Utility function/classes.
import collections
import datetime
from json import JSONDecoder
import re
import time
from rich.console import Console
from rich.theme import Theme
from SoftLayer.CLI import exceptions
# pylint: disable=no-member, invalid-name
UUID_RE = re.compile(r'^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-4[0-9A-F]{3}-[89AB][0-9A-F]{3}-[0-9A-F]{12}$', re.I)
KNOWN_OPERATIONS = ['<=', '>=', '<', '>', '~', '!~', '*=', '^=', '$=', '_=']
def lookup(dic, key, *keys):
"""A generic dictionary access helper.
This helps simplify code that uses heavily nested dictionaries. It will
return None if any of the keys in `*keys` do not exist.
>>> lookup({'this': {'is': 'nested'}}, 'this', 'is')
>>> lookup({}, 'this', 'is')
if keys:
return lookup(dic.get(key, {}), keys[0], *keys[1:])
return dic.get(key)
class NestedDict(dict):
"""This helps with accessing a heavily nested dictionary.
Dictionary where accessing keys that don't exist will return another
NestedDict object.
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self:
return self.get(key)
return self.setdefault(key, NestedDict())
def to_dict(self):
"""Converts a NestedDict instance into a real dictionary.
This is needed for places where strict type checking is done.
return {key: val.to_dict() if isinstance(val, NestedDict) else val
for key, val in self.items()}
def dict_merge(dct1, dct2):
"""Recursively merges dct2 and dct1, ideal for merging objectFilter together.
:param dct1: A dictionary
:param dct2: A dictionary
:return: dct1 + dct2
dct = dct1.copy()
for k, _ in dct2.items():
if (k in dct1 and isinstance(dct1[k], dict) and isinstance(dct2[k], collections.abc.Mapping)):
dct[k] = dict_merge(dct1[k], dct2[k])
dct[k] = dct2[k]
return dct
def query_filter(query):
"""Translate a query-style string to a 'filter'.
Query can be the following formats:
Case Insensitive
'value' OR '*= value' Contains
'value*' OR '^= value' Begins with value
'*value' OR '$= value' Ends with value
'*value*' OR '_= value' Contains value
Case Sensitive
'~ value' Contains
'!~ value' Does not contain
'> value' Greater than value
'< value' Less than value
'>= value' Greater than or equal to value
'<= value' Less than or equal to value
:param string query: query string
return {'operation': int(query)}
except ValueError:
if isinstance(query, str):
query = query.strip()
for operation in KNOWN_OPERATIONS:
if query.startswith(operation):
query = "%s %s" % (operation, query[len(operation):].strip())
return {'operation': query}
if query.startswith('*') and query.endswith('*'):
query = "*= %s" % query.strip('*')
elif query.startswith('*'):
query = "$= %s" % query.strip('*')
elif query.endswith('*'):
query = "^= %s" % query.strip('*')
query = "_= %s" % query
return {'operation': query}
def query_filter_date(start, end):
"""Query filters given start and end date.
:param start:YY-MM-DD
:param end: YY-MM-DD
sdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d")
edate = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d")
startdate = "%s/%s/%s" % (sdate.month, sdate.day, sdate.year)
enddate = "%s/%s/%s" % (edate.month, edate.day, edate.year)
return {
'operation': 'betweenDate',
'options': [
{'name': 'startDate', 'value': [startdate + ' 0:0:0']},
{'name': 'endDate', 'value': [enddate + ' 0:0:0']}
def query_filter_orderby(sort="ASC"):
"""Returns an object filter operation for sorting
:param string sort: either ASC or DESC
_filter = {
"operation": "orderBy",
"options": [{
"name": "sort",
"value": [sort]
return _filter
def event_log_filter_between_date(start, end, utc):
"""betweenDate Query filter that SoftLayer_EventLog likes
:param string start: lower bound date in mm/dd/yyyy format
:param string end: upper bound date in mm/dd/yyyy format
:param string utc: utc offset. Defaults to '+0000'
return {
'operation': 'betweenDate',
'options': [
{'name': 'startDate', 'value': [format_event_log_date(start, utc)]},
{'name': 'endDate', 'value': [format_event_log_date(end, utc)]}
def event_log_filter_greater_than_date(date, utc):
"""greaterThanDate Query filter that SoftLayer_EventLog likes
:param string date: lower bound date in mm/dd/yyyy format
:param string utc: utc offset. Defaults to '+0000'
return {
'operation': 'greaterThanDate',
'options': [
{'name': 'date', 'value': [format_event_log_date(date, utc)]}
def event_log_filter_less_than_date(date, utc):
"""lessThanDate Query filter that SoftLayer_EventLog likes
:param string date: upper bound date in mm/dd/yyyy format
:param string utc: utc offset. Defaults to '+0000'
return {
'operation': 'lessThanDate',
'options': [
{'name': 'date', 'value': [format_event_log_date(date, utc)]}
def build_filter_orderby(orderby):
"""Builds filters using the filter options passed into the CLI.
It only supports the orderBy option, the default value is DESC.
_filters = {}
reverse_filter = list(reversed(orderby.split('.')))
for keyword in reverse_filter:
_aux_filter = {}
if '=' in keyword:
_aux_filter[str(keyword).split('=', maxsplit=1)[0]] = query_filter_orderby(str(keyword).split('=')[1])
_filters = _aux_filter
elif keyword == list(reverse_filter)[0]:
_aux_filter[keyword] = query_filter_orderby('DESC')
_aux_filter[keyword] = _filters
_filters = _aux_filter
return _filters
class IdentifierMixin(object):
"""Mixin used to resolve ids from other names of objects.
This mixin provides an interface to provide multiple methods for
converting an 'indentifier' to an id
resolvers = []
def resolve_ids(self, identifier):
"""Takes a string and tries to resolve to a list of matching ids.
What exactly 'identifier' can be depends on the resolvers
:param string identifier: identifying string
:returns list:
return resolve_ids(identifier, self.resolvers)
# pylint: disable=C0123
def resolve_ids(identifier, resolvers):
"""Resolves IDs given a list of functions.
:param string identifier: identifier string
:param list resolvers: a list of functions
:returns list:
# Before doing anything, let's see if this is an integer
if isinstance(identifier, int):
return [int(identifier)]
# It was worth a shot
elif len(identifier) == 36 and UUID_RE.match(identifier):
return [identifier]
for resolver in resolvers:
ids = resolver(identifier)
if ids:
return ids
return []
class UTC(datetime.tzinfo):
"""UTC timezone."""
def utcoffset(self, _):
return datetime.timedelta(0)
def tzname(self, _):
return "UTC"
def dst(self, _):
return datetime.timedelta(0)
def is_ready(instance, pending=False):
"""Returns True if instance is ready to be used
:param Object instance: Hardware or Virt with transaction data retrieved from the API
:param bool pending: Wait for ALL transactions to finish?
:returns bool:
last_reload = lookup(instance, 'lastOperatingSystemReload', 'id')
active_transaction = lookup(instance, 'activeTransaction', 'id')
reloading = all((
last_reload == active_transaction,
outstanding = False
if pending:
outstanding = active_transaction
if instance.get('provisionDate') and not reloading and not outstanding:
return True
return False
def clean_string(string):
"""Returns a string with all newline and other whitespace garbage removed.
Mostly this method is used to print out objectMasks that have a lot of extra whitespace
in them because making compact masks in python means they don't look nice in the IDE.
:param string: The string to clean.
:returns string: A string without extra whitespace.
if string is None:
return ''
return " ".join(string.split())
def clean_splitlines(string):
"""Returns a string where \r\n is replaced with \n"""
if string is None:
return ''
return "\n".join(string.splitlines())
def clean_time(sltime, in_format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', out_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'):
"""Easy way to format time strings
:param string sltime: A softlayer formatted time string
:param string in_format: Datetime format for strptime
:param string out_format: Datetime format for strftime
if sltime is None:
return None
clean = datetime.datetime.strptime(sltime, in_format)
return clean.strftime(out_format)
# The %z option only exists with py3.6+
except ValueError as e:
# Just ignore data that in_format didn't process.
ulr = len(e.args[0].partition('unconverted data remains: ')[2])
if ulr:
clean = datetime.datetime.strptime(sltime[:-ulr], in_format)
return clean.strftime(out_format)
return sltime
def verify_date(date):
"""Verify if the date format is correct
:param string date: A date in format string
:return Exception: a exception if the date is not the correct format
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%Y')
except Exception as exc:
raise exceptions.CLIAbort('Date invalid, example date: mm/dd/yyyy, 01/15/2023.') from exc
def timestamp(date):
"""Converts a datetime to timestamp
:param datetime date:
:returns int: The timestamp of date.
_timestamp = time.mktime(date.timetuple())
return int(_timestamp)
def days_to_datetime(days):
"""Returns the datetime value of last N days.
:param int days: From 0 to N days
:returns int: The datetime of last N days or datetime.now() if days <= 0.
date = datetime.datetime.now()
if days > 0:
date -= datetime.timedelta(days=days)
return date
def trim_to(string, length=80, tail="..."):
"""Returns a string that is length long. tail added if trimmed
:param string string: String you want to trim
:param int length: max length for the string
:param string tail: appended to strings that were trimmed.
if len(string) > length:
return string[:length] + tail
return string
def clean_dict(dictionary):
"""Removes any `None` entires from the dictionary"""
return {k: v for k, v in dictionary.items() if v}
NOT_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'[^\s]')
def decode_stacked(document, pos=0, decoder=JSONDecoder()):
"""Used for converting CLI output to JSON datastructures. Specially for unit tests
split_output = []
# Converts Rich JSON output to actual JSON data. JSON UTIL
for table in utils.decode_stacked(result.output):
while True:
match = NOT_WHITESPACE.search(document, pos)
if not match:
pos = match.start()
obj, pos = decoder.raw_decode(document, pos)
yield obj
def console_color_themes(theme):
"""Colors in https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/stable/appendix/colors.html#standard-colors"""
if theme == 'light':
return Console(theme=Theme(
"options": "bold dark_cyan", # OPTIONS
"command": "orange3", # COMMAND
"args": "bold dark_cyan", # ARGS
"path": "bold red", # command path
"name_sub_command": "orange3", # sub command name
"sub_command": "orange3", # sub command list
# Help table colors options
"option": "bold dark_cyan",
"switch": "bold green4",
"default_option": "light_coral",
"option_keyword": "bold dark_cyan",
"args_keyword": "underline orange4",
"option_choices": "gold3",
"example_block": "underline deep_pink3",
"url": "underline blue",
return Console(theme=Theme(
"options": "bold cyan", # OPTIONS
"command": "orange3", # COMMAND
"args": "bold cyan", # ARGS
"path": "bold red", # command path
"name_sub_command": "orange3", # sub command name
"sub_command": "orange3", # sub command list
# Help table colors options
"option": "bold cyan",
"switch": "bold green",
"default_option": "light_pink1",
"option_keyword": "bold cyan",
"args_keyword": "underline yellow",
"option_choices": "gold3",
"example_block": "underline light_coral",
"url": "underline blue",
def table_color_theme(theme):
"""Define result table colors"""
if theme == 'light':
return {'header': 'dark_cyan',
'id_columns': 'light_coral'}
return {'header': 'bright_cyan',
'id_columns': 'pale_violet_red1'}