Source code for SoftLayer.managers.tags

    Tag Manager

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
import re

from SoftLayer.exceptions import SoftLayerAPIError

[docs] class TagManager(object): """Manager for Tag functions."""
[docs] def __init__(self, client): self.client = client
[docs] def list_tags(self, mask=None): """Returns a list of all tags for the Current User :param str mask: Object mask to use if you do not want the default. """ if mask is None: mask = "mask[id,name,referenceCount]" unattached = self.get_unattached_tags(mask) attached = self.get_attached_tags(mask) return {'attached': attached, 'unattached': unattached}
[docs] def get_unattached_tags(self, mask=None): """Calls SoftLayer_Tag::getUnattachedTagsForCurrentUser() :params string mask: Mask to use. """ return'SoftLayer_Tag', 'getUnattachedTagsForCurrentUser', mask=mask, iter=True)
[docs] def get_attached_tags(self, mask=None): """Calls SoftLayer_Tag::getAttachedTagsForCurrentUser() :params string mask: Mask to use. """ return'SoftLayer_Tag', 'getAttachedTagsForCurrentUser', mask=mask, iter=True)
[docs] def get_tag_references(self, tag_id, mask=None): """Calls SoftLayer_Tag::getReferences(id=tag_id) :params int tag_id: Tag id to get references from :params string mask: Mask to use. """ if mask is None: mask = "mask[tagType]" return'SoftLayer_Tag', 'getReferences', id=tag_id, mask=mask, iter=True)
[docs] def get_tag(self, tag_id, mask=None): """Calls SoftLayer_Tag::getObject(id=tag_id) :params int tag_id: Tag id to get object from :params string mask: Mask to use. """ if mask is None: mask = "mask[id,name]" result ='SoftLayer_Tag', 'getObject', id=tag_id, mask=mask) return result
[docs] def get_tag_by_name(self, tag_name, mask=None): """Calls SoftLayer_Tag::getTagByTagName(tag_name) :params string tag_name: Tag name to get object from :params string mask: Mask to use. """ if mask is None: mask = "mask[id,name]" result ='SoftLayer_Tag', 'getTagByTagName', tag_name, mask=mask) return result
[docs] def reference_lookup(self, resource_table_id, tag_type): """Returns the SoftLayer Service for the corresponding type :param int resource_table_id: Tag_Reference::resourceTableId :param string tag_type: Tag_Reference->tagType->keyName From SoftLayer_Tag::getAllTagTypes() :: |Type |Service | | ----------------------------- | ------ | |Hardware |HARDWARE| |CCI |GUEST| |Account Document |ACCOUNT_DOCUMENT| |Ticket |TICKET| |Vlan Firewall |NETWORK_VLAN_FIREWALL| |Contract |CONTRACT| |Image Template |IMAGE_TEMPLATE| |Application Delivery Controller |APPLICATION_DELIVERY_CONTROLLER| |Vlan |NETWORK_VLAN| |Dedicated Host |DEDICATED_HOST| """ service = self.type_to_service(tag_type) if service is None: raise SoftLayerAPIError(404, f"Unable to lookup {tag_type} types") return, 'getObject', id=resource_table_id)
[docs] def delete_tag(self, name): """Calls SoftLayer_Tag::deleteTag :param string name: tag name to delete """ return'SoftLayer_Tag', 'deleteTag', name)
[docs] def set_tags(self, tags, key_name, resource_id): """Calls SoftLayer_Tag::setTags() :param string tags: List of tags. :param string key_name: Key name of a tag type. :param int resource_id: ID of the object being tagged. """ return'SoftLayer_Tag', 'setTags', tags, key_name, resource_id)
[docs] def get_all_tag_types(self): """Calls SoftLayer_Tag::getAllTagTypes()""" types ='SoftLayer_Tag', 'getAllTagTypes') useable_types = [] for tag_type in types: service = self.type_to_service(tag_type['keyName']) # Mostly just to remove the types that are not user taggable. if service is not None: temp_type = tag_type temp_type['service'] = service useable_types.append(temp_type) return useable_types
[docs] def taggable_by_type(self, tag_type): """Returns a list of resources that can be tagged, that are of the given type :param string tag_type: Key name of a tag type. See SoftLayer_Tag::getAllTagTypes """ service = self.type_to_service(tag_type) search_term = f"_objectType:SoftLayer_{service}" if tag_type == 'TICKET': search_term = f"{search_term} open" elif tag_type == 'IMAGE_TEMPLATE': mask = "mask[id,accountId,name,globalIdentifier,parentId,publicFlag,flexImageFlag,imageType]" resources ='SoftLayer_Account', 'getPrivateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups', mask=mask, iter=True) to_return = [] # Fake search result output for resource in resources: to_return.append({'resourceType': service, 'resource': resource}) return to_return elif tag_type == 'NETWORK_SUBNET': resources ='SoftLayer_Account', 'getSubnets', iter=True) to_return = [] # Fake search result output for resource in resources: to_return.append({'resourceType': service, 'resource': resource}) return to_return resources ='SoftLayer_Search', 'advancedSearch', search_term, iter=True) return resources
[docs] @staticmethod def type_to_service(tag_type): """Returns the SoftLayer service for the given tag_type""" service = None if tag_type in ['ACCOUNT_DOCUMENT', 'CONTRACT']: return None if tag_type == 'APPLICATION_DELIVERY_CONTROLLER': service = 'Network_Application_Delivery_Controller' elif tag_type == 'GUEST': service = 'Virtual_Guest' elif tag_type == 'DEDICATED_HOST': service = 'Virtual_DedicatedHost' elif tag_type == 'IMAGE_TEMPLATE': service = 'Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group' else: tag_type = tag_type.lower() # Sets the First letter, and any letter preceeded by a '_' to uppercase # HARDWARE -> Hardware, NETWORK_VLAN -> Network_Vlan for example. service = re.sub(r'(^[a-z]|\_[a-z])', lambda x:, tag_type) return service
[docs] @staticmethod def get_resource_name(resource, tag_type): """Returns a string that names a resource :param dict resource: A SoftLayer datatype for the given tag_type :param string tag_type: Key name for the tag_type """ if tag_type == 'NETWORK_VLAN_FIREWALL': return resource.get('primaryIpAddress') elif tag_type == 'NETWORK_VLAN': return f"{resource.get('vlanNumber')} ({resource.get('name')})" elif tag_type == 'IMAGE_TEMPLATE' or tag_type == 'APPLICATION_DELIVERY_CONTROLLER': return resource.get('name') elif tag_type == 'TICKET': return resource.get('subjet') elif tag_type == 'NETWORK_SUBNET': return resource.get('networkIdentifier') else: return resource.get('fullyQualifiedDomainName')
# @staticmethod # def type_to_datatype(tag_type): # """Returns the SoftLayer datatye for the given tag_type""" # datatye = None # if tag_type in ['ACCOUNT_DOCUMENT', 'CONTRACT']: # return None # if tag_type == 'APPLICATION_DELIVERY_CONTROLLER': # datatye = 'adcLoadBalancers' # elif tag_type == 'GUEST': # datatye = 'virtualGuests' # elif tag_type == 'DEDICATED_HOST': # datatye = 'dedicatedHosts' # elif tag_type == 'HARDWARE': # datatye = 'hardware' # elif tag_type == 'TICKET': # datatye = 'openTickets' # elif tag_type == 'NETWORK_SUBNET': # datatye = 'subnets' # elif tag_type == 'NETWORK_VLAN': # datatye = 'networkVlans' # elif tag_type == 'NETWORK_VLAN_FIREWALL': # datatye = 'networkVlans' # elif tag_type == 'IMAGE_TEMPLATE': # datatye = 'blockDeviceTemplateGroups' # return datatye