Source code for SoftLayer.managers.metadata

    Metadata Manager/helpers

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
import SoftLayer
from SoftLayer import consts
from SoftLayer import exceptions
from SoftLayer import transports

    'backend_mac': {'call': 'getBackendMacAddresses'},
    'datacenter': {'call': 'getDatacenter'},
    'datacenter_id': {'call': 'getDatacenterId'},
    'domain': {'call': 'getDomain'},
    'frontend_mac': {'call': 'getFrontendMacAddresses'},
    'fqdn': {'call': 'getFullyQualifiedDomainName'},
    'hostname': {'call': 'getHostname'},
    'id': {'call': 'getId'},
    'primary_backend_ip': {'call': 'getPrimaryBackendIpAddress'},
    'primary_ip': {'call': 'getPrimaryIpAddress'},
    'primary_frontend_ip': {'call': 'getPrimaryIpAddress'},
    'provision_state': {'call': 'getProvisionState'},
    'router': {'call': 'getRouter', 'param_req': True},
    'tags': {'call': 'getTags'},
    'user_data': {'call': 'getUserMetadata'},
    'user_metadata': {'call': 'getUserMetadata'},
    'vlan_ids': {'call': 'getVlanIds', 'param_req': True},
    'vlans': {'call': 'getVlans', 'param_req': True},

[docs]class MetadataManager(object): """Provides an interface for the SoftLayer metadata service. See product information here: This provides metadata about the resourse it is called from. See `METADATA_ATTRIBUTES` for full list of attributes. Usage: >>> import SoftLayer >>> client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() >>> from SoftLayer import MetadataManager >>> meta = MetadataManager(client) >>> meta.get('datacenter') 'dal05' >>> meta.get('fqdn') '' :param SoftLayer.API.BaseClient client: the client instance """ attribs = METADATA_MAPPING def __init__(self, client=None, timeout=5): if client is None: transport = transports.RestTransport( timeout=timeout, endpoint_url=consts.API_PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_REST, ) client = SoftLayer.BaseClient(transport=transport) self.client = client
[docs] def get(self, name, param=None): """Retreive a metadata attribute. :param string name: name of the attribute to retrieve. See `attribs` :param param: Required parameter for some attributes """ if name not in self.attribs: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError('Unknown metadata attribute.') call_details = self.attribs[name] if call_details.get('param_req'): if not param: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError( 'Parameter required to get this attribute.') params = tuple() if param is not None: params = (param,) try: return'Resource_Metadata', self.attribs[name]['call'], *params) except exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError as ex: if ex.faultCode == 404: return None raise ex
def _get_network(self, kind, router=True, vlans=True, vlan_ids=True): """Wrapper for getting details about networks. :param string kind: network kind. Typically 'public' or 'private' :param boolean router: flag to include router information :param boolean vlans: flag to include vlan information :param boolean vlan_ids: flag to include vlan_ids """ network = {} macs = self.get('%s_mac' % kind) network['mac_addresses'] = macs if len(macs) == 0: return network if router: network['router'] = self.get('router', macs[0]) if vlans: network['vlans'] = self.get('vlans', macs[0]) if vlan_ids: network['vlan_ids'] = self.get('vlan_ids', macs[0]) return network
[docs] def public_network(self, **kwargs): """Returns details about the public network. :param boolean router: True to return router details :param boolean vlans: True to return vlan details :param boolean vlan_ids: True to return vlan_ids """ return self._get_network('frontend', **kwargs)
[docs] def private_network(self, **kwargs): """Returns details about the private network. :param boolean router: True to return router details :param boolean vlans: True to return vlan details :param boolean vlan_ids: True to return vlan_ids """ return self._get_network('backend', **kwargs)