Source code for SoftLayer.managers.user

    User Manager/helpers

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
import datetime
import logging
from operator import itemgetter

from SoftLayer import exceptions
from SoftLayer import utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class UserManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """Manages Users. See: Example:: # Initialize the Manager. import SoftLayer client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() mgr = SoftLayer.UserManager(client) :param SoftLayer.API.BaseClient client: the client instance """
[docs] def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.user_service = self.client['SoftLayer_User_Customer'] self.override_service = self.client['Network_Service_Vpn_Overrides'] self.account_service = self.client['SoftLayer_Account'] self.subscription_service = self.client['SoftLayer_Email_Subscription'] self.resolvers = [self._get_id_from_username] self.all_permissions = None
[docs] def list_users(self, objectmask=None, objectfilter=None): """Lists all users on an account :param string objectmask: Used to overwrite the default objectmask. :param dictionary objectfilter: If you want to use an objectfilter. :returns: A list of dictionaries that describe each user Example:: result = mgr.list_users() """ if objectmask is None: objectmask = """mask[id, username, displayName, userStatus[name], hardwareCount, virtualGuestCount, email, roles, externalBindingCount,apiAuthenticationKeyCount]""" return self.account_service.getUsers(mask=objectmask, filter=objectfilter)
[docs] def get_user(self, user_id, objectmask=None): """Calls SoftLayer_User_Customer::getObject :param int user_id: Id of the user :param string objectmask: default is 'mask[userStatus[name], parent[id, username]]' :returns: A user object. """ if objectmask is None: objectmask = "mask[userStatus[name], parent[id, username]]" return self.user_service.getObject(id=user_id, mask=objectmask)
[docs] def get_current_user(self, objectmask=None): """Calls SoftLayer_Account::getCurrentUser""" if objectmask is None: objectmask = "mask[userStatus[name], parent[id, username]]" return self.account_service.getCurrentUser(mask=objectmask)
[docs] def get_all_permissions(self): """Calls SoftLayer_User_CustomerPermissions_Permission::getAllObjects Stores the result in self.all_permissions :returns: A list of dictionaries that contains all valid permissions """ if self.all_permissions is None: permissions ='User_Permission_Action', 'getAllObjects') self.all_permissions = sorted(permissions, key=itemgetter('keyName')) return self.all_permissions
[docs] def get_all_notifications(self): """Calls SoftLayer_Email_Subscription::getAllObjects Stores the result in self.all_permissions :returns: A list of dictionaries that contains all valid permissions """ return self.subscription_service.getAllObjects(mask='mask[enabled]')
[docs] def enable_notifications(self, notifications_names): """Enables a list of notifications for the current a user profile. :param list notifications_names: List of notifications names to enable :returns: True on success Example:: enable_notifications(['Order Approved','Reload Complete']) """ result = False notifications = self.gather_notifications(notifications_names) for notification in notifications: notification_id = notification.get('id') result = self.subscription_service.enable(id=notification_id) if not result: return False return result
[docs] def disable_notifications(self, notifications_names): """Disable a list of notifications for the current a user profile. :param list notifications_names: List of notifications names to disable :returns: True on success Example:: disable_notifications(['Order Approved','Reload Complete']) """ result = False notifications = self.gather_notifications(notifications_names) for notification in notifications: notification_id = notification.get('id') result = self.subscription_service.disable(id=notification_id) if not result: return False return result
[docs] def add_permissions(self, user_id, permissions): """Enables a list of permissions for a user :param int id: user id to set :param list permissions: List of permissions keynames to enable :returns: True on success, Exception otherwise Example:: add_permissions(123, ['BANDWIDTH_MANAGE']) """ pretty_permissions = self.format_permission_object(permissions) LOGGER.warning("Adding the following permissions to %s: %s", user_id, pretty_permissions) return self.user_service.addBulkPortalPermission(pretty_permissions, id=user_id)
[docs] def remove_permissions(self, user_id, permissions): """Disables a list of permissions for a user :param int id: user id to set :param list permissions: List of permissions keynames to disable :returns: True on success, Exception otherwise Example:: remove_permissions(123, ['BANDWIDTH_MANAGE']) """ pretty_permissions = self.format_permission_object(permissions) LOGGER.warning("Removing the following permissions to %s: %s", user_id, pretty_permissions) return self.user_service.removeBulkPortalPermission(pretty_permissions, id=user_id)
[docs] def permissions_from_user(self, user_id, from_user_id): """Sets user_id's permission to be the same as from_user_id's Any permissions from_user_id has will be added to user_id. Any permissions from_user_id doesn't have will be removed from user_id. :param int user_id: The user to change permissions. :param int from_user_id: The use to base permissions from. :returns: True on success, Exception otherwise. """ from_permissions = self.get_user_permissions(from_user_id) self.add_permissions(user_id, from_permissions) all_permissions = self.get_all_permissions() remove_permissions = [] for permission in all_permissions: # If permission does not exist for from_user_id add it to the list to be removed if _keyname_search(from_permissions, permission['keyName']): continue remove_permissions.append({'keyName': permission['keyName']}) self.remove_permissions(user_id, remove_permissions) return True
[docs] def get_user_permissions(self, user_id): """Returns a sorted list of a users permissions""" permissions = self.user_service.getPermissions(id=user_id) return sorted(permissions, key=itemgetter('keyName'))
[docs] def get_logins(self, user_id, start_date=None): """Gets the login history for a user, default start_date is 30 days ago :param int id: User id to get :param string start_date: "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%s" formatted string. :returns: list Example:: get_logins(123, '04/08/2018 0:0:0') """ if start_date is None: date_object = - datetime.timedelta(days=30) start_date = date_object.strftime("%m/%d/%Y 0:0:0") date_filter = { 'loginAttempts': { 'createDate': { 'operation': 'greaterThanDate', 'options': [{'name': 'date', 'value': [start_date]}] } } } login_log = self.user_service.getLoginAttempts(id=user_id, filter=date_filter) return login_log
[docs] def get_events(self, user_id, start_date=None): """Gets the event log for a specific user, default start_date is 30 days ago :param int id: User id to view :param string start_date: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%s.0000-06:00" is the full formatted string. The Timezone part has to be HH:MM, notice the : there. :returns: """ if start_date is None: date_object = - datetime.timedelta(days=30) start_date = date_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00") object_filter = { 'userId': { 'operation': user_id }, 'eventCreateDate': { 'operation': 'greaterThanDate', 'options': [{'name': 'date', 'value': [start_date]}] } } events ='Event_Log', 'getAllObjects', filter=object_filter) if events is None: events = [{'eventName': 'No Events Found'}] return events
def _get_id_from_username(self, username): """Looks up a username's id :param string username: Username to lookup :returns: The id that matches username. """ _mask = "mask[id, username]" _filter = {'users': {'username': utils.query_filter(username)}} user = self.list_users(_mask, _filter) if len(user) == 1: return [user[0]['id']] elif len(user) > 1: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("Multiple users found with the name: %s" % username) else: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("Unable to find user id for %s" % username)
[docs] def format_permission_object(self, permissions): """Formats a list of permission key names into something the SLAPI will respect. :param list permissions: A list of SLAPI permissions keyNames. keyName of ALL will return all permissions. :returns: list of dictionaries that can be sent to the api to add or remove permissions :throws SoftLayerError: If any permission is invalid this exception will be thrown. """ pretty_permissions = [] available_permissions = self.get_all_permissions() # pp(available_permissions) for permission in permissions: # Handle data retrieved directly from the API if isinstance(permission, dict): permission = permission['keyName'] permission = permission.upper() if permission == 'ALL': return available_permissions # Search through available_permissions to make sure what the user entered was valid if _keyname_search(available_permissions, permission): pretty_permissions.append({'keyName': permission}) else: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("'%s' is not a valid permission" % permission) return pretty_permissions
[docs] def gather_notifications(self, notifications_names): """Gets a list of notifications. :param list notifications_names: A list of notifications names. :returns: list of notifications. """ notifications = [] available_notifications = self.get_all_notifications() for notification in notifications_names: result = next((item for item in available_notifications if item.get('name') == notification), None) if result: notifications.append(result) else: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError(f"{notification} is not a valid notification name") return notifications
[docs] def create_user(self, user_object, password): """Blindly sends user_object to SoftLayer_User_Customer::createObject :param dictionary user_object: """ LOGGER.warning("Creating User %s", user_object['username']) try: return self.user_service.createObject(user_object, password, None) except exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError as ex: if ex.faultCode == "SoftLayer_Exception_User_Customer_DelegateIamIdInvitationToPaas": raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("Your request for a new user was received, but it needs to be " "processed by the Platform Services API first. Barring any errors on " "the Platform Services side, your new user should be created shortly.") raise
[docs] def edit_user(self, user_id, user_object): """Blindly sends user_object to SoftLayer_User_Customer::editObject :param int user_id: User to edit :param dictionary user_object: """ return self.user_service.editObject(user_object, id=user_id)
[docs] def add_api_authentication_key(self, user_id): """Calls SoftLayer_User_Customer::addApiAuthenticationKey :param int user_id: User to add API key to """ return self.user_service.addApiAuthenticationKey(id=user_id)
[docs] def get_api_authentication_keys(self, user_id): """Calls SoftLayer_User_Customer::getApiAuthenticationKeys :param int user_id: User to add API key to """ return self.user_service.getApiAuthenticationKeys(id=user_id)
[docs] def remove_api_authentication_key(self, user_id): """Calls SoftLayer_User_Customer::getApiAuthenticationKeys and SoftLayer_User_Customer::removeApiAuthenticationKey :param int user_id: User to remove API key """ api_authentication_keys = self.get_api_authentication_keys(user_id) if len(api_authentication_keys) == 0: return True return self.user_service.removeApiAuthenticationKey(api_authentication_keys[0]['id'])
[docs] def vpn_manual(self, user_id, value): """Enable or disable the manual config of subnets. :param int user_id: User to edit. :param bool value: Value for vpnManualConfig flag. """ user_object = {'vpnManualConfig': value} return self.edit_user(user_id, user_object)
[docs] def vpn_enable_or_disable(self, user_id, value): """Enable or Disable vpn for a user. :param int user_id: User to edit. :param bool value: Value for vpn enable flag. :param bool value: Value for vpn disable flag. """ user_object = {'sslVpnAllowedFlag': value} return self.edit_user(user_id, user_object)
[docs] def vpn_subnet_add(self, user_id, subnet_ids): """Add subnets for a user. :param int user_id: User to edit. :param list subnet_ids: list of subnet Ids. """ overrides = [{"userId": user_id, "subnetId": subnet_id} for subnet_id in subnet_ids] return_value = self.override_service.createObjects(overrides) update_success = self.user_service.updateVpnUser(id=user_id) if not update_success: raise exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError("Overrides created, but unable to update VPN user") return return_value
[docs] def vpn_subnet_remove(self, user_id, subnet_ids): """Remove subnets for a user. :param int user_id: User to edit. :param list subnet_ids: list of subnet Ids. """ overrides = self.get_overrides_list(user_id, subnet_ids) return_value = self.override_service.deleteObjects(overrides) update_success = self.user_service.updateVpnUser(id=user_id) if not update_success: raise exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError("Overrides deleted, but unable to update VPN user") return return_value
[docs] def get_overrides_list(self, user_id, subnet_ids): """Converts a list of subnets to a list of overrides. :param int user_id: The ID of the user. :param list subnet_ids: A list of subnets. :returns: A list of overrides associated with the given subnets. """ overrides_list = [] matching_overrides = {} output_error = "Subnet {} does not exist in the subnets assigned for user {}" _mask = 'mask[id,subnetId]' overrides = self.user_service.getOverrides(id=user_id, mask=_mask) for subnet in subnet_ids: for override in overrides: if int(subnet) == override.get('subnetId'): matching_overrides = override break if matching_overrides.get('subnetId') is None: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError(output_error.format(subnet, user_id)) overrides_list.append(matching_overrides) return overrides_list
[docs] def grant_hardware_access(self, user_id, hardware_id): """Grants the user access to a single hardware device. :param int user_id: User Id :param int hardware_id: Hardware Id :returns: true """ return self.user_service.addHardwareAccess(hardware_id, id=user_id)
[docs] def grant_virtual_access(self, user_id, virtual_id): """Grants the user access to a single VS device. :param int user_id: User Id :param int virtual_id: Hardware Id :returns: true """ return self.user_service.addVirtualGuestAccess(virtual_id, id=user_id)
[docs] def grant_dedicated_access(self, user_id, dedicated_id): """Grants the user access to a single dedicated host device. :param int user_id: User Id :param int dedicated_id: Dedicatd Host Id :returns: true """ return self.user_service.addDedicatedHostAccess(dedicated_id, id=user_id)
[docs] def remove_hardware_access(self, user_id, hardware_id): """Remove hardware from a portal user’s hardware access list. :param int user_id: User Id :param int hardware_id: Hardware Id :returns: true """ return self.user_service.removeHardwareAccess(hardware_id, id=user_id)
[docs] def remove_virtual_access(self, user_id, virtual_id): """Remove hardware from a portal user’s virtual guests access list. :param int user_id: User Id :param int hardware_id: Hardware Id :returns: true """ return self.user_service.removeVirtualGuestAccess(virtual_id, id=user_id)
[docs] def remove_dedicated_access(self, user_id, dedicated_id): """Remove hardware from a portal user’s dedicated host access list. :param int user_id: User Id :param int dedicated_id: Dedicated Host Id :returns: true """ return self.user_service.removeDedicatedHostAccess(dedicated_id, id=user_id)
[docs] def get_user_hardware(self, user_id): """User Hardware list. :param int user_id: User Id :return: List hardware relate to user """ return self.user_service.getHardware(id=user_id)
[docs] def get_user_dedicated_host(self, user_id): """User dedicate host list. :param int user_id: User Id :return: List dedicated host relate to user """ return self.user_service.getDedicatedHosts(id=user_id)
[docs] def get_user_virtuals(self, user_id): """User virtual guest list. :param int user_id: User Id :return: List virtual guest relate to user """ return self.user_service.getVirtualGuests(id=user_id)
[docs] def update_vpn_password(self, user_id, password): """Update a user's VPN password. :param int user_id: User Id :param string password: Password :returns: true """ return self.user_service.updateVpnPassword(password, id=user_id)
def _keyname_search(haystack, needle): for item in haystack: if item.get('keyName') == needle: return True return False