Source code for SoftLayer.transports

    XML-RPC transport layer that uses the requests library.

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
import importlib
import json
import logging
import re
import time
import xmlrpc.client

import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from SoftLayer import consts
from SoftLayer import exceptions
from SoftLayer import utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# transports.Request does have a lot of instance attributes. :(
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, no-self-use

__all__ = [

    # 'deleteObject': 'DELETE',
    'createObject': 'POST',
    'createObjects': 'POST',
    'editObject': 'PUT',
    'editObjects': 'PUT',

def get_session(user_agent):
    """Sets up urllib sessions"""

    client = requests.Session()
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'User-Agent': user_agent,
    retry = Retry(connect=3, backoff_factor=3)
    adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
    client.mount('https://', adapter)
    return client

class Request(object):
    """Transport request object."""

    def __init__(self):
        #: API service name. E.G. SoftLayer_Account
        self.service = None

        #: API method name. E.G. getObject
        self.method = None

        #: API Parameters.
        self.args = tuple()

        #: API headers, used for authentication, masks, limits, offsets, etc.
        self.headers = {}

        #: Transport user.
        self.transport_user = None

        #: Transport password.
        self.transport_password = None

        #: Transport headers.
        self.transport_headers = {}

        #: Boolean specifying if the server certificate should be verified.
        self.verify = None

        #: Client certificate file path.
        self.cert = None

        #: InitParameter/identifier of an object.
        self.identifier = None

        #: SoftLayer mask (dict or string).
        self.mask = None

        #: SoftLayer Filter (dict).
        self.filter = None

        #: Integer result limit.
        self.limit = None

        #: Integer result offset.
        self.offset = None

        #: Integer call start time
        self.start_time = None

        #: Integer call end time
        self.end_time = None

        #: String full url
        self.url = None

        #: String result of api call
        self.result = None

        #: String payload to send in
        self.payload = None

        #: Exception any exceptions that got caught
        self.exception = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """Prints out what this call is all about"""
        pretty_mask = utils.clean_string(self.mask)
        pretty_filter = self.filter
        param_string = "id={id}, mask='{mask}', filter='{filter}', args={args}, limit={limit}, offset={offset}".format(
            id=self.identifier, mask=pretty_mask, filter=pretty_filter,
            args=self.args, limit=self.limit, offset=self.offset)
        return "{service}::{method}({params})".format(
            service=self.service, method=self.method, params=param_string)

[docs]class SoftLayerListResult(list): """A SoftLayer API list result.""" def __init__(self, items=None, total_count=0): #: total count of items that exist on the server. This is useful when #: paginating through a large list of objects. self.total_count = total_count super(SoftLayerListResult, self).__init__(items)
class XmlRpcTransport(object): """XML-RPC transport.""" def __init__(self, endpoint_url=None, timeout=None, proxy=None, user_agent=None, verify=True): self.endpoint_url = (endpoint_url or consts.API_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT).rstrip('/') self.timeout = timeout or None self.proxy = proxy self.user_agent = user_agent or consts.USER_AGENT self.verify = verify self._client = None @property def client(self): """Returns client session object""" if self._client is None: self._client = get_session(self.user_agent) return self._client def __call__(self, request): """Makes a SoftLayer API call against the XML-RPC endpoint. :param request request: Request object """ largs = list(request.args) headers = request.headers auth = None if request.transport_user: auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(request.transport_user, request.transport_password) if request.identifier is not None: header_name = request.service + 'InitParameters' headers[header_name] = {'id': request.identifier} if request.mask is not None: if isinstance(request.mask, dict): mheader = '%sObjectMask' % request.service else: mheader = 'SoftLayer_ObjectMask' request.mask = _format_object_mask(request.mask) headers.update({mheader: {'mask': request.mask}}) if request.filter is not None: headers['%sObjectFilter' % request.service] = request.filter if request.limit: headers['resultLimit'] = { 'limit': request.limit, 'offset': request.offset or 0, } largs.insert(0, {'headers': headers}) request.transport_headers.setdefault('Content-Type', 'application/xml') request.transport_headers.setdefault('User-Agent', self.user_agent) request.url = '/'.join([self.endpoint_url, request.service]) request.payload = xmlrpc.client.dumps(tuple(largs), methodname=request.method, allow_none=True) # Prefer the request setting, if it's not None verify = request.verify if verify is None: request.verify = self.verify try: resp = self.client.request('POST', request.url, data=request.payload, auth=auth, headers=request.transport_headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=request.verify, cert=request.cert, proxies=_proxies_dict(self.proxy)) resp.raise_for_status() result = xmlrpc.client.loads(resp.content)[0][0] if isinstance(result, list): return SoftLayerListResult( result, int(resp.headers.get('softlayer-total-items', 0))) else: return result except xmlrpc.client.Fault as ex: # These exceptions are formed from the XML-RPC spec # error_mapping = { '-32700': exceptions.NotWellFormed, '-32701': exceptions.UnsupportedEncoding, '-32702': exceptions.InvalidCharacter, '-32600': exceptions.SpecViolation, '-32601': exceptions.MethodNotFound, '-32602': exceptions.InvalidMethodParameters, '-32603': exceptions.InternalError, '-32500': exceptions.ApplicationError, '-32400': exceptions.RemoteSystemError, '-32300': exceptions.TransportError, } _ex = error_mapping.get(ex.faultCode, exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError) raise _ex(ex.faultCode, ex.faultString) except requests.HTTPError as ex: raise exceptions.TransportError(ex.response.status_code, str(ex)) except requests.RequestException as ex: raise exceptions.TransportError(0, str(ex)) def print_reproduceable(self, request): """Prints out the minimal python code to reproduce a specific request The will also automatically replace the API key so its not accidently exposed. :param request request: Request object """ from string import Template output = Template('''============= ============= import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from urllib3.util.retry import Retry from xml.etree import ElementTree client = requests.Session() client.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'softlayer-python/testing',}) retry = Retry(connect=3, backoff_factor=3) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) client.mount('https://', adapter) # This is only needed if you are using an api key #auth=HTTPBasicAuth('apikey', YOUR_CLOUD_API_KEY) auth=None url = '$url' payload = """$payload""" transport_headers = $transport_headers timeout = $timeout verify = $verify cert = $cert proxy = $proxy response = client.request('POST', url, data=payload, headers=transport_headers, timeout=timeout, verify=verify, cert=cert, proxies=proxy, auth=auth) xml = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) ElementTree.dump(xml) ==========================''') safe_payload = re.sub(r'<string>[a-z0-9]{64}</string>', r'<string>API_KEY_GOES_HERE</string>', request.payload) safe_payload = re.sub(r'(\s+)', r' ', safe_payload) substitutions = dict(url=request.url, payload=safe_payload, transport_headers=request.transport_headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=request.verify, cert=request.cert, proxy=_proxies_dict(self.proxy)) return output.substitute(substitutions) class RestTransport(object): """REST transport. REST calls should mostly work, but is not fully tested. XML-RPC should be used when in doubt """ def __init__(self, endpoint_url=None, timeout=None, proxy=None, user_agent=None, verify=True): self.endpoint_url = (endpoint_url or consts.API_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT_REST).rstrip('/') self.timeout = timeout or None self.proxy = proxy self.user_agent = user_agent or consts.USER_AGENT self.verify = verify self._client = None @property def client(self): """Returns client session object""" if self._client is None: self._client = get_session(self.user_agent) return self._client def __call__(self, request): """Makes a SoftLayer API call against the REST endpoint. REST calls should mostly work, but is not fully tested. XML-RPC should be used when in doubt :param request request: Request object """ params = request.headers.copy() if request.mask: request.mask = _format_object_mask(request.mask) params['objectMask'] = request.mask if request.limit or request.offset: limit = request.limit or 0 offset = request.offset or 0 params['resultLimit'] = "%d,%d" % (offset, limit) if request.filter: params['objectFilter'] = json.dumps(request.filter) request.params = params auth = None if request.transport_user: auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth( request.transport_user, request.transport_password, ) method = REST_SPECIAL_METHODS.get(request.method) if method is None: method = 'GET' body = {} if request.args: # NOTE(kmcdonald): force POST when there are arguments because # the request body is ignored otherwise. method = 'POST' body['parameters'] = request.args if body: request.payload = json.dumps(body) url_parts = [self.endpoint_url, request.service] if request.identifier is not None: url_parts.append(str(request.identifier)) if request.method is not None: url_parts.append(request.method) request.url = '%s.%s' % ('/'.join(url_parts), 'json') # Prefer the request setting, if it's not None if request.verify is None: request.verify = self.verify try: resp = self.client.request(method, request.url, auth=auth, headers=request.transport_headers, params=request.params, data=request.payload, timeout=self.timeout, verify=request.verify, cert=request.cert, proxies=_proxies_dict(self.proxy)) request.url = resp.url resp.raise_for_status() if resp.text != "": try: result = json.loads(resp.text) except ValueError as json_ex: raise exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError(resp.status_code, str(json_ex)) else: raise exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError(resp.status_code, "Empty response.") request.result = result if isinstance(result, list): return SoftLayerListResult( result, int(resp.headers.get('softlayer-total-items', 0))) else: return result except requests.HTTPError as ex: try: message = json.loads(ex.response.text)['error'] request.url = ex.response.url except ValueError as json_ex: if ex.response.text == "": raise exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError(resp.status_code, "Empty response.") raise exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError(resp.status_code, str(json_ex)) raise exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError(ex.response.status_code, message) except requests.RequestException as ex: raise exceptions.TransportError(0, str(ex)) def print_reproduceable(self, request): """Prints out the minimal python code to reproduce a specific request The will also automatically replace the API key so its not accidently exposed. :param request request: Request object """ command = "curl -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X {method} -H {headers} {data} '{uri}'" method = REST_SPECIAL_METHODS.get(request.method) if method is None: method = 'GET' if request.args: method = 'POST' data = '' if request.payload is not None: data = "-d '{}'".format(request.payload) headers = ['"{0}: {1}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in request.transport_headers.items()] headers = " -H ".join(headers) return command.format(method=method, headers=headers, data=data, uri=request.url) class DebugTransport(object): """Transport that records API call timings.""" def __init__(self, transport): self.transport = transport #: List All API calls made during a session self.requests = [] def __call__(self, call): call.start_time = time.time() self.pre_transport_log(call) try: call.result = self.transport(call) except (exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError, exceptions.TransportError) as ex: call.exception = ex self.post_transport_log(call) call.end_time = time.time() self.requests.append(call) if call.exception is not None: LOGGER.debug(self.print_reproduceable(call)) raise call.exception return call.result def pre_transport_log(self, call): """Prints a warning before calling the API """ output = "Calling: {})".format(call) LOGGER.warning(output) def post_transport_log(self, call): """Prints the result "Returned Data: \n%s" % (call.result)of an API call""" output = "Returned Data: \n{}".format(call.result) LOGGER.debug(output) def get_last_calls(self): """Returns all API calls for a session""" return self.requests def print_reproduceable(self, call): """Prints a reproduceable debugging output""" return self.transport.print_reproduceable(call) class TimingTransport(object): """Transport that records API call timings.""" def __init__(self, transport): self.transport = transport self.last_calls = [] def __call__(self, call): """See for documentation.""" start_time = time.time() result = self.transport(call) end_time = time.time() self.last_calls.append((call, start_time, end_time - start_time)) return result def get_last_calls(self): """Retrieves the last_calls property. This property will contain a list of tuples in the form (Request, initiated_utc_timestamp, execution_time) """ last_calls = self.last_calls self.last_calls = [] return last_calls def print_reproduceable(self, call): """Not Implemented""" return call.service class FixtureTransport(object): """Implements a transport which returns fixtures.""" def __call__(self, call): """Load fixture from the default fixture path.""" try: module_path = 'SoftLayer.fixtures.%s' % call.service module = importlib.import_module(module_path) except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError('%s fixture is not implemented' % call.service) try: return getattr(module, call.method) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError('%s::%s fixture is not implemented' % (call.service, call.method)) def print_reproduceable(self, call): """Not Implemented""" return call.service def _proxies_dict(proxy): """Makes a proxy dict appropriate to pass to requests.""" if not proxy: return None return {'http': proxy, 'https': proxy} def _format_object_mask(objectmask): """Format the new style object mask. This wraps the user mask with mask[USER_MASK] if it does not already have one. This makes it slightly easier for users. :param objectmask: a string-based object mask """ objectmask = objectmask.strip() if (not objectmask.startswith('mask') and not objectmask.startswith('[')): objectmask = "mask[%s]" % objectmask return objectmask