Source code for SoftLayer.managers.load_balancer

    Load Balancer Manager/helpers

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
from SoftLayer import utils

[docs]class LoadBalancerManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """ Manages load balancers. :param SoftLayer.API.Client client: the API client instance """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.account = self.client['Account'] self.prod_pkg = self.client['Product_Package'] self.lb_svc = self.client['Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_' 'LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress']
[docs] def get_lb_pkgs(self): """ Retrieves the local load balancer packages. :returns: A dictionary containing the load balancer packages """ _filter = {'items': {'description': utils.query_filter('*Load Balancer*')}} packages = self.prod_pkg.getItems(id=0, filter=_filter) pkgs = [] for package in packages: if not package['description'].startswith('Global'): pkgs.append(package) return pkgs
[docs] def get_ip_address(self, ip_address=None): """ Retrieves the IP address object given the ip address itself :returns: A dictionary containing the IP address properties """ svc = self.client['Network_Subnet_IpAddress'] return svc.getByIpAddress(ip_address)
[docs] def get_hc_types(self): """ Retrieves the health check type values :returns: A dictionary containing the health check types """ svc = self.client['Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_' 'LoadBalancer_Health_Check_Type'] return svc.getAllObjects()
[docs] def get_routing_methods(self): """ Retrieves the load balancer routing methods. :returns: A dictionary containing the load balancer routing methods """ svc = self.client['Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_' 'LoadBalancer_Routing_Method'] return svc.getAllObjects()
[docs] def get_routing_types(self): """ Retrieves the load balancer routing types. :returns: A dictionary containing the load balancer routing types """ svc = self.client['Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_' 'LoadBalancer_Routing_Type'] return svc.getAllObjects()
def _get_location(self, datacenter): """ Returns the location of the specified datacenter :param string datacenter: The datacenter to create the loadbalancer in :returns: the location id of the given datacenter """ dcenters = self.client['Location'].getDataCenters() for dcenter in dcenters: if dcenter['name'] == datacenter: return dcenter['id'] return 'FIRST_AVAILABLE'
[docs] def cancel_lb(self, loadbal_id): """ Cancels the specified load balancer. :param int loadbal_id: Load Balancer ID to be cancelled. """ lb_billing = self.lb_svc.getBillingItem(id=loadbal_id) billing_id = lb_billing['id'] billing_item = self.client['Billing_Item'] return billing_item.cancelService(id=billing_id)
[docs] def add_local_lb(self, price_item_id, datacenter): """ Creates a local load balancer in the specified data center :param int price_item_id: The price item ID for the load balancer :param string datacenter: The datacenter to create the loadbalancer in :returns: A dictionary containing the product order """ product_order = { 'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_' 'LoadBalancer', 'quantity': 1, 'packageId': 0, "location": self._get_location(datacenter), 'prices': [{'id': price_item_id}] } return self.client['Product_Order'].placeOrder(product_order)
[docs] def get_local_lbs(self): """ Returns a list of all local load balancers on the account. :returns: A list of all local load balancers on the current account. """ mask = ('mask[loadBalancerHardware[datacenter],ipAddress]') return self.account.getAdcLoadBalancers(mask=mask)
[docs] def get_local_lb(self, loadbal_id, **kwargs): """ Returns a specified local load balancer given the id. :param int loadbal_id: The id of the load balancer to retrieve :returns: A dictionary containing the details of the load balancer """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: kwargs['mask'] = ('loadBalancerHardware[datacenter], ' 'ipAddress, virtualServers[serviceGroups' '[routingMethod,routingType,services' '[healthChecks[type], groupReferences,' ' ipAddress]]]') return self.lb_svc.getObject(id=loadbal_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_service(self, service_id): """ Deletes a service from the loadbal_id :param int service_id: The id of the service to delete """ svc = self.client['Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_' 'LoadBalancer_Service'] return svc.deleteObject(id=service_id)
[docs] def delete_service_group(self, group_id): """ Deletes a service group from the loadbal_id :param int group_id: The id of the service group to delete """ svc = self.client['Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_' 'LoadBalancer_VirtualServer'] return svc.deleteObject(id=group_id)
[docs] def toggle_service_status(self, service_id): """ Toggles the service status :param int service_id: The id of the service to delete """ svc = self.client['Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_' 'LoadBalancer_Service'] return svc.toggleStatus(id=service_id)
[docs] def edit_service(self, loadbal_id, service_id, ip_address_id=None, port=None, enabled=None, hc_type=None, weight=None): """ Edits an existing service properties :param int loadbal_id: The id of the loadbal where the service resides :param int service_id: The id of the service to edit :param string ip_address: The ip address of the service :param int port: the port of the service :param bool enabled: enable or disable the search :param int hc_type: The health check type :param int weight: the weight to give to the service """ _filter = { 'virtualServers': { 'serviceGroups': { 'services': {'id': utils.query_filter(service_id)}}}} mask = 'serviceGroups[services[groupReferences,healthChecks]]' virtual_servers = self.lb_svc.getVirtualServers(id=loadbal_id, filter=_filter, mask=mask) for service in virtual_servers[0]['serviceGroups'][0]['services']: if service['id'] == service_id: if enabled is not None: service['enabled'] = int(enabled) if port is not None: service['port'] = port if weight is not None: service['groupReferences'][0]['weight'] = weight if hc_type is not None: service['healthChecks'][0]['healthCheckTypeId'] = hc_type if ip_address_id is not None: service['ipAddressId'] = ip_address_id template = {'virtualServers': virtual_servers} load_balancer = self.lb_svc.editObject(template, id=loadbal_id) return load_balancer
[docs] def add_service(self, loadbal_id, service_group_id, ip_address_id, port=80, enabled=True, hc_type=21, weight=1): """ Adds a new service to the service group :param int loadbal_id: The id of the loadbal where the service resides :param int service_group_id: The group to add the service to :param int ip_address id: The ip address ID of the service :param int port: the port of the service :param bool enabled: Enable or disable the service :param int hc_type: The health check type :param int weight: the weight to give to the service """ kwargs = utils.NestedDict({}) kwargs['mask'] = ('mask[virtualServers[serviceGroups' '[services[groupReferences]]]]') load_balancer = self.lb_svc.getObject(id=loadbal_id, **kwargs) virtual_servers = load_balancer['virtualServers'] for virtual_server in virtual_servers: if virtual_server['id'] == service_group_id: service_template = { 'enabled': int(enabled), 'port': port, 'ipAddressId': ip_address_id, 'healthChecks': [ { 'healthCheckTypeId': hc_type } ], 'groupReferences': [ { 'weight': weight } ] } services = virtual_server['serviceGroups'][0]['services'] services.append(service_template) return self.lb_svc.editObject(load_balancer, id=loadbal_id)
[docs] def add_service_group(self, lb_id, allocation=100, port=80, routing_type=2, routing_method=10): """ Adds a new service group to the load balancer :param int loadbal_id: The id of the loadbal where the service resides :param int allocation: percent of connections to allocate toward the group :param int port: the port of the service group :param int routing_type: the routing type to set on the service group :param int routing_method: The routing method to set on the group """ mask = 'virtualServers[serviceGroups[services[groupReferences]]]' load_balancer = self.lb_svc.getObject(id=lb_id, mask=mask) service_template = { 'port': port, 'allocation': allocation, 'serviceGroups': [ { 'routingTypeId': routing_type, 'routingMethodId': routing_method } ] } load_balancer['virtualServers'].append(service_template) return self.lb_svc.editObject(load_balancer, id=lb_id)
[docs] def edit_service_group(self, loadbal_id, group_id, allocation=None, port=None, routing_type=None, routing_method=None): """ Edit an existing service group :param int loadbal_id: The id of the loadbal where the service resides :param int group_id: The id of the service group :param int allocation: the % of connections to allocate to the group :param int port: the port of the service group :param int routing_type: the routing type to set on the service group :param int routing_method: The routing method to set on the group """ mask = 'virtualServers[serviceGroups[services[groupReferences]]]' load_balancer = self.lb_svc.getObject(id=loadbal_id, mask=mask) virtual_servers = load_balancer['virtualServers'] for virtual_server in virtual_servers: if virtual_server['id'] == group_id: service_group = virtual_server['serviceGroups'][0] if allocation is not None: virtual_server['allocation'] = allocation if port is not None: virtual_server['port'] = port if routing_type is not None: service_group['routingTypeId'] = routing_type if routing_method is not None: service_group['routingMethodId'] = routing_method break return self.lb_svc.editObject(load_balancer, id=loadbal_id)
[docs] def reset_service_group(self, loadbal_id, group_id): """ Resets all the connections on the service group :param int loadbal_id: The id of the loadbal :param int group_id: The id of the service group to reset """ _filter = {'virtualServers': {'id': utils.query_filter(group_id)}} virtual_servers = self.lb_svc.getVirtualServers(id=loadbal_id, filter=_filter, mask='serviceGroups') actual_id = virtual_servers[0]['serviceGroups'][0]['id'] svc = self.client['Network_Application_Delivery_Controller' '_LoadBalancer_Service_Group'] return svc.kickAllConnections(id=actual_id)