Source code for SoftLayer.managers.file

    File Storage Manager

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
from SoftLayer import exceptions
from SoftLayer.managers import storage_utils
from SoftLayer import utils

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods

[docs]class FileStorageManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """Manages file Storage volumes.""" def __init__(self, client): self.configuration = {} self.client = client
[docs] def list_file_volume_limit(self): """Returns a list of file volume count limit. :return: Returns a list of file volume count limit. """ return'Network_Storage', 'getVolumeCountLimits')
[docs] def list_file_volumes(self, datacenter=None, username=None, storage_type=None, **kwargs): """Returns a list of file volumes. :param datacenter: Datacenter short name (e.g.: dal09) :param username: Name of volume. :param storage_type: Type of volume: Endurance or Performance :param kwargs: :return: Returns a list of file volumes. """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: items = [ 'id', 'username', 'capacityGb', 'bytesUsed', 'serviceResource.datacenter[name]', 'serviceResourceBackendIpAddress', 'activeTransactionCount', 'fileNetworkMountAddress', 'replicationPartnerCount' ] kwargs['mask'] = ','.join(items) _filter = utils.NestedDict(kwargs.get('filter') or {}) _filter['nasNetworkStorage']['serviceResource']['type']['type'] = \ (utils.query_filter('!~ NAS')) _filter['nasNetworkStorage']['storageType']['keyName'] = ( utils.query_filter('*FILE_STORAGE*')) if storage_type: _filter['nasNetworkStorage']['storageType']['keyName'] = ( utils.query_filter('%s_FILE_STORAGE*' % storage_type.upper())) if datacenter: _filter['nasNetworkStorage']['serviceResource']['datacenter'][ 'name'] = (utils.query_filter(datacenter)) if username: _filter['nasNetworkStorage']['username'] = \ (utils.query_filter(username)) kwargs['filter'] = _filter.to_dict() return'Account', 'getNasNetworkStorage', **kwargs)
[docs] def get_file_volume_details(self, volume_id, **kwargs): """Returns details about the specified volume. :param volume_id: ID of volume. :param kwargs: :return: Returns details about the specified volume. """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: items = [ 'id', 'username', 'password', 'capacityGb', 'bytesUsed', 'snapshotCapacityGb', 'parentVolume.snapshotSizeBytes', 'storageType.keyName', 'serviceResource.datacenter[name]', 'serviceResourceBackendIpAddress', 'fileNetworkMountAddress', 'storageTierLevel', 'provisionedIops', 'lunId', 'originalVolumeName', 'originalSnapshotName', 'originalVolumeSize', 'activeTransactionCount', 'activeTransactions.transactionStatus[friendlyName]', 'replicationPartnerCount', 'replicationStatus', 'replicationPartners[id,username,' 'serviceResourceBackendIpAddress,' 'serviceResource[datacenter[name]],' 'replicationSchedule[type[keyname]]]', ] kwargs['mask'] = ','.join(items) return'Network_Storage', 'getObject', id=volume_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_file_volume_access_list(self, volume_id, **kwargs): """Returns a list of authorized hosts for a specified volume. :param volume_id: ID of volume. :param kwargs: :return: Returns a list of authorized hosts for a specified volume. """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: items = [ 'id', 'allowedVirtualGuests[allowedHost[credential, sourceSubnet]]', 'allowedHardware[allowedHost[credential]]', 'allowedSubnets[allowedHost[credential]]', 'allowedIpAddresses[allowedHost[credential]]', ] kwargs['mask'] = ','.join(items) return'Network_Storage', 'getObject', id=volume_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_file_volume_snapshot_list(self, volume_id, **kwargs): """Returns a list of snapshots for the specified volume. :param volume_id: ID of volume. :param kwargs: :return: Returns a list of snapshots for the specified volume. """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: items = [ 'id', 'notes', 'snapshotSizeBytes', 'storageType[keyName]', 'snapshotCreationTimestamp', 'intervalSchedule', 'hourlySchedule', 'dailySchedule', 'weeklySchedule' ] kwargs['mask'] = ','.join(items) return'Network_Storage', 'getSnapshots', id=volume_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def authorize_host_to_volume(self, volume_id, hardware_ids=None, virtual_guest_ids=None, ip_address_ids=None, subnet_ids=None, **kwargs): """Authorizes hosts to File Storage Volumes :param volume_id: The File volume to authorize hosts to :param hardware_ids: A List of SoftLayer_Hardware ids :param virtual_guest_ids: A List of SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest ids :param ip_address_ids: A List of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress ids :param subnet_ids: A List of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet ids :return: Returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects which now have access to the given File volume """ host_templates = [] storage_utils.populate_host_templates(host_templates, hardware_ids, virtual_guest_ids, ip_address_ids, subnet_ids) return'Network_Storage', 'allowAccessFromHostList', host_templates, id=volume_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def deauthorize_host_to_volume(self, volume_id, hardware_ids=None, virtual_guest_ids=None, ip_address_ids=None, subnet_ids=None, **kwargs): """Revokes authorization of hosts to File Storage Volumes :param volume_id: The File volume to deauthorize hosts to :param hardware_ids: A List of SoftLayer_Hardware ids :param virtual_guest_ids: A List of SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest ids :param ip_address_ids: A List of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress ids :param subnet_ids: A List of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet ids :return: Returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects which have access to the given File volume """ host_templates = [] storage_utils.populate_host_templates(host_templates, hardware_ids, virtual_guest_ids, ip_address_ids, subnet_ids) return'Network_Storage', 'removeAccessFromHostList', host_templates, id=volume_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def order_replicant_volume(self, volume_id, snapshot_schedule, location, tier=None): """Places an order for a replicant file volume. :param volume_id: The ID of the primary volume to be replicated :param snapshot_schedule: The primary volume's snapshot schedule to use for replication :param location: The location for the ordered replicant volume :param tier: The tier (IOPS per GB) of the primary volume :return: Returns a SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Receipt """ file_mask = 'billingItem[activeChildren,hourlyFlag],'\ 'storageTierLevel,osType,staasVersion,'\ 'hasEncryptionAtRest,snapshotCapacityGb,schedules,'\ 'intervalSchedule,hourlySchedule,dailySchedule,'\ 'weeklySchedule,storageType[keyName],provisionedIops' file_volume = self.get_file_volume_details(volume_id, mask=file_mask) order = storage_utils.prepare_replicant_order_object( self, snapshot_schedule, location, tier, file_volume, 'file' ) return'Product_Order', 'placeOrder', order)
[docs] def get_replication_partners(self, volume_id): """Acquires list of replicant volumes pertaining to the given volume. :param volume_id: The ID of the primary volume to be replicated :return: Returns an array of SoftLayer_Location objects """ return'Network_Storage', 'getReplicationPartners', id=volume_id)
[docs] def get_replication_locations(self, volume_id): """Acquires list of the datacenters to which a volume can be replicated. :param volume_id: The ID of the primary volume to be replicated :return: Returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects """ return'Network_Storage', 'getValidReplicationTargetDatacenterLocations', id=volume_id)
[docs] def order_duplicate_volume(self, origin_volume_id, origin_snapshot_id=None, duplicate_size=None, duplicate_iops=None, duplicate_tier_level=None, duplicate_snapshot_size=None, hourly_billing_flag=False): """Places an order for a duplicate file volume. :param origin_volume_id: The ID of the origin volume to be duplicated :param origin_snapshot_id: Origin snapshot ID to use for duplication :param duplicate_size: Size/capacity for the duplicate volume :param duplicate_iops: The IOPS per GB for the duplicate volume :param duplicate_tier_level: Tier level for the duplicate volume :param duplicate_snapshot_size: Snapshot space size for the duplicate :param hourly_billing_flag: Billing type, monthly (False) or hourly (True), default to monthly. :return: Returns a SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Receipt """ file_mask = 'id,billingItem[location,hourlyFlag],snapshotCapacityGb,'\ 'storageType[keyName],capacityGb,originalVolumeSize,'\ 'provisionedIops,storageTierLevel,'\ 'staasVersion,hasEncryptionAtRest' origin_volume = self.get_file_volume_details(origin_volume_id, mask=file_mask) order = storage_utils.prepare_duplicate_order_object( self, origin_volume, duplicate_iops, duplicate_tier_level, duplicate_size, duplicate_snapshot_size, 'file', hourly_billing_flag ) if origin_snapshot_id is not None: order['duplicateOriginSnapshotId'] = origin_snapshot_id return'Product_Order', 'placeOrder', order)
[docs] def order_modified_volume(self, volume_id, new_size=None, new_iops=None, new_tier_level=None): """Places an order for modifying an existing file volume. :param volume_id: The ID of the volume to be modified :param new_size: The new size/capacity for the volume :param new_iops: The new IOPS for the volume :param new_tier_level: The new tier level for the volume :return: Returns a SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Receipt """ mask_items = [ 'id', 'billingItem', 'storageType[keyName]', 'capacityGb', 'provisionedIops', 'storageTierLevel', 'staasVersion', 'hasEncryptionAtRest', ] file_mask = ','.join(mask_items) volume = self.get_file_volume_details(volume_id, mask=file_mask) order = storage_utils.prepare_modify_order_object( self, volume, new_iops, new_tier_level, new_size ) return'Product_Order', 'placeOrder', order)
[docs] def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_id): """Deletes the specified snapshot object. :param snapshot_id: The ID of the snapshot object to delete. """ return'Network_Storage', 'deleteObject', id=snapshot_id)
[docs] def order_file_volume(self, storage_type, location, size, iops=None, tier_level=None, snapshot_size=None, service_offering='storage_as_a_service', hourly_billing_flag=False): """Places an order for a file volume. :param storage_type: 'performance' or 'endurance' :param location: Name of the datacenter in which to order the volume :param size: Size of the desired volume, in GB :param iops: Number of IOPs for a "Performance" order :param tier_level: Tier level to use for an "Endurance" order :param snapshot_size: The size of optional snapshot space, if snapshot space should also be ordered (None if not ordered) :param service_offering: Requested offering package to use in the order ('storage_as_a_service', 'enterprise', or 'performance') :param hourly_billing_flag: Billing type, monthly (False) or hourly (True), default to monthly. """ order = storage_utils.prepare_volume_order_object( self, storage_type, location, size, iops, tier_level, snapshot_size, service_offering, 'file', hourly_billing_flag ) return'Product_Order', 'placeOrder', order)
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, volume_id, notes='', **kwargs): """Creates a snapshot on the given file volume. :param integer volume_id: The id of the volume :param string notes: The notes or "name" to assign the snapshot :return: Returns the id of the new snapshot """ return'Network_Storage', 'createSnapshot', notes, id=volume_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def enable_snapshots(self, volume_id, schedule_type, retention_count, minute, hour, day_of_week, **kwargs): """Enables snapshots for a specific file volume at a given schedule :param integer volume_id: The id of the volume :param string schedule_type: 'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY' :param integer retention_count: The number of snapshots to attempt to retain in this schedule :param integer minute: The minute of the hour at which HOURLY, DAILY, and WEEKLY snapshots should be taken :param integer hour: The hour of the day at which DAILY and WEEKLY snapshots should be taken :param string|integer day_of_week: The day of the week on which WEEKLY snapshots should be taken, either as a string ('SUNDAY') or integer ('0' is Sunday) :return: Returns whether successfully scheduled or not """ return'Network_Storage', 'enableSnapshots', schedule_type, retention_count, minute, hour, day_of_week, id=volume_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def disable_snapshots(self, volume_id, schedule_type): """Disables snapshots for a specific file volume at a given schedule :param integer volume_id: The id of the volume :param string schedule_type: 'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY' :return: Returns whether successfully disabled or not """ return'Network_Storage', 'disableSnapshots', schedule_type, id=volume_id)
[docs] def list_volume_schedules(self, volume_id): """Lists schedules for a given volume :param integer volume_id: The id of the volume :return: Returns list of schedules assigned to a given volume """ volume_detail = 'Network_Storage', 'getObject', id=volume_id, mask='schedules[type,properties[type]]') return utils.lookup(volume_detail, 'schedules')
[docs] def order_snapshot_space(self, volume_id, capacity, tier, upgrade, **kwargs): """Orders snapshot space for the given file volume. :param integer volume_id: The ID of the volume :param integer capacity: The capacity to order, in GB :param float tier: The tier level of the file volume, in IOPS per GB :param boolean upgrade: Flag to indicate if this order is an upgrade :return: Returns a SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Receipt """ file_mask = 'id,billingItem[location,hourlyFlag],'\ 'storageType[keyName],storageTierLevel,provisionedIops,'\ 'staasVersion,hasEncryptionAtRest' file_volume = self.get_file_volume_details(volume_id, mask=file_mask, **kwargs) order = storage_utils.prepare_snapshot_order_object( self, file_volume, capacity, tier, upgrade) return'Product_Order', 'placeOrder', order)
[docs] def cancel_snapshot_space(self, volume_id, reason='No longer needed', immediate=False): """Cancels snapshot space for a given volume. :param integer volume_id: The volume ID :param string reason: The reason for cancellation :param boolean immediate: Cancel immediately or on anniversary date """ file_volume = self.get_file_volume_details( volume_id, mask='mask[id,billingItem[activeChildren,hourlyFlag]]') if 'activeChildren' not in file_volume['billingItem']: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError( 'No snapshot space found to cancel') children_array = file_volume['billingItem']['activeChildren'] billing_item_id = None for child in children_array: if child['categoryCode'] == 'storage_snapshot_space': billing_item_id = child['id'] break if not billing_item_id: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError( 'No snapshot space found to cancel') if utils.lookup(file_volume, 'billingItem', 'hourlyFlag'): immediate = True return self.client['Billing_Item'].cancelItem( immediate, True, reason, id=billing_item_id)
[docs] def restore_from_snapshot(self, volume_id, snapshot_id): """Restores a specific volume from a snapshot :param integer volume_id: The ID of the volume :param integer snapshot_id: The id of the restore point :return: Returns whether successfully restored or not """ return'Network_Storage', 'restoreFromSnapshot', snapshot_id, id=volume_id)
[docs] def cancel_file_volume(self, volume_id, reason='No longer needed', immediate=False): """Cancels the given file storage volume. :param integer volume_id: The volume ID :param string reason: The reason for cancellation :param boolean immediate: Cancel immediately or on anniversary date """ file_volume = self.get_file_volume_details( volume_id, mask='mask[id,billingItem[id,hourlyFlag]]') if 'billingItem' not in file_volume: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError('The volume has already been canceled') billing_item_id = file_volume['billingItem']['id'] if utils.lookup(file_volume, 'billingItem', 'hourlyFlag'): immediate = True return self.client['Billing_Item'].cancelItem( immediate, True, reason, id=billing_item_id)
[docs] def failover_to_replicant(self, volume_id, replicant_id): """Failover to a volume replicant. :param integer volume_id: The ID of the volume :param integer replicant_id: ID of replicant to failover to :return: Returns whether failover was successful or not """ return'Network_Storage', 'failoverToReplicant', replicant_id, id=volume_id)
[docs] def failback_from_replicant(self, volume_id): """Failback from a volume replicant. :param integer volume_id: The ID of the volume :return: Returns whether failback was successful or not """ return'Network_Storage', 'failbackFromReplicant', id=volume_id)