Source code for SoftLayer.managers.iscsi

    ISCSI Manager/helpers
from SoftLayer import utils

[docs]class ISCSIManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """ Manages iSCSI storages """ def __init__(self, client): self.configuration = {} self.client = client self.iscsi_svc = self.client['Network_Storage_Iscsi'] self.product_order = self.client['Product_Order'] def _find_item_prices(self, size, categorycode=''): """ Retrieves the Item Price IDs """ item_prices = self.client['Product_Package'].getItems( id=0, mask='id,capacity,prices[id]', filter={ 'items': { 'capacity': {'operation': int(size)}, 'categories': { 'categoryCode': {'operation': categorycode} }}}) item_price = item_prices[0]['prices'][0]['id'] return item_price def _build_order(self, item_price, location): """ Returns a dict appropriate to pass into Product_Order::placeOrder() """ location_id = self._get_location_id(location) order = { 'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Iscsi', 'location': location_id, 'packageId': 0, # storage package 'prices': [{'id': item_price}], 'quantity': 1 } return order def _get_location_id(self, location): """ Returns location id of datacenter to pass into ProductOrder::placeOrder() """ loc_svc = self.client['Location_Datacenter'] datacenters = loc_svc.getDatacenters(mask='mask[longName,id,name]') for datacenter in datacenters: if datacenter['name'] == location: location = datacenter['id'] return location raise ValueError('Invalid datacenter name specified.')
[docs] def create_iscsi(self, size=None, location=None): """Places an order for iSCSI volume :param integer size: size of iSCSI volume to create :param string location: datacenter to use to create volume in """ item_price = self._find_item_prices(int(size), categorycode='iscsi') iscsi_order = self._build_order(item_price, location) self.product_order.placeOrder(iscsi_order)
[docs] def list_iscsi(self): """List iSCSI volume """ account = self.client['Account'] iscsi_list = account.getIscsiNetworkStorage( mask='eventCount,serviceResource[]') return iscsi_list
[docs] def get_iscsi(self, volume_id, **kwargs): """ Get details about a iSCSI storage :param integer volume_id: the volume ID :returns: A dictionary containing a large amount of information about the specified storage. """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: items = [ 'id', 'serviceResourceName', 'createDate', 'nasType', 'capacityGb', 'snapshotCapacityGb', 'mountableFlag', 'serviceResourceBackendIpAddress', 'billingItem', 'notes', 'username', 'password' ] kwargs['mask'] = "mask[%s]" % ','.join(items) return self.iscsi_svc.getObject(id=volume_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def cancel_iscsi(self, volume_id, reason='unNeeded', immediate=False): """ Cancels the given iSCSI volume :param integer volume_id: the volume ID """ iscsi = self.get_iscsi( volume_id, mask='mask[id,capacityGb,username,password,billingItem[id]]') billingitemid = iscsi['billingItem']['id'] self.client['Billing_Item'].cancelItem( immediate, True, reason, id=billingitemid)
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, volume_id, notes='No longer needed'): """ Orders a snapshot for given volume :param integer volume_id: the volume ID """ self.iscsi_svc.createSnapshot(notes, id=volume_id)
[docs] def create_snapshot_space(self, volume_id, capacity): """ Orders a snapshot space for given volume :param integer volume_id: the volume ID :param integer capacity: capacity in ~GB """ item_price = self._find_item_prices( int(capacity), categorycode='iscsi_snapshot_space') result = self.get_iscsi( volume_id, mask='mask[id,capacityGb,serviceResource[datacenter]]') snapshotspaceorder = { 'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_\ Network_Storage_Iscsi_SnapshotSpace', 'location': result['serviceResource']['datacenter']['id'], 'packageId': 0, 'prices': [{'id': item_price}], 'quantity': 1, 'volumeId': volume_id} self.product_order.placeOrder(snapshotspaceorder)
[docs] def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_id): """ Deletes the given snapshot :params: integer snapshot_id: the snapshot ID """ self.iscsi_svc.deleteObject(id=snapshot_id)
[docs] def restore_from_snapshot(self, volume_id, snapshot_id): """ Restore the volume to snapshot's contents :params: imteger volume_id: the volume ID :params: integer snapshot_id: the snapshot ID """ self.iscsi_svc.restoreFromSnapshot(snapshot_id, id=volume_id)