Source code for SoftLayer.managers.firewall

    Firewall Manager/helpers

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
from SoftLayer import exceptions
from SoftLayer import utils

RULE_MASK = ('mask[orderValue,action,destinationIpAddress,'

[docs]def has_firewall(vlan): """Helper to determine whether or not a VLAN has a firewall. :param dict vlan: A dictionary representing a VLAN :returns: True if the VLAN has a firewall, false if it doesn't. """ return bool( vlan.get('dedicatedFirewallFlag', None) or vlan.get('highAvailabilityFirewallFlag', None) or vlan.get('firewallInterfaces', None) or vlan.get('firewallNetworkComponents', None) or vlan.get('firewallGuestNetworkComponents', None) )
[docs]class FirewallManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """Manages SoftLayer firewalls See product information here: :param SoftLayer.API.BaseClient client: the client instance """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.account = self.client['Account'] self.prod_pkg = self.client['Product_Package']
[docs] def get_standard_package(self, server_id, is_virt=True): """Retrieves the standard firewall package for the virtual server. :param int server_id: The ID of the server to create the firewall for :param bool is_virt: True if the ID provided is for a virtual server, False for a server :returns: A dictionary containing the standard virtual server firewall package """ firewall_port_speed = self._get_fwl_port_speed(server_id, is_virt) _value = "%s%s" % (firewall_port_speed, "Mbps Hardware Firewall") _filter = {'items': {'description': utils.query_filter(_value)}} return self.prod_pkg.getItems(id=0, filter=_filter)
[docs] def get_dedicated_package(self, ha_enabled=False): """Retrieves the dedicated firewall package. :param bool ha_enabled: True if HA is to be enabled on the firewall False for No HA :returns: A dictionary containing the dedicated virtual server firewall package """ fwl_filter = 'Hardware Firewall (Dedicated)' ha_fwl_filter = 'Hardware Firewall (High Availability)' _filter = utils.NestedDict({}) if ha_enabled: _filter['items']['description'] = utils.query_filter(ha_fwl_filter) else: _filter['items']['description'] = utils.query_filter(fwl_filter) return self.prod_pkg.getItems(id=0, filter=_filter.to_dict())
[docs] def cancel_firewall(self, firewall_id, dedicated=False): """Cancels the specified firewall. :param int firewall_id: Firewall ID to be cancelled. :param bool dedicated: If true, the firewall instance is dedicated, otherwise, the firewall instance is shared. """ fwl_billing = self._get_fwl_billing_item(firewall_id, dedicated) billing_item_service = self.client['Billing_Item'] return billing_item_service.cancelService(id=fwl_billing['id'])
[docs] def add_standard_firewall(self, server_id, is_virt=True): """Creates a firewall for the specified virtual/hardware server. :param int server_id: The ID of the server to create the firewall for :param bool is_virt: If true, will create the firewall for a virtual server, otherwise for a hardware server. :returns: A dictionary containing the standard virtual server firewall order """ package = self.get_standard_package(server_id, is_virt) if is_virt: product_order = { 'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_' 'Protection_Firewall', 'quantity': 1, 'packageId': 0, 'virtualGuests': [{'id': server_id}], 'prices': [{'id': package[0]['prices'][0]['id']}] } else: product_order = { 'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_' 'Protection_Firewall', 'quantity': 1, 'packageId': 0, 'hardware': [{'id': server_id}], 'prices': [{'id': package[0]['prices'][0]['id']}] } return self.client['Product_Order'].placeOrder(product_order)
[docs] def add_vlan_firewall(self, vlan_id, ha_enabled=False): """Creates a firewall for the specified vlan. :param int vlan_id: The ID of the vlan to create the firewall for :param bool ha_enabled: If True, an HA firewall will be created :returns: A dictionary containing the VLAN firewall order """ package = self.get_dedicated_package(ha_enabled) product_order = { 'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_' 'Protection_Firewall_Dedicated', 'quantity': 1, 'packageId': 0, 'vlanId': vlan_id, 'prices': [{'id': package[0]['prices'][0]['id']}] } return self.client['Product_Order'].placeOrder(product_order)
def _get_fwl_billing_item(self, firewall_id, dedicated=False): """Retrieves the billing item of the firewall. :param int firewall_id: Firewall ID to get the billing item for :param bool dedicated: whether the firewall is dedicated or standard :returns: A dictionary of the firewall billing item. """ mask = 'mask[id,billingItem[id]]' if dedicated: firewall_service = self.client['Network_Vlan_Firewall'] else: firewall_service = self.client['Network_Component_Firewall'] firewall = firewall_service.getObject(id=firewall_id, mask=mask) if firewall is None: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError( "Unable to find firewall %d" % firewall_id) if firewall.get('billingItem') is None: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError( "Unable to find billing item for firewall %d" % firewall_id) return firewall['billingItem'] def _get_fwl_port_speed(self, server_id, is_virt=True): """Determines the appropriate speed for a firewall. :param int server_id: The ID of server the firewall is for :param bool is_virt: True if the server_id is for a virtual server :returns: a integer representing the Mbps speed of a firewall """ fwl_port_speed = 0 if is_virt: mask = ('primaryNetworkComponent[maxSpeed]') svc = self.client['Virtual_Guest'] primary = svc.getObject(mask=mask, id=server_id) fwl_port_speed = primary['primaryNetworkComponent']['maxSpeed'] else: mask = ('id,maxSpeed,networkComponentGroup.networkComponents') svc = self.client['Hardware_Server'] network_components = svc.getFrontendNetworkComponents( mask=mask, id=server_id) grouped = [interface['networkComponentGroup']['networkComponents'] for interface in network_components if 'networkComponentGroup' in interface] ungrouped = [interface for interface in network_components if 'networkComponentGroup' not in interface] # For each group, sum the maxSpeeds of each compoment in the # group. Put the sum for each in a new list group_speeds = [] for group in grouped: group_speed = 0 for interface in group: group_speed += interface['maxSpeed'] group_speeds.append(group_speed) # The max speed of all groups is the max of the list max_grouped_speed = max(group_speeds) max_ungrouped = 0 for interface in ungrouped: max_ungrouped = max(max_ungrouped, interface['maxSpeed']) fwl_port_speed = max(max_grouped_speed, max_ungrouped) return fwl_port_speed
[docs] def get_firewalls(self): """Returns a list of all firewalls on the account. :returns: A list of firewalls on the current account. """ mask = ('firewallNetworkComponents,' 'networkVlanFirewall,' 'dedicatedFirewallFlag,' 'firewallGuestNetworkComponents,' 'firewallInterfaces,' 'firewallRules,' 'highAvailabilityFirewallFlag') return [firewall for firewall in self.account.getNetworkVlans(mask=mask) if has_firewall(firewall)]
[docs] def get_standard_fwl_rules(self, firewall_id): """Get the rules of a standard firewall. :param integer firewall_id: the instance ID of the standard firewall :returns: A list of the rules. """ svc = self.client['Network_Component_Firewall'] return svc.getRules(id=firewall_id, mask=RULE_MASK)
[docs] def get_dedicated_fwl_rules(self, firewall_id): """Get the rules of a dedicated firewall. :param integer firewall_id: the instance ID of the dedicated firewall :returns: A list of the rules. """ svc = self.client['Network_Vlan_Firewall'] return svc.getRules(id=firewall_id, mask=RULE_MASK)
[docs] def edit_dedicated_fwl_rules(self, firewall_id, rules): """Edit the rules for dedicated firewall. :param integer firewall_id: the instance ID of the dedicated firewall :param list rules: the rules to be pushed on the firewall as defined by SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule """ mask = ('mask[networkVlan[firewallInterfaces' '[firewallContextAccessControlLists]]]') svc = self.client['Network_Vlan_Firewall'] fwl = svc.getObject(id=firewall_id, mask=mask) network_vlan = fwl['networkVlan'] for fwl1 in network_vlan['firewallInterfaces']: if fwl1['name'] == 'inside': continue for control_list in fwl1['firewallContextAccessControlLists']: if control_list['direction'] == 'out': continue fwl_ctx_acl_id = control_list['id'] template = {'firewallContextAccessControlListId': fwl_ctx_acl_id, 'rules': rules} svc = self.client['Network_Firewall_Update_Request'] return svc.createObject(template)
[docs] def edit_standard_fwl_rules(self, firewall_id, rules): """Edit the rules for standard firewall. :param integer firewall_id: the instance ID of the standard firewall :param list rules: the rules to be pushed on the firewall as defined by SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule """ rule_svc = self.client['Network_Firewall_Update_Request'] template = {'networkComponentFirewallId': firewall_id, 'rules': rules} return rule_svc.createObject(template)