Source code for SoftLayer.API

    SoftLayer API bindings

    :copyright: (c) 2013, SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from SoftLayer.transport import make_xml_rpc_api_call
from SoftLayer.exceptions import SoftLayerError
from SoftLayer.deprecated import DeprecatedClientMixin
import os

__all__ = ['Client', 'BasicAuthentication', 'TokenAuthentication',

API_KEY = None

class AuthenticationBase(object):
    def get_headers(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

class TokenAuthentication(AuthenticationBase):
    def __init__(self, user_id, auth_token):
        self.user_id = user_id
        self.auth_token = auth_token

    def get_headers(self):
        return {
            'authenticate': {
                'complexType': 'PortalLoginToken',
                'userId': self.user_id,
                'authToken': self.auth_token,

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<TokenAuthentication: %s %s>" % (self.user_id, self.auth_token)

class BasicAuthentication(AuthenticationBase):
    def __init__(self, username, api_key):
        self.username = username
        self.api_key = api_key

    def get_headers(self):
        return {
            'authenticate': {
                'username': self.username,
                'apiKey': self.api_key,

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<BasicAuthentication: %s>" % (self.username)

class Client(DeprecatedClientMixin, object):
    """ A SoftLayer API client.

    :param service_name: the name of the SoftLayer API service to query
    :param integer id: an optional object ID if you're instantiating a
        particular SoftLayer_API object. Setting an ID defines this client's
        initialization parameter.
    :param username: an optional API username if you wish to bypass the
        package's built-in username
    :param api_key: an optional API key if you wish to bypass the package's
        built in API key
    :param endpoint_url: the API endpoint base URL you wish to connect to.
        Set this to API_PRIVATE_ENDPOINT to connect via SoftLayer's private
    :param integer timeout: timeout for API requests
    :param auth: an object which responds to get_headers() to be inserted into
        the xml-rpc headers. Example: `BasicAuthentication`


        >>> import SoftLayer
        >>> client = SoftLayer.Client(username="username", api_key="api_key")
        >>> resp = client['Account'].getObject()
        >>> resp['companyName']
        'Your Company'

    _prefix = "SoftLayer_"

    def __init__(self, service_name=None, id=None, username=None, api_key=None,
                 endpoint_url=None, timeout=None, auth=None):
        self._service_name = service_name
        self._headers = {}
        self._raw_headers = {}

        self.auth = auth
        if self.auth is None:
            username = username or API_USERNAME or \
                os.environ.get('SL_USERNAME') or ''
            api_key = api_key or API_KEY or os.environ.get('SL_API_KEY') or ''
            if username and api_key:
                self.auth = BasicAuthentication(username, api_key)

        self._endpoint_url = (endpoint_url or API_BASE_URL or
        self.timeout = timeout

        super(Client, self).__init__(
            service_name=service_name, id=id, username=username,
            api_key=api_key, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, timeout=timeout,

    def authenticate_with_password(self, username, password,
        """ Performs Username/Password Authentication and gives back an auth
            handler to use to create a client that uses token-based auth.

        :param string username: your SoftLayer username
        :param string password: your SoftLayer password
        :param int security_question_id: The security question id to answer
        :param string security_question_answer: The answer to the security

        res = self['User_Customer'].getPortalLoginToken(
        self.auth = TokenAuthentication(res['userId'], res['hash'])
        return (res['userId'], res['hash'])

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """ Get a SoftLayer Service.

        :param name: The name of the service. E.G. Account

            >>> client = SoftLayer.Client()
            >>> client['Account']
            <Service: Account>

        return Service(self, name)

    def call(self, service, method, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Make a SoftLayer API call

        :param service: the name of the SoftLayer API service
        :param method: the method to call on the service
        :param \*args: same optional arguments that ```` takes
        :param \*\*kwargs: same optional keyword arguments that
                           ```` takes

        :param service: the name of the SoftLayer API service

            >>> client = SoftLayer.Client()
            >>> client['Account'].getVirtualGuests(mask="id", limit=10)

        if kwargs.pop('iter', False):
            return self.iter_call(service, method, *args, **kwargs)

        invalid_kwargs = set(kwargs.keys()) - VALID_CALL_ARGS
        if invalid_kwargs:
            raise TypeError(
                'Invalid keyword arguments: %s' % ','.join(invalid_kwargs))

        if not service.startswith(self._prefix):
            service = self._prefix + service

        objectid = kwargs.get('id')
        objectmask = kwargs.get('mask')
        objectfilter = kwargs.get('filter')
        headers = kwargs.get('headers', {})
        raw_headers = kwargs.get('raw_headers')
        limit = kwargs.get('limit')
        offset = kwargs.get('offset', 0)

        if not headers and self.auth:
            headers = self.auth.get_headers()

        http_headers = {
            'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
            'Content-Type': 'application/xml',
        if self._raw_headers:
            for name, value in self._raw_headers.items():
                http_headers[name] = value
        if raw_headers:
            for name, value in raw_headers.items():
                http_headers[name] = value

        if objectid is not None:
            headers[service + 'InitParameters'] = {'id': int(objectid)}

        if objectmask is not None:
            headers.update(self.__format_object_mask(objectmask, service))

        if objectfilter is not None:
            headers['%sObjectFilter' % service] = objectfilter

        if limit:
            headers['resultLimit'] = {
                'limit': int(limit),
                'offset': int(offset)
        uri = '/'.join([self._endpoint_url, service])
        return make_xml_rpc_api_call(uri, method, args,

    __call__ = call

    def iter_call(self, service, method,
                  chunk=100, limit=None, offset=0, *args, **kwargs):
        """ A generator that deals with paginating through results.

        :param service: the name of the SoftLayer API service
        :param method: the method to call on the service
        :param integer chunk: result size for each API call
        :param \*args: same optional arguments that ```` takes
        :param \*\*kwargs: same optional keyword arguments that
                           ```` takes

        if chunk <= 0:
            raise AttributeError("Chunk size should be greater than zero.")

        if limit:
            chunk = min(chunk, limit)

        result_count = 0
        kwargs['iter'] = False
        while True:
            if limit:
                # We've reached the end of the results
                if result_count >= limit:

                # Don't over-fetch past the given limit
                if chunk + result_count > limit:
                    chunk = limit - result_count
            results =, method,
                                offset=offset, limit=chunk, *args, **kwargs)

            # It looks like we ran out results
            if not results:

            # Apparently this method doesn't return a list.
            # Why are you even iterating over this?
            if not isinstance(results, list):
                yield results

            for item in results:
                yield item
                result_count += 1

            offset += chunk

            if len(results) < chunk:

    def __format_object_mask(self, objectmask, service):
        """ Format new and old style object masks into proper headers.

        :param objectmask: a string- or dict-based object mask
        :param service: a SoftLayer API service name

        if isinstance(objectmask, dict):
            mheader = '%sObjectMask' % service
            mheader = self._prefix + 'ObjectMask'

            objectmask = objectmask.strip()
            if objectmask.startswith('mask'):
                objectmask = objectmask[4:]
                if objectmask[0] == '.':
                    objectmask = objectmask[1:]
                elif objectmask[0] == '[' and objectmask[-1] == ']':
                    objectmask = objectmask[1:-1]
                    raise SoftLayerError('Malformed Mask: %s' % objectmask)
            objectmask = "mask[%s]" % objectmask

        return {mheader: {'mask': objectmask}}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Client: endpoint=%s, user=%r>" \
            % (self._endpoint_url, self.auth)

    __str__ = __repr__

[docs]class Service(object): def __init__(self, client, name): self.client = client = name
[docs] def call(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Make a SoftLayer API call :param method: the method to call on the service :param \*args: (optional) arguments for the remote call :param id: (optional) id for the resource :param mask: (optional) object mask :param dict filter: (optional) filter dict :param dict headers: (optional) optional XML-RPC headers :param dict raw_headers: (optional) HTTP transport headers :param int limit: (optional) return at most this many results :param int offset: (optional) offset results by this many :param boolean iter: (optional) if True, returns a generator with the results Usage: >>> client['Account'].getVirtualGuests(mask="id", limit=10) [...] """ return, name, *args, **kwargs)
__call__ = call
[docs] def iter_call(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ A generator that deals with paginating through results. :param method: the method to call on the service :param integer chunk: result size for each API call :param \*args: same optional arguments that ```` takes :param \*\*kwargs: same optional keyword arguments that ```` takes Usage: >>> gen = client['Account'].getVirtualGuests(iter=True) >>> for virtual_guest in gen: ... virtual_guest['id'] ... 1234 4321 """ return self.client.iter_call(, name, *args, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ["__name__", "__bases__"]: raise AttributeError("'Obj' object has no attribute '%s'" % name) def call_handler(*args, **kwargs): return self(name, *args, **kwargs) return call_handler def __repr__(self): return "<Service: %s>" % (,) __str__ = __repr__