate ID to retrieve """ return self.ssl.getObject(id=id)