Source code for SoftLayer.managers.vs

    VS Manager/helpers

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
import datetime
import logging
import socket
import time
import warnings

from SoftLayer.decoration import retry
from SoftLayer import exceptions
from SoftLayer.exceptions import SoftLayerError
from SoftLayer.managers.hardware import _get_preset_cost
from SoftLayer.managers.hardware import get_item_price
from SoftLayer.managers import ordering
from SoftLayer import utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

EXTRA_CATEGORIES = ['pri_ipv6_addresses',

# pylint: disable=,too-many-lines

[docs] class VSManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """Manages SoftLayer Virtual Servers. See product information here: Example:: # Initialize the VSManager. # env variables. These can also be specified in ~/.softlayer, # or passed directly to SoftLayer.Client() # SL_USERNAME = YOUR_USERNAME # SL_API_KEY = YOUR_API_KEY import SoftLayer client = SoftLayer.Client() mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(client) :param SoftLayer.API.BaseClient client: the client instance :param SoftLayer.managers.OrderingManager ordering_manager: an optional manager to handle ordering. If none is provided, one will be auto initialized. """
[docs] def __init__(self, client, ordering_manager=None): self.client = client self.account = client['Account'] self.guest = client['Virtual_Guest'] self.package_svc = client['Product_Package'] self.storage_iscsi = client['SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi'] self.resolvers = [self._get_ids_from_ip, self._get_ids_from_hostname] if ordering_manager is None: self.ordering_manager = ordering.OrderingManager(client) else: self.ordering_manager = ordering_manager
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def list_instances(self, hourly=True, monthly=True, tags=None, cpus=None, memory=None, hostname=None, domain=None, local_disk=None, datacenter=None, nic_speed=None, public_ip=None, private_ip=None, transient=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve a list of all virtual servers on the account. Example:: # Print out a list of hourly instances in the DAL05 data center. for vsi in mgr.list_instances(hourly=True, datacenter='dal05'): print vsi['fullyQualifiedDomainName'], vsi['primaryIpAddress'] # Using a custom object-mask. Will get ONLY what is specified object_mask = "mask[hostname,monitoringRobot[robotStatus]]" for vsi in mgr.list_instances(mask=object_mask,hourly=True): print vsi :param boolean hourly: include hourly instances :param boolean monthly: include monthly instances :param list tags: filter based on list of tags :param integer cpus: filter based on number of CPUS :param integer memory: filter based on amount of memory :param string hostname: filter based on hostname :param string domain: filter based on domain :param string local_disk: filter based on local_disk :param string datacenter: filter based on datacenter :param integer nic_speed: filter based on network speed (in MBPS) :param string public_ip: filter based on public ip address :param string private_ip: filter based on private ip address :param boolean transient: filter on transient or non-transient instances :param dict \\*\\*kwargs: response-level options (mask, limit, etc.) :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries representing the matching virtual servers """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: items = [ 'id', 'globalIdentifier', 'hostname', 'domain', 'fullyQualifiedDomainName', 'primaryBackendIpAddress', 'primaryIpAddress', '', 'powerState', 'maxCpu', 'maxMemory', 'datacenter', 'activeTransaction.transactionStatus[friendlyName,name]', 'status', ] kwargs['mask'] = "mask[%s]" % ','.join(items) call = 'getVirtualGuests' if not all([hourly, monthly]): if hourly: call = 'getHourlyVirtualGuests' elif monthly: call = 'getMonthlyVirtualGuests' _filter = utils.NestedDict(kwargs.get('filter') or {}) _filter['virtualGuests']['id'] = utils.query_filter_orderby() if tags: _filter['virtualGuests']['tagReferences']['tag']['name'] = { 'operation': 'in', 'options': [{'name': 'data', 'value': list(tags)}], } if cpus: _filter['virtualGuests']['maxCpu'] = utils.query_filter(cpus) if memory: _filter['virtualGuests']['maxMemory'] = utils.query_filter(memory) if hostname: _filter['virtualGuests']['hostname'] = utils.query_filter(hostname) if domain: _filter['virtualGuests']['domain'] = utils.query_filter(domain) if local_disk is not None: _filter['virtualGuests']['localDiskFlag'] = ( utils.query_filter(bool(local_disk))) if datacenter: _filter['virtualGuests']['datacenter']['name'] = ( utils.query_filter(datacenter)) if nic_speed: _filter['virtualGuests']['networkComponents']['maxSpeed'] = ( utils.query_filter(nic_speed)) if public_ip: _filter['virtualGuests']['primaryIpAddress'] = ( utils.query_filter(public_ip)) if private_ip: _filter['virtualGuests']['primaryBackendIpAddress'] = ( utils.query_filter(private_ip)) if transient is not None: _filter['virtualGuests']['transientGuestFlag'] = ( utils.query_filter(bool(transient)) ) kwargs['filter'] = _filter.to_dict() kwargs['iter'] = True return'Account', call, **kwargs)
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def get_instance(self, instance_id, **kwargs): """Get details about a virtual server instance. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID :returns: A dictionary containing a large amount of information about the specified instance. Example:: # Print out instance ID 12345. vsi = mgr.get_instance(12345) print vsi # Print out only FQDN and primaryIP for instance 12345 object_mask = "mask[fullyQualifiedDomainName,primaryIpAddress]" vsi = mgr.get_instance(12345, mask=mask) print vsi """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: kwargs['mask'] = ( 'id,' 'globalIdentifier,' 'fullyQualifiedDomainName,' 'hostname,' 'domain,' 'createDate,' 'modifyDate,' 'provisionDate,' 'notes,' 'dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag,' 'transientGuestFlag,' 'privateNetworkOnlyFlag,' 'primaryBackendIpAddress,' 'primaryIpAddress,' '''networkComponents[id, status, speed, maxSpeed, name, macAddress, primaryIpAddress, port, primarySubnet[addressSpace], securityGroupBindings[ securityGroup[id, name]]],''' ',' 'powerState,' 'status,' 'maxCpu,' 'maxMemory,' 'datacenter,' 'activeTransaction[id, transactionStatus[friendlyName,name]],' 'lastTransaction[transactionStatus,modifyDate,transactionGroup[name]],' ',' 'blockDevices,' 'blockDeviceTemplateGroup[id, name, globalIdentifier],' 'postInstallScriptUri,' '''operatingSystem[passwords[username,password], softwareLicense.softwareDescription[ manufacturer,name,version, referenceCode]],''' '''softwareComponents[ passwords[username,password,notes], softwareLicense[softwareDescription[ manufacturer,name,version, referenceCode]]],''' 'hourlyBillingFlag,' 'userData,' '''billingItem[id,nextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount, package[id,keyName], children[description,categoryCode,nextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount], nextInvoiceChildren[description, categoryCode, recurringFee, nextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount], orderItem[id, order.userRecord[username], preset.keyName]],''' 'tagReferences[id,tag[name,id]],' 'networkVlans[id,vlanNumber,networkSpace],' ',' 'monitoringServiceComponent,networkMonitors[queryType,lastResult,responseAction],' 'placementGroupId' ) return self.guest.getObject(id=instance_id, **kwargs)
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def get_create_options(self, vsi_type="PUBLIC_CLOUD_SERVER", datacenter=None): """Retrieves the available options for creating a VS. :param string vsi_type: vs keyName. :param string datacenter: short name, like dal09 :returns: A dictionary of creation options. Example:: # Prints out the create option dictionary options = mgr.get_create_options() print(options) """ # TRANSIENT_CLOUD_SERVER # SUSPEND_CLOUD_SERVER package = self._get_package(vsi_type) location_group_id = None if datacenter: _filter = {"name": {"operation": datacenter}} _mask = "mask[priceGroups]" dc_details ='SoftLayer_Location', 'getDatacenters', mask=_mask, filter=_filter, limit=1) if not dc_details: raise SoftLayerError(f"Unable to find a datacenter named {datacenter}") # A DC will have several price groups, no good way to deal with this other than checking each. # An item should only belong to one type of price group. for group in dc_details[0].get('priceGroups', []): # We only care about SOME of the priceGroups, which all SHOULD start with `Location Group X` # Hopefully this never changes.... if group.get('description').startswith('Location'): location_group_id = group.get('id') # Locations locations = [] for region in package['regions']: if datacenter is None or datacenter == region['location']['location']['name']: locations.append({ 'name': region['location']['location']['longName'], 'key': region['location']['location']['name'], }) operating_systems = [] database = [] port_speeds = [] guest_core = [] local_disk = [] extras = [] ram = [] sizes = [] for preset in package['activePresets'] + package['accountRestrictedActivePresets']: sizes.append({ 'name': preset['description'], 'key': preset['keyName'], 'hourlyRecurringFee': _get_preset_cost(preset, package['items'], 'hourly', location_group_id), 'recurringFee': _get_preset_cost(preset, package['items'], 'monthly', location_group_id) }) for item in package['items']: category = item['itemCategory']['categoryCode'] # Operating systems if category == 'os': operating_systems.append({ 'name': item['softwareDescription']['longDescription'], 'key': item['keyName'], 'referenceCode': item['softwareDescription']['referenceCode'], 'prices': get_item_price(item['prices'], location_group_id) }) # database elif category == 'database': database.append({ 'name': item['description'], 'key': item['keyName'], 'prices': get_item_price(item['prices'], location_group_id) }) elif category == 'port_speed': port_speeds.append({ 'name': item['description'], 'speed': item['capacity'], 'key': item['keyName'], 'prices': get_item_price(item['prices'], location_group_id) }) elif category == 'guest_core': guest_core.append({ 'name': item['description'], 'capacity': item['capacity'], 'key': item['keyName'], 'prices': get_item_price(item['prices'], location_group_id) }) elif category == 'ram': ram.append({ 'name': item['description'], 'capacity': item['capacity'], 'key': item['keyName'], 'prices': get_item_price(item['prices'], location_group_id) }) elif 'guest_disk' in category: local_disk.append({ 'name': item['description'], 'capacity': item['capacity'], 'key': item['keyName'], 'disk': category, 'prices': get_item_price(item['prices'], location_group_id) }) # Extras elif category in EXTRA_CATEGORIES: extras.append({ 'name': item['description'], 'key': item['keyName'], 'prices': get_item_price(item['prices'], location_group_id) }) return { 'locations': locations, 'ram': ram, 'database': database, 'operating_systems': operating_systems, 'guest_core': guest_core, 'port_speed': port_speeds, 'guest_disk': local_disk, 'sizes': sizes, 'extras': extras, }
@retry(logger=LOGGER) def _get_package(self, package_keyname): """Get the package related to simple vs ordering. :param string package_keyname: Virtual Server package keyName. """ items_mask = 'mask[id,keyName,capacity,description,attributes[id,attributeTypeKeyName],' \ 'itemCategory[id,categoryCode],softwareDescription[id,referenceCode,longDescription],' \ 'prices[categories]]' # The preset prices list will only have default prices. The prices->item->prices will have location specific presets_mask = 'mask[prices]' region_mask = 'location[location[priceGroups]]' package = {'items': [], 'activePresets': [], 'accountRestrictedActivePresets': [], 'regions': []} package_info = self.ordering_manager.get_package_by_key(package_keyname, mask="mask[id]") package['items'] ='SoftLayer_Product_Package', 'getItems', id=package_info.get('id'), mask=items_mask) package['activePresets'] ='SoftLayer_Product_Package', 'getActivePresets', id=package_info.get('id'), mask=presets_mask) package['accountRestrictedActivePresets'] ='SoftLayer_Product_Package', 'getAccountRestrictedActivePresets', id=package_info.get('id'), mask=presets_mask) package['regions'] ='SoftLayer_Product_Package', 'getRegions', id=package_info.get('id'), mask=region_mask) return package
[docs] def cancel_instance(self, instance_id): """Cancel an instance immediately, deleting all its data. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to cancel Example:: # Cancels instance 12345 mgr.cancel_instance(12345) """ return self.guest.deleteObject(id=instance_id)
[docs] def reload_instance(self, instance_id, post_uri=None, ssh_keys=None, image_id=None): """Perform an OS reload of an instance. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to reload :param string post_url: The URI of the post-install script to run after reload :param list ssh_keys: The SSH keys to add to the root user :param int image_id: The GUID of the image to load onto the server .. warning:: This will reformat the primary drive. Post-provision script MUST be HTTPS for it to be executed. Example:: # Reload instance ID 12345 then run a custom post-provision script. # Post-provision script MUST be HTTPS for it to be executed. post_uri = '' vsi = mgr.reload_instance(12345, post_uri=post_url) """ config = {} if post_uri: config['customProvisionScriptUri'] = post_uri if ssh_keys: config['sshKeyIds'] = list(ssh_keys) if image_id: config['imageTemplateId'] = image_id return'Virtual_Guest', 'reloadOperatingSystem', 'FORCE', config, id=instance_id)
def _generate_create_dict( self, cpus=None, memory=None, hourly=True, hostname=None, domain=None, local_disk=True, datacenter=None, os_code=None, image_id=None, dedicated=False, public_vlan=None, private_vlan=None, private_subnet=None, public_subnet=None, userdata=None, nic_speed=None, disks=None, post_uri=None, private=False, ssh_keys=None, public_security_groups=None, private_security_groups=None, boot_mode=None, transient=False, **kwargs): """Returns a dict appropriate to pass into Virtual_Guest::createObject See :func:`create_instance` for a list of available options. """ required = [hostname, domain] flavor = kwargs.get('flavor', None) host_id = kwargs.get('host_id', None) mutually_exclusive = [ {'os_code': os_code, 'image_id': image_id}, {'cpu': cpus, 'flavor': flavor}, {'memory': memory, 'flavor': flavor}, {'flavor': flavor, 'dedicated': dedicated}, {'flavor': flavor, 'host_id': host_id} ] if not all(required): raise ValueError("hostname, and domain are required") for mu_ex in mutually_exclusive: if all(mu_ex.values()): raise ValueError( 'Can only specify one of: %s' % (','.join(mu_ex.keys()))) data = { "startCpus": cpus, "maxMemory": memory, "hostname": hostname, "domain": domain, "localDiskFlag": local_disk, "hourlyBillingFlag": hourly, "supplementalCreateObjectOptions": { "bootMode": boot_mode } } if flavor: data["supplementalCreateObjectOptions"]["flavorKeyName"] = flavor if dedicated and not host_id: data["dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag"] = dedicated if host_id: data["dedicatedHost"] = {"id": host_id} if private: data['privateNetworkOnlyFlag'] = private if transient: data['transientGuestFlag'] = transient if image_id: data["blockDeviceTemplateGroup"] = {"globalIdentifier": image_id} elif os_code: data["operatingSystemReferenceCode"] = os_code if datacenter: data["datacenter"] = {"name": datacenter} network_components = self._create_network_components(public_vlan, private_vlan, private_subnet, public_subnet, kwargs.get('private_router'), kwargs.get('public_router')) data.update(network_components) if public_security_groups: secgroups = [{'securityGroup': {'id': int(sg)}} for sg in public_security_groups] pnc = data.get('primaryNetworkComponent', {}) pnc['securityGroupBindings'] = secgroups data.update({'primaryNetworkComponent': pnc}) if private_security_groups: secgroups = [{'securityGroup': {'id': int(sg)}} for sg in private_security_groups] pbnc = data.get('primaryBackendNetworkComponent', {}) pbnc['securityGroupBindings'] = secgroups data.update({'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': pbnc}) if userdata: data['userData'] = [{'value': userdata}] if nic_speed: data['networkComponents'] = [{'maxSpeed': nic_speed}] if disks: data['blockDevices'] = [ {"device": "0", "diskImage": {"capacity": disks[0]}} ] for dev_id, disk in enumerate(disks[1:], start=2): data['blockDevices'].append( { "device": str(dev_id), "diskImage": {"capacity": disk} } ) if post_uri: data['postInstallScriptUri'] = post_uri if ssh_keys: data['sshKeys'] = [{'id': key_id} for key_id in ssh_keys] return data def _create_network_components( self, public_vlan=None, private_vlan=None, private_subnet=None, public_subnet=None, private_router=None, public_router=None): parameters = {} if any([private_router, public_router]) and any([private_vlan, public_vlan, private_subnet, public_subnet]): raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("You have to select network vlan or network vlan with a subnet or " "only router, not all options") if private_router: parameters['primaryBackendNetworkComponent'] = {"router": {"id": int(private_router)}} if public_router: parameters['primaryNetworkComponent'] = {"router": {"id": int(public_router)}} if private_vlan: parameters['primaryBackendNetworkComponent'] = {"networkVlan": {"id": int(private_vlan)}} if public_vlan: parameters['primaryNetworkComponent'] = {"networkVlan": {"id": int(public_vlan)}} if public_subnet: if public_vlan is None: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("You need to specify a public_vlan with public_subnet") parameters['primaryNetworkComponent']['networkVlan']['primarySubnet'] = {'id': int(public_subnet)} if private_subnet: if private_vlan is None: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("You need to specify a private_vlan with private_subnet") parameters['primaryBackendNetworkComponent']['networkVlan']['primarySubnet'] = {'id': int(private_subnet)} return parameters
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def wait_for_transaction(self, instance_id, limit, delay=10): """Waits on a VS transaction for the specified amount of time. This is really just a wrapper for wait_for_ready(pending=True). Provided for backwards compatibility. :param int instance_id: The instance ID with the pending transaction :param int limit: The maximum amount of time to wait. :param int delay: The number of seconds to sleep before checks. Defaults to 10. """ return self.wait_for_ready(instance_id, limit, delay=delay, pending=True)
[docs] def wait_for_ready(self, instance_id, limit=3600, delay=10, pending=False): """Determine if a VS is ready and available. In some cases though, that can mean that no transactions are running. The default arguments imply a VS is operational and ready for use by having network connectivity and remote access is available. Setting ``pending=True`` will ensure future API calls against this instance will not error due to pending transactions such as OS Reloads and cancellations. :param int instance_id: The instance ID with the pending transaction :param int limit: The maximum amount of seconds to wait. :param int delay: The number of seconds to sleep before checks. Defaults to 10. :param bool pending: Wait for pending transactions not related to provisioning or reloads such as monitoring. Example:: # Will return once vsi 12345 is ready, or after 10 checks ready = mgr.wait_for_ready(12345, 10) """ now = time.time() until = now + limit mask = "mask[id, lastOperatingSystemReload[id], activeTransaction, provisionDate]" while now <= until: instance = self.get_instance(instance_id, mask=mask) if utils.is_ready(instance, pending): return True transaction = utils.lookup(instance, 'activeTransaction', 'transactionStatus', 'friendlyName') snooze = min(delay, until - now)"%s - %d not ready. Auto retry in %ds", transaction, instance_id, snooze) time.sleep(snooze) now = time.time()"Waiting for %d expired.", instance_id) return False
[docs] def verify_create_instance(self, **kwargs): """Verifies an instance creation command. Without actually placing an order. See :func:`create_instance` for a list of available options. Example:: new_vsi = { 'domain': u'', 'hostname': u'minion05', 'datacenter': u'hkg02', 'flavor': 'BL1_1X2X100' 'dedicated': False, 'private': False, 'transient': False, 'os_code' : u'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'hourly': True, 'ssh_keys': [1234], 'disks': ('100','25'), 'local_disk': True, 'tags': 'test, pleaseCancel', 'public_security_groups': [12, 15] } vsi = mgr.verify_create_instance(**new_vsi) # vsi will be a SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest # if your order is correct. Otherwise you will get an exception print vsi """ kwargs.pop('tags', None) create_options = self._generate_create_dict(**kwargs) template = self.guest.generateOrderTemplate(create_options) if kwargs.get('public_router') or kwargs.get('private_router'): if kwargs.get('private_vlan') or kwargs.get('public_vlan') or kwargs.get('private_subnet') \ or kwargs.get('public_subnet'): raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("You have to select network vlan or network vlan with a subnet or " "only router, not all options") vsi = template['virtualGuests'][0] network_components = self._create_network_components(kwargs.get('public_vlan', None), kwargs.get('private_vlan', None), kwargs.get('private_subnet', None), kwargs.get('public_subnet', None), kwargs.get('private_router', None), kwargs.get('public_router', None)) vsi.update(network_components) if kwargs.get('private_subnet') or kwargs.get('public_subnet'): vsi = template['virtualGuests'][0] network_components = self._create_network_components(kwargs.get('public_vlan', None), kwargs.get('private_vlan', None), kwargs.get('private_subnet', None), kwargs.get('public_subnet', None)) vsi.update(network_components) return template
[docs] def create_instance(self, **kwargs): """Creates a new virtual server instance. .. warning:: This will add charges to your account Example:: new_vsi = { 'domain': u'', 'hostname': u'minion05', 'datacenter': u'hkg02', 'flavor': 'BL1_1X2X100' 'dedicated': False, 'private': False, 'os_code' : u'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'hourly': True, 'ssh_keys': [1234], 'disks': ('100','25'), 'local_disk': True, 'tags': 'test, pleaseCancel', 'public_security_groups': [12, 15] } vsi = mgr.create_instance(**new_vsi) # vsi will have the newly created vsi details if done properly. print vsi :param int cpus: The number of virtual CPUs to include in the instance. :param int memory: The amount of RAM to order. :param bool hourly: Flag to indicate if this server should be billed hourly (default) or monthly. :param string hostname: The hostname to use for the new server. :param string domain: The domain to use for the new server. :param bool local_disk: Flag to indicate if this should be a local disk (default) or a SAN disk. :param string datacenter: The short name of the data center in which the VS should reside. :param string os_code: The operating system to use. Cannot be specified if image_id is specified. :param int image_id: The GUID of the image to load onto the server. Cannot be specified if os_code is specified. :param bool dedicated: Flag to indicate if this should be housed on adedicated or shared host (default). This will incur a fee on your account. :param int public_vlan: The ID of the public VLAN on which you want this VS placed. :param list public_security_groups: The list of security group IDs to apply to the public interface :param list private_security_groups: The list of security group IDs to apply to the private interface :param int private_vlan: The ID of the private VLAN on which you want this VS placed. :param list disks: A list of disk capacities for this server. :param string post_uri: The URI of the post-install script to run after reload :param bool private: If true, the VS will be provisioned only with access to the private network. Defaults to false :param list ssh_keys: The SSH keys to add to the root user :param int nic_speed: The port speed to set :param string tags: tags to set on the VS as a comma separated list :param string flavor: The key name of the public virtual server flavor being ordered. :param int host_id: The host id of a dedicated host to provision a dedicated host virtual server on. """ tags = kwargs.pop('tags', None) inst = self.guest.createObject(self._generate_create_dict(**kwargs)) if tags is not None: self.set_tags(tags, guest_id=inst['id']) return inst
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def set_tags(self, tags, guest_id): """Sets tags on a guest with a retry decorator Just calls guest.setTags, but if it fails from an APIError will retry """ self.guest.setTags(tags, id=guest_id)
[docs] def create_instances(self, config_list): """Creates multiple virtual server instances. This takes a list of dictionaries using the same arguments as create_instance(). .. warning:: This will add charges to your account Example:: # Define the instance we want to create. new_vsi = { 'domain': u'', 'hostname': u'minion05', 'datacenter': u'hkg02', 'flavor': 'BL1_1X2X100' 'dedicated': False, 'private': False, 'os_code' : u'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'hourly': True, 'ssh_keys': [1234], 'disks': ('100','25'), 'local_disk': True, 'tags': 'test, pleaseCancel', 'public_security_groups': [12, 15] } # using .copy() so we can make changes to individual nodes instances = [new_vsi.copy(), new_vsi.copy(), new_vsi.copy()] # give each its own hostname, not required. instances[0]['hostname'] = "multi-test01" instances[1]['hostname'] = "multi-test02" instances[2]['hostname'] = "multi-test03" vsi = mgr.create_instances(config_list=instances) #vsi will be a dictionary of all the new virtual servers print vsi """ tags = [conf.pop('tags', None) for conf in config_list] resp = self.guest.createObjects([self._generate_create_dict(**kwargs) for kwargs in config_list]) for instance, tag in zip(resp, tags): if tag is not None: self.set_tags(tag, guest_id=instance['id']) return resp
[docs] def change_port_speed(self, instance_id, public, speed): """Allows you to change the port speed of a virtual server's NICs. Example:: #change the Public interface to 10Mbps on instance 12345 result = mgr.change_port_speed(instance_id=12345, public=True, speed=10) # result will be True or an Exception :param int instance_id: The ID of the VS :param bool public: Flag to indicate which interface to change. True (default) means the public interface. False indicates the private interface. :param int speed: The port speed to set. .. warning:: A port speed of 0 will disable the interface. """ if public: return'Virtual_Guest', 'setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed', speed, id=instance_id) else: return'Virtual_Guest', 'setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed', speed, id=instance_id)
def _get_ids_from_hostname(self, hostname): """List VS ids which match the given hostname.""" results = self.list_instances(hostname=hostname, mask="id") return [result['id'] for result in results] def _get_ids_from_ip(self, ip_address): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """List VS ids which match the given ip address.""" try: # Does it look like an ip address? socket.inet_aton(ip_address) except socket.error: return [] # Find the VS via ip address. First try public ip, then private results = self.list_instances(public_ip=ip_address, mask="id") if results: return [result['id'] for result in results] results = self.list_instances(private_ip=ip_address, mask="id") if results: return [result['id'] for result in results]
[docs] def edit(self, instance_id, userdata=None, hostname=None, domain=None, notes=None, tags=None): """Edit hostname, domain name, notes, and/or the user data of a VS. Parameters set to None will be ignored and not attempted to be updated. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to edit :param string userdata: user data on VS to edit. If none exist it will be created :param string hostname: valid hostname :param string domain: valid domain namem :param string notes: notes about this particular VS :param string tags: tags to set on the VS as a comma separated list. Use the empty string to remove all tags. :returns: bool -- True or an Exception Example:: # Change the hostname on instance 12345 to 'something' result = mgr.edit(instance_id=12345 , hostname="something") #result will be True or an Exception """ obj = {} if userdata: self.guest.setUserMetadata([userdata], id=instance_id) if tags is not None: self.set_tags(tags, guest_id=instance_id) if hostname: obj['hostname'] = hostname if domain: obj['domain'] = domain if notes: obj['notes'] = notes if not obj: return True return self.guest.editObject(obj, id=instance_id)
[docs] def rescue(self, instance_id): """Reboot a VSI into the Xen recsue kernel. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to rescue :returns: bool -- True or an Exception Example:: # Puts instance 12345 into rescue mode result = mgr.rescue(instance_id=12345) """ return self.guest.executeRescueLayer(id=instance_id)
[docs] def capture(self, instance_id, name, additional_disks=False, notes=None): """Capture one or all disks from a VS to a SoftLayer image. Parameters set to None will be ignored and not attempted to be updated. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to edit :param string name: name assigned to the image :param bool additional_disks: set to true to include all additional attached storage devices :param string notes: notes about this particular image :returns: dictionary -- information about the capture transaction. Example:: name = "Testing Images" notes = "Some notes about this image" result = mgr.capture(instance_id=12345, name=name, notes=notes) """ vsi = 'Virtual_Guest', 'getObject', id=instance_id, mask="""id, blockDevices[id,device,mountType, diskImage[id,metadataFlag,type[keyName]]]""") disks_to_capture = [] for block_device in vsi['blockDevices']: # We never want metadata disks if utils.lookup(block_device, 'diskImage', 'metadataFlag'): continue # We never want swap devices type_name = utils.lookup(block_device, 'diskImage', 'type', 'keyName') if type_name == 'SWAP': continue # We never want CD images if block_device['mountType'] == 'CD': continue # Only use the first block device if we don't want additional disks if not additional_disks and str(block_device['device']) != '0': continue disks_to_capture.append(block_device) return self.guest.createArchiveTemplate( name, disks_to_capture, notes, id=instance_id)
[docs] def upgrade(self, instance_id, cpus=None, memory=None, nic_speed=None, public=True, preset=None, disk=None): """Upgrades a VS instance. Example:: # Upgrade instance 12345 to 4 CPUs and 4 GB of memory import SoftLayer client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(client) mgr.upgrade(12345, cpus=4, memory=4) :param int instance_id: Instance id of the VS to be upgraded :param int cpus: The number of virtual CPUs to upgrade to of a VS instance. :param string preset: preset assigned to the vsi :param int memory: RAM of the VS to be upgraded to. :param int nic_speed: The port speed to set :param bool public: CPU will be in Private/Public Node. :returns: bool """ upgrade_prices = self._get_upgrade_prices(instance_id) prices = [] data = {'nic_speed': nic_speed} if cpus is not None and preset is not None: raise ValueError("Do not use cpu, private and memory if you are using flavors") data['cpus'] = cpus if memory is not None and preset is not None: raise ValueError("Do not use memory, private or cpu if you are using flavors") data['memory'] = memory maintenance_window = order = { 'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest_Upgrade', 'properties': [{ 'name': 'MAINTENANCE_WINDOW', 'value': maintenance_window.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z") }], 'virtualGuests': [{'id': int(instance_id)}], } if disk: disk_number = 0 vsi_disk = self.get_instance(instance_id) for item in vsi_disk.get('billingItem').get('children'): if 'guest_disk' in item.get('categoryCode'): disk_number = max(disk_number, int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, item.get('categoryCode'))))) for disk_guest in disk: if disk_guest.get('number') > 0: disk_number = disk_guest.get('number') else: disk_number = disk_number + 1 price_id = self._get_price_id_for_upgrade_option(upgrade_prices, 'disk', disk_guest.get('capacity'), public) if price_id is None: error = f"Unable to find disk option with value {disk_guest.get('capacity')}" raise exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError(500, error) category_id = self.get_disk_category_id_by_disk_number(disk_guest.get('capacity'), disk_number) if category_id is None: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError('Invalid disk number to this disk capacity') category = {'categories': [{ 'id': category_id, 'complexType': "SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category"}], 'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price', 'id': price_id} prices.append(category) order['prices'] = prices for option, value in data.items(): if not value: continue price_id = self._get_price_id_for_upgrade_option(upgrade_prices, option, value, public) if not price_id: # Every option provided is expected to have a price raise exceptions.SoftLayerError( "Unable to find %s option with value %s" % (option, value)) prices.append({'id': price_id}) order['prices'] = prices if preset is not None: vs_object = self.get_instance(instance_id)['billingItem']['package'] order['presetId'] = self.ordering_manager.get_preset_by_key(vs_object['keyName'], preset)['id'] if prices or preset: self.client['Product_Order'].placeOrder(order) return True return False
[docs] def get_disk_category_id_by_disk_number(self, capacity, disk_number): """Uses Product_Package::getItemPrices to get all disk items with its categories and disk_key_names dictionary to convert disk numbers (int) to ordinal numbers (string) """ disk_key_names = { 1: "First Disk", 2: "Second Disk", 3: "Third Disk", 4: "Fourth Disk", 5: "Fifth Disk", } category_to_request = disk_key_names.get(disk_number) if category_to_request is None: return None key_name = "*= GUEST_DISK_" + str(capacity) + "_GB_SAN" object_filter = { "itemPrices": { "locationGroupId": {"operation": "is null"}, "item": { "keyName": {"operation": key_name} } } } mask = "mask[id,locationGroupId,item[capacity,description,keyName],categories]" disk_items = 'SoftLayer_Product_Package', 'getItemPrices', id=46, mask=mask, filter=object_filter ) category_id = None for disk_item in disk_items: for category in disk_item.get('categories'): if category.get('name') == category_to_request: category_id = category.get('id') break return category_id
[docs] def order_guest(self, guest_object, test=False): """Uses Product_Order::placeOrder to create a virtual guest. Useful when creating a virtual guest with options not supported by Virtual_Guest::createObject specifically ipv6 support. :param dictionary guest_object: See SoftLayer.CLI.virt.create._parse_create_args Example:: new_vsi = { 'domain': u'', 'hostname': u'minion05', 'datacenter': u'hkg02', 'flavor': 'BL1_1X2X100' 'dedicated': False, 'private': False, 'transient': False, 'os_code' : u'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'hourly': True, 'ssh_keys': [1234], 'disks': ('100','25'), 'local_disk': True, 'tags': 'test, pleaseCancel', 'public_security_groups': [12, 15], 'ipv6': True } vsi = mgr.order_guest(new_vsi) # vsi will have the newly created vsi receipt. # vsi['orderDetails']['virtualGuests'] will be an array of created Guests print vsi """ tags = guest_object.pop('tags', None) template = self.verify_create_instance(**guest_object) if guest_object.get('ipv6'): ipv6_price = self.ordering_manager.get_price_id_list('PUBLIC_CLOUD_SERVER', ['1_IPV6_ADDRESS']) template['prices'].append({'id': ipv6_price[0]}) # Notice this is `userdata` from the cli, but we send it in as `userData` if guest_object.get('userdata'): # SL_Virtual_Guest::generateOrderTemplate() doesn't respect userData, so we need to add it ourself template['virtualGuests'][0]['userData'] = [{"value": guest_object.get('userdata')}] if guest_object.get('host_id'): template['hostId'] = guest_object.get('host_id') if guest_object.get('placement_id'): template['virtualGuests'][0]['placementGroupId'] = guest_object.get('placement_id') if test: result ='Product_Order', 'verifyOrder', template) else: result ='Product_Order', 'placeOrder', template) if tags is not None: virtual_guests = utils.lookup(result, 'orderDetails', 'virtualGuests') for guest in virtual_guests: self.set_tags(tags, guest_id=guest['id']) return result
def _get_package_items(self): """Following Method gets all the item ids related to VS. Deprecated in favor of _get_upgrade_prices() """ warnings.warn("use _get_upgrade_prices() instead", DeprecationWarning) mask = [ 'description', 'capacity', 'units', 'prices[id,locationGroupId,categories[name,id,categoryCode]]' ] mask = "mask[%s]" % ','.join(mask) package_keyname = "CLOUD_SERVER" package = self.ordering_manager.get_package_by_key(package_keyname) package_service = self.client['Product_Package'] return package_service.getItems(id=package['id'], mask=mask) def _get_upgrade_prices(self, instance_id, include_downgrade_options=True): """Following Method gets all the price ids related to upgrading a VS. :param int instance_id: Instance id of the VS to be upgraded :returns: list """ mask = [ 'id', 'locationGroupId', 'categories[name,id,categoryCode]', 'item[description,capacity,units]' ] mask = "mask[%s]" % ','.join(mask) return self.guest.getUpgradeItemPrices(include_downgrade_options, id=instance_id, mask=mask) # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements def _get_price_id_for_upgrade_option(self, upgrade_prices, option, value, public=True): """Find the price id for the option and value to upgrade. This :param list upgrade_prices: Contains all the prices related to a VS upgrade :param string option: Describes type of parameter to be upgraded :param int value: The value of the parameter to be upgraded :param bool public: CPU will be in Private/Public Node. """ option_category = { 'memory': 'ram', 'cpus': 'guest_core', 'nic_speed': 'port_speed', 'disk': 'guest_disk' } category_code = option_category.get(option) for price in upgrade_prices: if price.get('categories') is None or price.get('item') is None: continue product = price.get('item') is_private = (product.get('units') == 'PRIVATE_CORE' or product.get('units') == 'DEDICATED_CORE') for category in price.get('categories'): if option == 'disk': if (category_code == (''.join([i for i in category.get('categoryCode') if not i.isdigit()])) and str(product.get('capacity')) == str(value)): return price.get('id') if not (category.get('categoryCode') == category_code and str(product.get('capacity')) == str(value)): continue if option == 'cpus': # Public upgrade and public guest_core price if public and not is_private: return price.get('id') # Private upgrade and private guest_core price elif not public and is_private: return price.get('id') elif option == 'nic_speed': if 'Public' in product.get('description'): return price.get('id') else: return price.get('id')
[docs] def get_summary_data_usage(self, instance_id, start_date=None, end_date=None, valid_type=None, summary_period=None): """Retrieve the usage information of a virtual server. :param string instance_id: a string identifier used to resolve ids :param string start_date: the start data to retrieve the vs usage information :param string end_date: the start data to retrieve the vs usage information :param string string valid_type: the Metric_Data_Type keyName. :param int summary_period: summary period. """ valid_types = [ { "keyName": valid_type, "summaryType": "max" } ] metric_tracking_id = self.get_tracking_id(instance_id) return'Metric_Tracking_Object', 'getSummaryData', start_date, end_date, valid_types, summary_period, id=metric_tracking_id, iter=True)
[docs] def get_tracking_id(self, instance_id): """Returns the Metric Tracking Object Id for a hardware server :param int instance_id: Id of the hardware server """ return self.guest.getMetricTrackingObjectId(id=instance_id)
[docs] def get_bandwidth_data(self, instance_id, start_date=None, end_date=None, direction=None, rollup=3600): """Gets bandwidth data for a server Will get averaged bandwidth data for a given time period. If you use a rollup over 3600 be aware that the API will bump your start/end date to align with how data is stored. For example if you have a rollup of 86400 your start_date will be bumped to 00:00. If you are not using a time in the start/end date fields, this won't really matter. :param int instance_id: Hardware Id to get data for :param date start_date: Date to start pulling data for. :param date end_date: Date to finish pulling data for :param string direction: Can be either 'public', 'private', or None for both. :param int rollup: 300, 600, 1800, 3600, 43200 or 86400 seconds to average data over. """ tracking_id = self.get_tracking_id(instance_id) data ='Metric_Tracking_Object', 'getBandwidthData', start_date, end_date, direction, rollup, id=tracking_id, iter=True) return data
[docs] def get_bandwidth_allocation(self, instance_id): """Combines getBandwidthAllotmentDetail() and getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage() """ a_mask = "mask[allocation[amount]]" allotment ='Virtual_Guest', 'getBandwidthAllotmentDetail', id=instance_id, mask=a_mask) u_mask = "mask[amountIn,amountOut,type]" usage ='Virtual_Guest', 'getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage', id=instance_id, mask=u_mask) if allotment: return {'allotment': allotment.get('allocation'), 'usage': usage} return {'allotment': allotment, 'usage': usage}
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements def _get_price_id_for_upgrade(self, package_items, option, value, public=True): """Find the price id for the option and value to upgrade. Deprecated in favor of _get_price_id_for_upgrade_option() :param list package_items: Contains all the items related to an VS :param string option: Describes type of parameter to be upgraded :param int value: The value of the parameter to be upgraded :param bool public: CPU will be in Private/Public Node. """ warnings.warn("use _get_price_id_for_upgrade_option() instead", DeprecationWarning) option_category = { 'memory': 'ram', 'cpus': 'guest_core', 'nic_speed': 'port_speed' } category_code = option_category[option] for item in package_items: is_private = item.get('units') == 'PRIVATE_CORE' for price in item['prices']: if 'locationGroupId' in price and price['locationGroupId']: # Skip location based prices continue if 'categories' not in price: continue categories = price['categories'] for category in categories: if not (category['categoryCode'] == category_code and str(item['capacity']) == str(value)): continue if option == 'cpus': if public and not is_private: return price['id'] elif not public and is_private: return price['id'] elif option == 'nic_speed': if 'Public' in item['description']: return price['id'] else: return price['id']
[docs] def get_storage_details(self, instance_id, nas_type): """Returns the virtual server attached network storage. :param int instance_id: Id of the virtual server :param nas_type: storage type. """ mask = 'mask[id,username,capacityGb,notes,serviceResourceBackendIpAddress,' \ 'allowedVirtualGuests[id,datacenter]]' return self.guest.getAttachedNetworkStorages(nas_type, mask=mask, id=instance_id)
[docs] def get_storage_credentials(self, instance_id): """Returns the virtual server storage credentials. :param int instance_id: Id of the virtual server """ mask = 'mask[credential]' return self.guest.getAllowedHost(mask=mask, id=instance_id)
[docs] def get_portable_storage(self, instance_id): """Returns the virtual server portable storage. :param int instance_id: Id of the virtual server """ object_filter = {"portableStorageVolumes": {"blockDevices": {"guest": {"id": {"operation": instance_id}}}}} return self.account.getPortableStorageVolumes(filter=object_filter)
[docs] def get_local_disks(self, instance_id): """Returns the virtual server local disks. :param int instance_id: Id of the virtual server """ mask = 'mask[diskImage]' return self.guest.getBlockDevices(mask=mask, id=instance_id)
[docs] def migrate(self, instance_id): """Calls SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::migrate Only actually does anything if the virtual server requires a migration. Will return an exception otherwise. :param int instance_id: Id of the virtual server """ return self.guest.migrate(id=instance_id)
[docs] def migrate_dedicated(self, instance_id, host_id): """Calls SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::migrate Only actually does anything if the virtual server requires a migration. Will return an exception otherwise. :param int instance_id: Id of the virtual server """ return self.guest.migrateDedicatedHost(host_id, id=instance_id)
[docs] def authorize_storage(self, vs_id, username_storage): """Authorize File or Block Storage to a Virtual Server. :param int vs_id: Virtual server id. :param string username_storage: Storage username. :return: bool. """ _filter = {"networkStorage": {"username": {"operation": username_storage}}} storage_result ='Account', 'getNetworkStorage', filter=_filter) if len(storage_result) == 0: raise SoftLayerError("The Storage with username: %s was not found, please" " enter a valid storage username" % username_storage) storage_template = [ { "id": storage_result[0]['id'], "username": username_storage } ] result ='SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'allowAccessToNetworkStorageList', storage_template, id=vs_id) return result
[docs] def attach_portable_storage(self, vs_id, portable_id): """Attach portal storage to a Virtual Server. :param int vs_id: Virtual server id. :param int portable_id: Portal storage id. :return: SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction. """ disk_id = portable_id result ='SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'attachDiskImage', disk_id, id=vs_id) return result
[docs] def browser_access_log(self, identifier): """A virtual guest’s browser access logs. :param int identifier: Virtual server id. :return: SoftLayer_Virtual_BrowserConsoleAccessLog. """ mask = 'createDate,eventType,id,message,sourceIp,sourcePort,username' return'SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'getBrowserConsoleAccessLogs', mask=mask, id=identifier)
[docs] def get_notifications(self, vs_id): """Returns all virtual notifications.""" return'SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest', 'findByGuestId', vs_id)
[docs] def add_notification(self, virtual_id, user_id): """Create a user virtual notification entry""" template = {"guestId": virtual_id, "userId": user_id} mask = 'user' return'SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest', 'createObject', template, mask=mask)
[docs] def remove_notification(self, identifier): """Remove a user vs notification entry""" template = [{'id': identifier}] return'SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest', 'deleteObjects', template)