
This module is now deprecated. It has been replaced with the VSIManager.


CCIManager to provide backwards compatibility.

license:MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
class SoftLayer.managers.cci.CCIManager(client)[source]

Wrapper for the VSManager class to provide backwards compatibility with the old CCIManager class.


Cancel an instance immediately, deleting all its data.

Parameters:instance_id (integer) – the instance ID to cancel
# Cancel for instance ID 12345.
# env variables
import SoftLayer
client = SoftLayer.Client()

mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(client)
capture(instance_id, name, additional_disks=False, notes=None)

Capture one or all disks from a VS to a SoftLayer image.

Parameters set to None will be ignored and not attempted to be updated.

  • instance_id (integer) – the instance ID to edit
  • name (string) – name assigned to the image
  • additional_disks (string) – set to true to include all additional attached storage devices
  • notes (string) – notes about this particular image
change_port_speed(instance_id, public, speed)

Allows you to change the port speed of a virtual server’s NICs.

  • instance_id (int) – The ID of the VS
  • public (bool) – Flag to indicate which interface to change. True (default) means the public interface. False indicates the private interface.
  • speed (int) – The port speed to set.

Creates a new virtual server instance

  • cpus (int) – The number of virtual CPUs to include in the instance.
  • memory (int) – The amount of RAM to order.
  • hourly (bool) – Flag to indicate if this server should be billed hourly (default) or monthly.
  • hostname (string) – The hostname to use for the new server.
  • domain (string) – The domain to use for the new server.
  • local_disk (bool) – Flag to indicate if this should be a local disk (default) or a SAN disk.
  • datacenter (string) – The short name of the data center in which the VS should reside.
  • os_code (string) – The operating system to use. Cannot be specified if image_id is specified.
  • image_id (int) – The ID of the image to load onto the server. Cannot be specified if os_code is specified.
  • dedicated (bool) – Flag to indicate if this should be housed on a dedicated or shared host (default). This will incur a fee on your account.
  • public_vlan (int) – The ID of the public VLAN on which you want this VS placed.
  • private_vlan (int) – The ID of the public VLAN on which you want this VS placed.
  • disks (list) – A list of disk capacities for this server.
  • post_uri (string) – The URI of the post-install script to run after reload
  • private (bool) – If true, the VS will be provisioned only with access to the private network. Defaults to false
  • ssh_keys (list) – The SSH keys to add to the root user
  • nic_speed (int) – The port speed to set
  • tag (string) – tags to set on the VS as a comma separated list

Creates multiple virtual server instances

This takes a list of dictionaries using the same arguments as create_instance().

edit(instance_id, userdata=None, hostname=None, domain=None, notes=None, tag=None)

Edit hostname, domain name, notes, and/or the user data of a VS

Parameters set to None will be ignored and not attempted to be updated.

  • instance_id (integer) – the instance ID to edit
  • userdata (string) – user data on VS to edit. If none exist it will be created
  • hostname (string) – valid hostname
  • domain (string) – valid domain namem
  • notes (string) – notes about this particular VS
  • tag (string) – tags to set on the VS as a comma separated list. Use the empty string to remove all tags.

Retrieves the available options for creating a VS.

Returns:A dictionary of creation options.
get_instance(instance_id, **kwargs)

Get details about a virtual server instance

Parameters:instance_id (integer) – the instance ID
Returns:A dictionary containing a large amount of information about the specified instance.
# Print out the FQDN and IP address for instance ID 12345.
# env variables
import SoftLayer
client = SoftLayer.Client()

mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(client)
vsi = mgr.get_instance(12345)
print vsi['fullyQualifiedDomainName'], vs['primaryIpAddress']
list_instances(hourly=True, monthly=True, tags=None, cpus=None, memory=None, hostname=None, domain=None, local_disk=None, datacenter=None, nic_speed=None, public_ip=None, private_ip=None, **kwargs)

Retrieve a list of all virtual servers on the account.

  • hourly (boolean) – include hourly instances
  • monthly (boolean) – include monthly instances
  • tags (list) – filter based on tags
  • cpus (integer) – filter based on number of CPUS
  • memory (integer) – filter based on amount of memory
  • hostname (string) – filter based on hostname
  • domain (string) – filter based on domain
  • local_disk (string) – filter based on local_disk
  • datacenter (string) – filter based on datacenter
  • nic_speed (integer) – filter based on network speed (in MBPS)
  • public_ip (string) – filter based on public ip address
  • private_ip (string) – filter based on private ip address
  • **kwargs (dict) – response-level options (mask, limit, etc.)

Returns a list of dictionaries representing the matching virtual servers

# Print out a list of all hourly instances in the DAL05 data center.
# env variables
import SoftLayer
client = SoftLayer.Client()

mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(client)
for vsi in mgr.list_instances(hourly=True, datacenter='dal05'):
    print vsi['fullyQualifiedDomainName'], vs['primaryIpAddress']
reload_instance(instance_id, post_uri=None, ssh_keys=None)

Perform an OS reload of an instance with its current configuration.

  • instance_id (integer) – the instance ID to reload
  • post_url (string) – The URI of the post-install script to run after reload
  • ssh_keys (list) – The SSH keys to add to the root user
# Reload instance ID 12345 then run a custom post-provision script.
# env variables
import SoftLayer
client = SoftLayer.Client()

post_uri = 'https://somehost.com/bootstrap.sh'
mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(client)
vsi = mgr.reload_instance(12345, post_uri=post_url)

Reboot a VSI into the Xen recsue kernel

Parameters:instance_id (integer) – the instance ID to rescue

Takes a string and tries to resolve to a list of matching ids.

What exactly ‘identifier’ can be depends on the resolvers

Parameters:identifier (string) – identifying string
Returns list:
upgrade(instance_id, cpus=None, memory=None, nic_speed=None, public=True)

Upgrades a VS instance

  • instance_id (int) – Instance id of the VS to be upgraded
  • cpus (int) – The number of virtual CPUs to upgrade to of a VS instance.
  • public (bool) – CPU will be in Private/Public Node.
  • memory (int) – RAM of the VS to be upgraded to.
  • nic_speed (int) – The port speed to set
# Upgrade instance 12345 to 4 CPUs and 4 GB of memory
import SoftLayer
client = SoftLayer.Client(config="~/.softlayer")

mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(client)
mgr.upgrade(12345, cpus=4, memory=4)

Verifies an instance creation command without actually placing an order. See create_instance() for a list of available options.

wait_for_ready(instance_id, limit, delay=1, pending=False)

Determine if a VS is ready and available. In some cases though, that can mean that no transactions are running. The default arguments imply a VS is operational and ready for use by having network connectivity and remote access is available. Setting pending=True will ensure future API calls against this instance will not error due to pending transactions such as OS Reloads and cancellations.

  • instance_id (int) – The instance ID with the pending transaction
  • limit (int) – The maximum amount of time to wait.
  • delay (int) – The number of seconds to sleep before checks. Defaults to 1.
  • pending (bool) – Wait for pending transactions not related to provisioning or reloads such as monitoring.
wait_for_transaction(instance_id, limit, delay=1)

Waits on a VS transaction for the specified amount of time. is really just a wrapper for wait_for_ready(pending=True). Provided for backwards compatibility.

  • instance_id (int) – The instance ID with the pending transaction
  • limit (int) – The maximum amount of time to wait.
  • delay (int) – The number of seconds to sleep before checks. Defaults to 1.