Source code for SoftLayer.managers.account

    Account manager

    :license: MIT, see License for more details.

import logging

from SoftLayer import utils

# Invalid names are ignored due to long method names and short argument names
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, no-self-use

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AccountManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """Common functions for getting information from the Account service :param SoftLayer.API.BaseClient client: the client instance """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client
[docs] def get_summary(self): """Gets some basic account information :return: Account object """ mask = """mask[ nextInvoiceTotalAmount, pendingInvoice[invoiceTotalAmount], blockDeviceTemplateGroupCount, dedicatedHostCount, domainCount, hardwareCount, networkStorageCount, openTicketCount, networkVlanCount, subnetCount, userCount, virtualGuestCount ] """ return'Account', 'getObject', mask=mask)
[docs] def get_upcoming_events(self): """Retreives a list of Notification_Occurrence_Events that have not ended yet :return: SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event """ mask = "mask[id, subject, startDate, endDate, statusCode, acknowledgedFlag, impactedResourceCount, updateCount]" _filter = { 'endDate': { 'operation': '> sysdate' }, 'startDate': { 'operation': 'orderBy', 'options': [{ 'name': 'sort', 'value': ['ASC'] }] } } return'Notification_Occurrence_Event', 'getAllObjects', filter=_filter, mask=mask, iter=True)
[docs] def ack_event(self, event_id): """Acknowledge an event. This mostly prevents it from appearing as a notification in the control portal. :param int event_id: Notification_Occurrence_Event ID you want to ack :return: True on success, Exception otherwise. """ return'Notification_Occurrence_Event', 'acknowledgeNotification', id=event_id)
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id): """Gets details about a maintenance event :param int event_id: Notification_Occurrence_Event ID :return: Notification_Occurrence_Event """ mask = """mask[ acknowledgedFlag, attachments, impactedResources, statusCode, updates, notificationOccurrenceEventType] """ return'Notification_Occurrence_Event', 'getObject', id=event_id, mask=mask)
[docs] def get_invoices(self, limit=50, closed=False, get_all=False): """Gets an accounts invoices. :param int limit: Number of invoices to get back in a single call. :param bool closed: If True, will also get CLOSED invoices :param bool get_all: If True, will paginate through invoices until all have been retrieved. :return: Billing_Invoice """ mask = "mask[invoiceTotalAmount, itemCount]" _filter = { 'invoices': { 'createDate': { 'operation': 'orderBy', 'options': [{ 'name': 'sort', 'value': ['DESC'] }] }, 'statusCode': {'operation': 'OPEN'}, } } if closed: del _filter['invoices']['statusCode'] return'Account', 'getInvoices', mask=mask, filter=_filter, iter=get_all, limit=limit)
[docs] def get_billing_items(self, identifier): """Gets all topLevelBillingItems from a specific invoice :param int identifier: Invoice Id :return: Billing_Invoice_Item """ mask = """mask[ id, description, hostName, domainName, oneTimeAfterTaxAmount, recurringAfterTaxAmount, createDate, categoryCode, category[name], location[name], children[id, category[name], description, oneTimeAfterTaxAmount, recurringAfterTaxAmount] ]""" return 'Billing_Invoice', 'getInvoiceTopLevelItems', id=identifier, mask=mask, iter=True, limit=100 )