Source code for SoftLayer.managers.vs

    VS Manager/helpers

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
import datetime
import logging
import socket
import time
import warnings

from SoftLayer.decoration import retry
from SoftLayer import exceptions
from SoftLayer.managers import ordering
from SoftLayer import utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# pylint: disable=no-self-use,too-many-lines

[docs]class VSManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """Manages SoftLayer Virtual Servers. See product information here: Example:: # Initialize the VSManager. # env variables. These can also be specified in ~/.softlayer, # or passed directly to SoftLayer.Client() # SL_USERNAME = YOUR_USERNAME # SL_API_KEY = YOUR_API_KEY import SoftLayer client = SoftLayer.Client() mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(client) :param SoftLayer.API.BaseClient client: the client instance :param SoftLayer.managers.OrderingManager ordering_manager: an optional manager to handle ordering. If none is provided, one will be auto initialized. """ def __init__(self, client, ordering_manager=None): self.client = client self.account = client['Account'] self.guest = client['Virtual_Guest'] self.package_svc = client['Product_Package'] self.resolvers = [self._get_ids_from_ip, self._get_ids_from_hostname] if ordering_manager is None: self.ordering_manager = ordering.OrderingManager(client) else: self.ordering_manager = ordering_manager
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def list_instances(self, hourly=True, monthly=True, tags=None, cpus=None, memory=None, hostname=None, domain=None, local_disk=None, datacenter=None, nic_speed=None, public_ip=None, private_ip=None, transient=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve a list of all virtual servers on the account. Example:: # Print out a list of hourly instances in the DAL05 data center. for vsi in mgr.list_instances(hourly=True, datacenter='dal05'): print vsi['fullyQualifiedDomainName'], vsi['primaryIpAddress'] # Using a custom object-mask. Will get ONLY what is specified object_mask = "mask[hostname,monitoringRobot[robotStatus]]" for vsi in mgr.list_instances(mask=object_mask,hourly=True): print vsi :param boolean hourly: include hourly instances :param boolean monthly: include monthly instances :param list tags: filter based on list of tags :param integer cpus: filter based on number of CPUS :param integer memory: filter based on amount of memory :param string hostname: filter based on hostname :param string domain: filter based on domain :param string local_disk: filter based on local_disk :param string datacenter: filter based on datacenter :param integer nic_speed: filter based on network speed (in MBPS) :param string public_ip: filter based on public ip address :param string private_ip: filter based on private ip address :param boolean transient: filter on transient or non-transient instances :param dict \\*\\*kwargs: response-level options (mask, limit, etc.) :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries representing the matching virtual servers """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: items = [ 'id', 'globalIdentifier', 'hostname', 'domain', 'fullyQualifiedDomainName', 'primaryBackendIpAddress', 'primaryIpAddress', '', 'powerState', 'maxCpu', 'maxMemory', 'datacenter', 'activeTransaction.transactionStatus[friendlyName,name]', 'status', ] kwargs['mask'] = "mask[%s]" % ','.join(items) call = 'getVirtualGuests' if not all([hourly, monthly]): if hourly: call = 'getHourlyVirtualGuests' elif monthly: call = 'getMonthlyVirtualGuests' _filter = utils.NestedDict(kwargs.get('filter') or {}) if tags: _filter['virtualGuests']['tagReferences']['tag']['name'] = { 'operation': 'in', 'options': [{'name': 'data', 'value': tags}], } if cpus: _filter['virtualGuests']['maxCpu'] = utils.query_filter(cpus) if memory: _filter['virtualGuests']['maxMemory'] = utils.query_filter(memory) if hostname: _filter['virtualGuests']['hostname'] = utils.query_filter(hostname) if domain: _filter['virtualGuests']['domain'] = utils.query_filter(domain) if local_disk is not None: _filter['virtualGuests']['localDiskFlag'] = ( utils.query_filter(bool(local_disk))) if datacenter: _filter['virtualGuests']['datacenter']['name'] = ( utils.query_filter(datacenter)) if nic_speed: _filter['virtualGuests']['networkComponents']['maxSpeed'] = ( utils.query_filter(nic_speed)) if public_ip: _filter['virtualGuests']['primaryIpAddress'] = ( utils.query_filter(public_ip)) if private_ip: _filter['virtualGuests']['primaryBackendIpAddress'] = ( utils.query_filter(private_ip)) if transient is not None: _filter['virtualGuests']['transientGuestFlag'] = ( utils.query_filter(bool(transient)) ) kwargs['filter'] = _filter.to_dict() kwargs['iter'] = True return'Account', call, **kwargs)
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def get_instance(self, instance_id, **kwargs): """Get details about a virtual server instance. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID :returns: A dictionary containing a large amount of information about the specified instance. Example:: # Print out instance ID 12345. vsi = mgr.get_instance(12345) print vsi # Print out only FQDN and primaryIP for instance 12345 object_mask = "mask[fullyQualifiedDomainName,primaryIpAddress]" vsi = mgr.get_instance(12345, mask=mask) print vsi """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: kwargs['mask'] = ( 'id,' 'globalIdentifier,' 'fullyQualifiedDomainName,' 'hostname,' 'domain,' 'createDate,' 'modifyDate,' 'provisionDate,' 'notes,' 'dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag,' 'transientGuestFlag,' 'privateNetworkOnlyFlag,' 'primaryBackendIpAddress,' 'primaryIpAddress,' '''networkComponents[id, status, speed, maxSpeed, name, macAddress, primaryIpAddress, port, primarySubnet[addressSpace], securityGroupBindings[ securityGroup[id, name]]],''' ',' 'powerState,' 'status,' 'maxCpu,' 'maxMemory,' 'datacenter,' 'activeTransaction[id, transactionStatus[friendlyName,name]],' 'lastTransaction[transactionStatus],' ',' 'blockDevices,' 'blockDeviceTemplateGroup[id, name, globalIdentifier],' 'postInstallScriptUri,' '''operatingSystem[passwords[username,password], softwareLicense.softwareDescription[ manufacturer,name,version, referenceCode]],''' '''softwareComponents[ passwords[username,password,notes], softwareLicense[softwareDescription[ manufacturer,name,version, referenceCode]]],''' 'hourlyBillingFlag,' 'userData,' '''billingItem[id,nextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount, package[id,keyName], children[categoryCode,nextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount], orderItem[id, order.userRecord[username], preset.keyName]],''' 'tagReferences[id,tag[name,id]],' 'networkVlans[id,vlanNumber,networkSpace],' ',' 'placementGroupId' ) return self.guest.getObject(id=instance_id, **kwargs)
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def get_create_options(self): """Retrieves the available options for creating a VS. :returns: A dictionary of creation options. Example:: # Prints out the create option dictionary options = mgr.get_create_options() print(options) """ return self.guest.getCreateObjectOptions()
[docs] def cancel_instance(self, instance_id): """Cancel an instance immediately, deleting all its data. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to cancel Example:: # Cancels instance 12345 mgr.cancel_instance(12345) """ return self.guest.deleteObject(id=instance_id)
[docs] def reload_instance(self, instance_id, post_uri=None, ssh_keys=None, image_id=None): """Perform an OS reload of an instance. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to reload :param string post_url: The URI of the post-install script to run after reload :param list ssh_keys: The SSH keys to add to the root user :param int image_id: The GUID of the image to load onto the server .. warning:: This will reformat the primary drive. Post-provision script MUST be HTTPS for it to be executed. Example:: # Reload instance ID 12345 then run a custom post-provision script. # Post-provision script MUST be HTTPS for it to be executed. post_uri = '' vsi = mgr.reload_instance(12345, post_uri=post_url) """ config = {} if post_uri: config['customProvisionScriptUri'] = post_uri if ssh_keys: config['sshKeyIds'] = list(ssh_keys) if image_id: config['imageTemplateId'] = image_id return'Virtual_Guest', 'reloadOperatingSystem', 'FORCE', config, id=instance_id)
def _generate_create_dict( self, cpus=None, memory=None, hourly=True, hostname=None, domain=None, local_disk=True, datacenter=None, os_code=None, image_id=None, dedicated=False, public_vlan=None, private_vlan=None, private_subnet=None, public_subnet=None, userdata=None, nic_speed=None, disks=None, post_uri=None, private=False, ssh_keys=None, public_security_groups=None, private_security_groups=None, boot_mode=None, transient=False, **kwargs): """Returns a dict appropriate to pass into Virtual_Guest::createObject See :func:`create_instance` for a list of available options. """ required = [hostname, domain] flavor = kwargs.get('flavor', None) host_id = kwargs.get('host_id', None) mutually_exclusive = [ {'os_code': os_code, 'image_id': image_id}, {'cpu': cpus, 'flavor': flavor}, {'memory': memory, 'flavor': flavor}, {'flavor': flavor, 'dedicated': dedicated}, {'flavor': flavor, 'host_id': host_id} ] if not all(required): raise ValueError("hostname, and domain are required") for mu_ex in mutually_exclusive: if all(mu_ex.values()): raise ValueError( 'Can only specify one of: %s' % (','.join(mu_ex.keys()))) data = { "startCpus": cpus, "maxMemory": memory, "hostname": hostname, "domain": domain, "localDiskFlag": local_disk, "hourlyBillingFlag": hourly, "supplementalCreateObjectOptions": { "bootMode": boot_mode } } if flavor: data["supplementalCreateObjectOptions"]["flavorKeyName"] = flavor if dedicated and not host_id: data["dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag"] = dedicated if host_id: data["dedicatedHost"] = {"id": host_id} if private: data['privateNetworkOnlyFlag'] = private if transient: data['transientGuestFlag'] = transient if image_id: data["blockDeviceTemplateGroup"] = {"globalIdentifier": image_id} elif os_code: data["operatingSystemReferenceCode"] = os_code if datacenter: data["datacenter"] = {"name": datacenter} if private_vlan or public_vlan or private_subnet or public_subnet: network_components = self._create_network_components(public_vlan, private_vlan, private_subnet, public_subnet) data.update(network_components) if public_security_groups: secgroups = [{'securityGroup': {'id': int(sg)}} for sg in public_security_groups] pnc = data.get('primaryNetworkComponent', {}) pnc['securityGroupBindings'] = secgroups data.update({'primaryNetworkComponent': pnc}) if private_security_groups: secgroups = [{'securityGroup': {'id': int(sg)}} for sg in private_security_groups] pbnc = data.get('primaryBackendNetworkComponent', {}) pbnc['securityGroupBindings'] = secgroups data.update({'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': pbnc}) if userdata: data['userData'] = [{'value': userdata}] if nic_speed: data['networkComponents'] = [{'maxSpeed': nic_speed}] if disks: data['blockDevices'] = [ {"device": "0", "diskImage": {"capacity": disks[0]}} ] for dev_id, disk in enumerate(disks[1:], start=2): data['blockDevices'].append( { "device": str(dev_id), "diskImage": {"capacity": disk} } ) if post_uri: data['postInstallScriptUri'] = post_uri if ssh_keys: data['sshKeys'] = [{'id': key_id} for key_id in ssh_keys] return data def _create_network_components( self, public_vlan=None, private_vlan=None, private_subnet=None, public_subnet=None): parameters = {} if private_vlan: parameters['primaryBackendNetworkComponent'] = {"networkVlan": {"id": int(private_vlan)}} if public_vlan: parameters['primaryNetworkComponent'] = {"networkVlan": {"id": int(public_vlan)}} if public_subnet: if public_vlan is None: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("You need to specify a public_vlan with public_subnet") parameters['primaryNetworkComponent']['networkVlan']['primarySubnet'] = {'id': int(public_subnet)} if private_subnet: if private_vlan is None: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("You need to specify a private_vlan with private_subnet") parameters['primaryBackendNetworkComponent']['networkVlan']['primarySubnet'] = {'id': int(private_subnet)} return parameters
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def wait_for_transaction(self, instance_id, limit, delay=10): """Waits on a VS transaction for the specified amount of time. This is really just a wrapper for wait_for_ready(pending=True). Provided for backwards compatibility. :param int instance_id: The instance ID with the pending transaction :param int limit: The maximum amount of time to wait. :param int delay: The number of seconds to sleep before checks. Defaults to 10. """ return self.wait_for_ready(instance_id, limit, delay=delay, pending=True)
[docs] def wait_for_ready(self, instance_id, limit=3600, delay=10, pending=False): """Determine if a VS is ready and available. In some cases though, that can mean that no transactions are running. The default arguments imply a VS is operational and ready for use by having network connectivity and remote access is available. Setting ``pending=True`` will ensure future API calls against this instance will not error due to pending transactions such as OS Reloads and cancellations. :param int instance_id: The instance ID with the pending transaction :param int limit: The maximum amount of seconds to wait. :param int delay: The number of seconds to sleep before checks. Defaults to 10. :param bool pending: Wait for pending transactions not related to provisioning or reloads such as monitoring. Example:: # Will return once vsi 12345 is ready, or after 10 checks ready = mgr.wait_for_ready(12345, 10) """ now = time.time() until = now + limit mask = "mask[id, lastOperatingSystemReload[id], activeTransaction, provisionDate]" while now <= until: instance = self.get_instance(instance_id, mask=mask) if utils.is_ready(instance, pending): return True transaction = utils.lookup(instance, 'activeTransaction', 'transactionStatus', 'friendlyName') snooze = min(delay, until - now)"%s - %d not ready. Auto retry in %ds", transaction, instance_id, snooze) time.sleep(snooze) now = time.time()"Waiting for %d expired.", instance_id) return False
[docs] def verify_create_instance(self, **kwargs): """Verifies an instance creation command. Without actually placing an order. See :func:`create_instance` for a list of available options. Example:: new_vsi = { 'domain': u'', 'hostname': u'minion05', 'datacenter': u'hkg02', 'flavor': 'BL1_1X2X100' 'dedicated': False, 'private': False, 'transient': False, 'os_code' : u'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'hourly': True, 'ssh_keys': [1234], 'disks': ('100','25'), 'local_disk': True, 'tags': 'test, pleaseCancel', 'public_security_groups': [12, 15] } vsi = mgr.verify_create_instance(**new_vsi) # vsi will be a SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest # if your order is correct. Otherwise you will get an exception print vsi """ kwargs.pop('tags', None) create_options = self._generate_create_dict(**kwargs) template = self.guest.generateOrderTemplate(create_options) if 'private_subnet' in kwargs or 'public_subnet' in kwargs: vsi = template['virtualGuests'][0] network_components = self._create_network_components(kwargs.get('public_vlan', None), kwargs.get('private_vlan', None), kwargs.get('private_subnet', None), kwargs.get('public_subnet', None)) vsi.update(network_components) return template
[docs] def create_instance(self, **kwargs): """Creates a new virtual server instance. .. warning:: This will add charges to your account Example:: new_vsi = { 'domain': u'', 'hostname': u'minion05', 'datacenter': u'hkg02', 'flavor': 'BL1_1X2X100' 'dedicated': False, 'private': False, 'os_code' : u'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'hourly': True, 'ssh_keys': [1234], 'disks': ('100','25'), 'local_disk': True, 'tags': 'test, pleaseCancel', 'public_security_groups': [12, 15] } vsi = mgr.create_instance(**new_vsi) # vsi will have the newly created vsi details if done properly. print vsi :param int cpus: The number of virtual CPUs to include in the instance. :param int memory: The amount of RAM to order. :param bool hourly: Flag to indicate if this server should be billed hourly (default) or monthly. :param string hostname: The hostname to use for the new server. :param string domain: The domain to use for the new server. :param bool local_disk: Flag to indicate if this should be a local disk (default) or a SAN disk. :param string datacenter: The short name of the data center in which the VS should reside. :param string os_code: The operating system to use. Cannot be specified if image_id is specified. :param int image_id: The GUID of the image to load onto the server. Cannot be specified if os_code is specified. :param bool dedicated: Flag to indicate if this should be housed on adedicated or shared host (default). This will incur a fee on your account. :param int public_vlan: The ID of the public VLAN on which you want this VS placed. :param list public_security_groups: The list of security group IDs to apply to the public interface :param list private_security_groups: The list of security group IDs to apply to the private interface :param int private_vlan: The ID of the private VLAN on which you want this VS placed. :param list disks: A list of disk capacities for this server. :param string post_uri: The URI of the post-install script to run after reload :param bool private: If true, the VS will be provisioned only with access to the private network. Defaults to false :param list ssh_keys: The SSH keys to add to the root user :param int nic_speed: The port speed to set :param string tags: tags to set on the VS as a comma separated list :param string flavor: The key name of the public virtual server flavor being ordered. :param int host_id: The host id of a dedicated host to provision a dedicated host virtual server on. """ tags = kwargs.pop('tags', None) inst = self.guest.createObject(self._generate_create_dict(**kwargs)) if tags is not None: self.set_tags(tags, guest_id=inst['id']) return inst
[docs] @retry(logger=LOGGER) def set_tags(self, tags, guest_id): """Sets tags on a guest with a retry decorator Just calls guest.setTags, but if it fails from an APIError will retry """ self.guest.setTags(tags, id=guest_id)
[docs] def create_instances(self, config_list): """Creates multiple virtual server instances. This takes a list of dictionaries using the same arguments as create_instance(). .. warning:: This will add charges to your account Example:: # Define the instance we want to create. new_vsi = { 'domain': u'', 'hostname': u'minion05', 'datacenter': u'hkg02', 'flavor': 'BL1_1X2X100' 'dedicated': False, 'private': False, 'os_code' : u'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'hourly': True, 'ssh_keys': [1234], 'disks': ('100','25'), 'local_disk': True, 'tags': 'test, pleaseCancel', 'public_security_groups': [12, 15] } # using .copy() so we can make changes to individual nodes instances = [new_vsi.copy(), new_vsi.copy(), new_vsi.copy()] # give each its own hostname, not required. instances[0]['hostname'] = "multi-test01" instances[1]['hostname'] = "multi-test02" instances[2]['hostname'] = "multi-test03" vsi = mgr.create_instances(config_list=instances) #vsi will be a dictionary of all the new virtual servers print vsi """ tags = [conf.pop('tags', None) for conf in config_list] resp = self.guest.createObjects([self._generate_create_dict(**kwargs) for kwargs in config_list]) for instance, tag in zip(resp, tags): if tag is not None: self.set_tags(tag, guest_id=instance['id']) return resp
[docs] def change_port_speed(self, instance_id, public, speed): """Allows you to change the port speed of a virtual server's NICs. Example:: #change the Public interface to 10Mbps on instance 12345 result = mgr.change_port_speed(instance_id=12345, public=True, speed=10) # result will be True or an Exception :param int instance_id: The ID of the VS :param bool public: Flag to indicate which interface to change. True (default) means the public interface. False indicates the private interface. :param int speed: The port speed to set. .. warning:: A port speed of 0 will disable the interface. """ if public: return'Virtual_Guest', 'setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed', speed, id=instance_id) else: return'Virtual_Guest', 'setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed', speed, id=instance_id)
def _get_ids_from_hostname(self, hostname): """List VS ids which match the given hostname.""" results = self.list_instances(hostname=hostname, mask="id") return [result['id'] for result in results] def _get_ids_from_ip(self, ip_address): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """List VS ids which match the given ip address.""" try: # Does it look like an ip address? socket.inet_aton(ip_address) except socket.error: return [] # Find the VS via ip address. First try public ip, then private results = self.list_instances(public_ip=ip_address, mask="id") if results: return [result['id'] for result in results] results = self.list_instances(private_ip=ip_address, mask="id") if results: return [result['id'] for result in results]
[docs] def edit(self, instance_id, userdata=None, hostname=None, domain=None, notes=None, tags=None): """Edit hostname, domain name, notes, and/or the user data of a VS. Parameters set to None will be ignored and not attempted to be updated. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to edit :param string userdata: user data on VS to edit. If none exist it will be created :param string hostname: valid hostname :param string domain: valid domain namem :param string notes: notes about this particular VS :param string tags: tags to set on the VS as a comma separated list. Use the empty string to remove all tags. :returns: bool -- True or an Exception Example:: # Change the hostname on instance 12345 to 'something' result = mgr.edit(instance_id=12345 , hostname="something") #result will be True or an Exception """ obj = {} if userdata: self.guest.setUserMetadata([userdata], id=instance_id) if tags is not None: self.set_tags(tags, guest_id=instance_id) if hostname: obj['hostname'] = hostname if domain: obj['domain'] = domain if notes: obj['notes'] = notes if not obj: return True return self.guest.editObject(obj, id=instance_id)
[docs] def rescue(self, instance_id): """Reboot a VSI into the Xen recsue kernel. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to rescue :returns: bool -- True or an Exception Example:: # Puts instance 12345 into rescue mode result = mgr.rescue(instance_id=12345) """ return self.guest.executeRescueLayer(id=instance_id)
[docs] def capture(self, instance_id, name, additional_disks=False, notes=None): """Capture one or all disks from a VS to a SoftLayer image. Parameters set to None will be ignored and not attempted to be updated. :param integer instance_id: the instance ID to edit :param string name: name assigned to the image :param bool additional_disks: set to true to include all additional attached storage devices :param string notes: notes about this particular image :returns: dictionary -- information about the capture transaction. Example:: name = "Testing Images" notes = "Some notes about this image" result = mgr.capture(instance_id=12345, name=name, notes=notes) """ vsi = 'Virtual_Guest', 'getObject', id=instance_id, mask="""id, blockDevices[id,device,mountType, diskImage[id,metadataFlag,type[keyName]]]""") disks_to_capture = [] for block_device in vsi['blockDevices']: # We never want metadata disks if utils.lookup(block_device, 'diskImage', 'metadataFlag'): continue # We never want swap devices type_name = utils.lookup(block_device, 'diskImage', 'type', 'keyName') if type_name == 'SWAP': continue # We never want CD images if block_device['mountType'] == 'CD': continue # Only use the first block device if we don't want additional disks if not additional_disks and str(block_device['device']) != '0': continue disks_to_capture.append(block_device) return self.guest.createArchiveTransaction( name, disks_to_capture, notes, id=instance_id)
[docs] def upgrade(self, instance_id, cpus=None, memory=None, nic_speed=None, public=True, preset=None): """Upgrades a VS instance. Example:: # Upgrade instance 12345 to 4 CPUs and 4 GB of memory import SoftLayer client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(client) mgr.upgrade(12345, cpus=4, memory=4) :param int instance_id: Instance id of the VS to be upgraded :param int cpus: The number of virtual CPUs to upgrade to of a VS instance. :param string preset: preset assigned to the vsi :param int memory: RAM of the VS to be upgraded to. :param int nic_speed: The port speed to set :param bool public: CPU will be in Private/Public Node. :returns: bool """ upgrade_prices = self._get_upgrade_prices(instance_id) prices = [] data = {'nic_speed': nic_speed} if cpus is not None and preset is not None: raise ValueError("Do not use cpu, private and memory if you are using flavors") data['cpus'] = cpus if memory is not None and preset is not None: raise ValueError("Do not use memory, private or cpu if you are using flavors") data['memory'] = memory maintenance_window = order = { 'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest_Upgrade', 'properties': [{ 'name': 'MAINTENANCE_WINDOW', 'value': maintenance_window.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z") }], 'virtualGuests': [{'id': int(instance_id)}], } for option, value in data.items(): if not value: continue price_id = self._get_price_id_for_upgrade_option(upgrade_prices, option, value, public) if not price_id: # Every option provided is expected to have a price raise exceptions.SoftLayerError( "Unable to find %s option with value %s" % (option, value)) prices.append({'id': price_id}) order['prices'] = prices if preset is not None: vs_object = self.get_instance(instance_id)['billingItem']['package'] order['presetId'] = self.ordering_manager.get_preset_by_key(vs_object['keyName'], preset)['id'] if prices or preset: self.client['Product_Order'].placeOrder(order) return True return False
[docs] def order_guest(self, guest_object, test=False): """Uses Product_Order::placeOrder to create a virtual guest. Useful when creating a virtual guest with options not supported by Virtual_Guest::createObject specifically ipv6 support. :param dictionary guest_object: See SoftLayer.CLI.virt.create._parse_create_args Example:: new_vsi = { 'domain': u'', 'hostname': u'minion05', 'datacenter': u'hkg02', 'flavor': 'BL1_1X2X100' 'dedicated': False, 'private': False, 'transient': False, 'os_code' : u'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'hourly': True, 'ssh_keys': [1234], 'disks': ('100','25'), 'local_disk': True, 'tags': 'test, pleaseCancel', 'public_security_groups': [12, 15], 'ipv6': True } vsi = mgr.order_guest(new_vsi) # vsi will have the newly created vsi receipt. # vsi['orderDetails']['virtualGuests'] will be an array of created Guests print vsi """ tags = guest_object.pop('tags', None) template = self.verify_create_instance(**guest_object) if guest_object.get('ipv6'): ipv6_price = self.ordering_manager.get_price_id_list('PUBLIC_CLOUD_SERVER', ['1_IPV6_ADDRESS']) template['prices'].append({'id': ipv6_price[0]}) # Notice this is `userdata` from the cli, but we send it in as `userData` if guest_object.get('userdata'): # SL_Virtual_Guest::generateOrderTemplate() doesn't respect userData, so we need to add it ourself template['virtualGuests'][0]['userData'] = [{"value": guest_object.get('userdata')}] if guest_object.get('host_id'): template['hostId'] = guest_object.get('host_id') if guest_object.get('placement_id'): template['virtualGuests'][0]['placementGroupId'] = guest_object.get('placement_id') if test: result ='Product_Order', 'verifyOrder', template) else: result ='Product_Order', 'placeOrder', template) if tags is not None: virtual_guests = utils.lookup(result, 'orderDetails', 'virtualGuests') for guest in virtual_guests: self.set_tags(tags, guest_id=guest['id']) return result
def _get_package_items(self): """Following Method gets all the item ids related to VS. Deprecated in favor of _get_upgrade_prices() """ warnings.warn("use _get_upgrade_prices() instead", DeprecationWarning) mask = [ 'description', 'capacity', 'units', 'prices[id,locationGroupId,categories[name,id,categoryCode]]' ] mask = "mask[%s]" % ','.join(mask) package_keyname = "CLOUD_SERVER" package = self.ordering_manager.get_package_by_key(package_keyname) package_service = self.client['Product_Package'] return package_service.getItems(id=package['id'], mask=mask) def _get_upgrade_prices(self, instance_id, include_downgrade_options=True): """Following Method gets all the price ids related to upgrading a VS. :param int instance_id: Instance id of the VS to be upgraded :returns: list """ mask = [ 'id', 'locationGroupId', 'categories[name,id,categoryCode]', 'item[description,capacity,units]' ] mask = "mask[%s]" % ','.join(mask) return self.guest.getUpgradeItemPrices(include_downgrade_options, id=instance_id, mask=mask) # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements def _get_price_id_for_upgrade_option(self, upgrade_prices, option, value, public=True): """Find the price id for the option and value to upgrade. This :param list upgrade_prices: Contains all the prices related to a VS upgrade :param string option: Describes type of parameter to be upgraded :param int value: The value of the parameter to be upgraded :param bool public: CPU will be in Private/Public Node. """ option_category = { 'memory': 'ram', 'cpus': 'guest_core', 'nic_speed': 'port_speed' } category_code = option_category.get(option) for price in upgrade_prices: if price.get('categories') is None or price.get('item') is None: continue product = price.get('item') is_private = (product.get('units') == 'PRIVATE_CORE' or product.get('units') == 'DEDICATED_CORE') for category in price.get('categories'): if not (category.get('categoryCode') == category_code and str(product.get('capacity')) == str(value)): continue if option == 'cpus': # Public upgrade and public guest_core price if public and not is_private: return price.get('id') # Private upgrade and private guest_core price elif not public and is_private: return price.get('id') elif option == 'nic_speed': if 'Public' in product.get('description'): return price.get('id') else: return price.get('id')
[docs] def get_summary_data_usage(self, instance_id, start_date=None, end_date=None, valid_type=None, summary_period=None): """Retrieve the usage information of a virtual server. :param string instance_id: a string identifier used to resolve ids :param string start_date: the start data to retrieve the vs usage information :param string end_date: the start data to retrieve the vs usage information :param string string valid_type: the Metric_Data_Type keyName. :param int summary_period: summary period. """ valid_types = [ { "keyName": valid_type, "summaryType": "max" } ] metric_tracking_id = self.get_tracking_id(instance_id) return'Metric_Tracking_Object', 'getSummaryData', start_date, end_date, valid_types, summary_period, id=metric_tracking_id, iter=True)
[docs] def get_tracking_id(self, instance_id): """Returns the Metric Tracking Object Id for a hardware server :param int instance_id: Id of the hardware server """ return self.guest.getMetricTrackingObjectId(id=instance_id)
[docs] def get_bandwidth_data(self, instance_id, start_date=None, end_date=None, direction=None, rollup=3600): """Gets bandwidth data for a server Will get averaged bandwidth data for a given time period. If you use a rollup over 3600 be aware that the API will bump your start/end date to align with how data is stored. For example if you have a rollup of 86400 your start_date will be bumped to 00:00. If you are not using a time in the start/end date fields, this won't really matter. :param int instance_id: Hardware Id to get data for :param date start_date: Date to start pulling data for. :param date end_date: Date to finish pulling data for :param string direction: Can be either 'public', 'private', or None for both. :param int rollup: 300, 600, 1800, 3600, 43200 or 86400 seconds to average data over. """ tracking_id = self.get_tracking_id(instance_id) data ='Metric_Tracking_Object', 'getBandwidthData', start_date, end_date, direction, rollup, id=tracking_id, iter=True) return data
[docs] def get_bandwidth_allocation(self, instance_id): """Combines getBandwidthAllotmentDetail() and getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage() """ a_mask = "mask[allocation[amount]]" allotment ='Virtual_Guest', 'getBandwidthAllotmentDetail', id=instance_id, mask=a_mask) u_mask = "mask[amountIn,amountOut,type]" usage ='Virtual_Guest', 'getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage', id=instance_id, mask=u_mask) if allotment: return {'allotment': allotment.get('allocation'), 'usage': usage} return {'allotment': allotment, 'usage': usage}
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements def _get_price_id_for_upgrade(self, package_items, option, value, public=True): """Find the price id for the option and value to upgrade. Deprecated in favor of _get_price_id_for_upgrade_option() :param list package_items: Contains all the items related to an VS :param string option: Describes type of parameter to be upgraded :param int value: The value of the parameter to be upgraded :param bool public: CPU will be in Private/Public Node. """ warnings.warn("use _get_price_id_for_upgrade_option() instead", DeprecationWarning) option_category = { 'memory': 'ram', 'cpus': 'guest_core', 'nic_speed': 'port_speed' } category_code = option_category[option] for item in package_items: is_private = (item.get('units') == 'PRIVATE_CORE') for price in item['prices']: if 'locationGroupId' in price and price['locationGroupId']: # Skip location based prices continue if 'categories' not in price: continue categories = price['categories'] for category in categories: if not (category['categoryCode'] == category_code and str(item['capacity']) == str(value)): continue if option == 'cpus': if public and not is_private: return price['id'] elif not public and is_private: return price['id'] elif option == 'nic_speed': if 'Public' in item['description']: return price['id'] else: return price['id']