Source code for SoftLayer.API

    SoftLayer API bindings

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import time
import warnings

import json
import logging
import requests

from SoftLayer import auth as slauth
from SoftLayer import config
from SoftLayer import consts
from SoftLayer import exceptions
from SoftLayer import transports

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [


[docs] def create_client_from_env(username=None, api_key=None, endpoint_url=None, timeout=None, auth=None, config_file=None, proxy=None, user_agent=None, transport=None, verify=True): """Creates a SoftLayer API client using your environment. Settings are loaded via keyword arguments, environemtal variables and config file. :param username: an optional API username if you wish to bypass the package's built-in username :param api_key: an optional API key if you wish to bypass the package's built in API key :param endpoint_url: the API endpoint base URL you wish to connect to. Set this to API_PRIVATE_ENDPOINT to connect via SoftLayer's private network. :param proxy: proxy to be used to make API calls :param integer timeout: timeout for API requests :param auth: an object which responds to get_headers() to be inserted into the xml-rpc headers. Example: `BasicAuthentication` :param config_file: A path to a configuration file used to load settings :param user_agent: an optional User Agent to report when making API calls if you wish to bypass the packages built in User Agent string :param transport: An object that's callable with this signature: transport(SoftLayer.transports.Request) :param bool verify: decide to verify the server's SSL/TLS cert. DO NOT SET TO FALSE WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THE IMPLICATIONS. Usage: >>> import SoftLayer >>> client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() >>> resp ='Account', 'getObject') >>> resp['companyName'] 'Your Company' """ if config_file is None: config_file = CONFIG_FILE settings = config.get_client_settings(username=username, api_key=api_key, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, timeout=timeout, proxy=proxy, verify=verify, config_file=config_file) if transport is None: url = settings.get('endpoint_url') if url is not None and '/rest' in url: # If this looks like a rest endpoint, use the rest transport transport = transports.RestTransport( endpoint_url=settings.get('endpoint_url'), proxy=settings.get('proxy'), timeout=settings.get('timeout'), user_agent=user_agent, verify=verify, ) else: # Default the transport to use XMLRPC transport = transports.XmlRpcTransport( endpoint_url=settings.get('endpoint_url'), proxy=settings.get('proxy'), timeout=settings.get('timeout'), user_agent=user_agent, verify=verify, ) # If we have enough information to make an auth driver, let's do it if auth is None and settings.get('username') and settings.get('api_key'): # NOTE(kmcdonald): some transports mask other transports, so this is # a way to find the 'real' one real_transport = getattr(transport, 'transport', transport) if isinstance(real_transport, transports.XmlRpcTransport): auth = slauth.BasicAuthentication( settings.get('username'), settings.get('api_key'), ) elif isinstance(real_transport, transports.RestTransport): auth = slauth.BasicHTTPAuthentication( settings.get('username'), settings.get('api_key'), ) return BaseClient(auth=auth, transport=transport, config_file=config_file)
[docs] def Client(**kwargs): """Get a SoftLayer API Client using environmental settings. Deprecated in favor of create_client_from_env() """ warnings.warn("use SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() instead", DeprecationWarning) return create_client_from_env(**kwargs)
[docs] class BaseClient(object): """Base SoftLayer API client. :param auth: auth driver that looks like SoftLayer.auth.AuthenticationBase :param transport: An object that's callable with this signature: transport(SoftLayer.transports.Request) """ _prefix = "SoftLayer_" def __init__(self, auth=None, transport=None, config_file=None): if config_file is None: config_file = CONFIG_FILE self.auth = auth self.config_file = config_file self.settings = config.get_config(self.config_file) if transport is None: url = self.settings['softlayer'].get('endpoint_url') if url is not None and '/rest' in url: # If this looks like a rest endpoint, use the rest transport transport = transports.RestTransport( endpoint_url=url, proxy=self.settings['softlayer'].get('proxy'), # prevents an exception incase timeout is a float number. timeout=int(self.settings['softlayer'].getfloat('timeout', 0)), user_agent=consts.USER_AGENT, verify=self.settings['softlayer'].getboolean('verify'), ) else: # Default the transport to use XMLRPC transport = transports.XmlRpcTransport( endpoint_url=url, proxy=self.settings['softlayer'].get('proxy'), timeout=int(self.settings['softlayer'].getfloat('timeout', 0)), user_agent=consts.USER_AGENT, verify=self.settings['softlayer'].getboolean('verify'), ) self.transport = transport
[docs] def authenticate_with_password(self, username, password, security_question_id=None, security_question_answer=None): """Performs Username/Password Authentication :param string username: your SoftLayer username :param string password: your SoftLayer password :param int security_question_id: The security question id to answer :param string security_question_answer: The answer to the security question """ self.auth = None res ='User_Customer', 'getPortalLoginToken', username, password, security_question_id, security_question_answer) self.auth = slauth.TokenAuthentication(res['userId'], res['hash']) return res['userId'], res['hash']
def __getitem__(self, name): """Get a SoftLayer Service. :param name: The name of the service. E.G. Account Usage: >>> import SoftLayer >>> client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() >>> client['Account'] <Service: Account> """ return Service(self, name)
[docs] def call(self, service, method, *args, **kwargs): """Make a SoftLayer API call. :param method: the method to call on the service :param \\*args: (optional) arguments for the remote call :param id: (optional) id for the resource :param mask: (optional) object mask :param dict filter: (optional) filter dict :param dict headers: (optional) optional XML-RPC headers :param boolean compress: (optional) Enable/Disable HTTP compression :param dict raw_headers: (optional) HTTP transport headers :param int limit: (optional) return at most this many results :param int offset: (optional) offset results by this many :param boolean iter: (optional) if True, returns a generator with the results :param bool verify: verify SSL cert :param cert: client certificate path Usage: >>> import SoftLayer >>> client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() >>>'Account', 'getVirtualGuests', mask="id", limit=10) [...] """ if kwargs.pop('iter', False): # Most of the codebase assumes a non-generator will be returned, so casting to list # keeps those sections working return list(self.iter_call(service, method, *args, **kwargs)) invalid_kwargs = set(kwargs.keys()) - VALID_CALL_ARGS if invalid_kwargs: raise TypeError( 'Invalid keyword arguments: %s' % ','.join(invalid_kwargs)) prefixes = (self._prefix, 'BluePages_Search', 'IntegratedOfferingTeam_Region') if self._prefix and not service.startswith(prefixes): service = self._prefix + service http_headers = {'Accept': '*/*'} if kwargs.get('compress', True): http_headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate, compress' else: http_headers['Accept-Encoding'] = None if kwargs.get('raw_headers'): http_headers.update(kwargs.get('raw_headers')) request = transports.Request() request.service = service request.method = method request.args = args request.transport_headers = http_headers request.identifier = kwargs.get('id') request.mask = kwargs.get('mask') request.filter = kwargs.get('filter') request.limit = kwargs.get('limit') request.offset = kwargs.get('offset') if kwargs.get('verify') is not None: request.verify = kwargs.get('verify') if self.auth: extra_headers = self.auth.get_headers() if extra_headers: warnings.warn("auth.get_headers() is deprecated and will be " "removed in the next major version", DeprecationWarning) request.headers.update(extra_headers) request = self.auth.get_request(request) request.headers.update(kwargs.get('headers', {})) return self.transport(request)
__call__ = call
[docs] def iter_call(self, service, method, *args, **kwargs): """A generator that deals with paginating through results. :param service: the name of the SoftLayer API service :param method: the method to call on the service :param integer limit: result size for each API call (defaults to 100) :param \\*args: same optional arguments that ```` takes :param \\*\\*kwargs: same optional keyword arguments that ```` takes """ limit = kwargs.pop('limit', 100) offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0) if limit <= 0: raise AttributeError("Limit size should be greater than zero.") # Set to make unit tests, which call this function directly, play nice. kwargs['iter'] = False result_count = 0 keep_looping = True while keep_looping: # Get the next results results =, method, offset=offset, limit=limit, *args, **kwargs) # Apparently this method doesn't return a list. # Why are you even iterating over this? if not isinstance(results, transports.SoftLayerListResult): if isinstance(results, list): # Close enough, this makes testing a lot easier results = transports.SoftLayerListResult(results, len(results)) else: yield results return for item in results: yield item result_count += 1 # Got less results than requested, we are at the end if len(results) < limit: keep_looping = False # Got all the needed items if result_count >= results.total_count: keep_looping = False offset += limit
def __repr__(self): return "Client(transport=%r, auth=%r)" % (self.transport, self.auth) __str__ = __repr__ def __len__(self): return 0
[docs] class IAMClient(BaseClient): """IBM ID Client for using IAM authentication :param auth: auth driver that looks like SoftLayer.auth.AuthenticationBase :param transport: An object that's callable with this signature: transport(SoftLayer.transports.Request) """
[docs] def authenticate_with_password(self, username, password, security_question_id=None, security_question_answer=None): """Performs IBM IAM Username/Password Authentication :param string username: your IBMid username :param string password: your IBMid password """ iam_client = requests.Session() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent': consts.USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'application/json' } data = { 'grant_type': 'password', 'password': password, 'response_type': 'cloud_iam', 'username': username } try: response = iam_client.request( 'POST', '', data=data, headers=headers, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth('bx', 'bx') ) if response.status_code != 200: LOGGER.error("Unable to login: %s", response.text) response.raise_for_status() tokens = json.loads(response.text) except requests.HTTPError as ex: error = json.loads(response.text) raise exceptions.IAMError(response.status_code, error.get('errorMessage'), '') from ex self.settings['softlayer']['access_token'] = tokens['access_token'] self.settings['softlayer']['refresh_token'] = tokens['refresh_token'] config.write_config(self.settings, self.config_file) self.auth = slauth.BearerAuthentication('', tokens['access_token'], tokens['refresh_token']) return tokens
[docs] def authenticate_with_passcode(self, passcode): """Performs IBM IAM SSO Authentication :param string passcode: your IBMid password """ iam_client = requests.Session() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent': consts.USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'application/json' } data = { 'grant_type': 'urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:passcode', 'passcode': passcode, 'response_type': 'cloud_iam' } try: response = iam_client.request( 'POST', '', data=data, headers=headers, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth('bx', 'bx') ) if response.status_code != 200: LOGGER.error("Unable to login: %s", response.text) response.raise_for_status() tokens = json.loads(response.text) except requests.HTTPError as ex: error = json.loads(response.text) raise exceptions.IAMError(response.status_code, error.get('errorMessage'), '') from ex self.settings['softlayer']['access_token'] = tokens['access_token'] self.settings['softlayer']['refresh_token'] = tokens['refresh_token'] a_expire = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(tokens['expiration'])) r_expire = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(tokens['refresh_token_expiration'])) LOGGER.warning("Tokens retrieved, expires at %s, Refresh expires at %s", a_expire, r_expire) config.write_config(self.settings, self.config_file) self.auth = slauth.BearerAuthentication('', tokens['access_token'], tokens['refresh_token']) return tokens
[docs] def authenticate_with_iam_token(self, a_token, r_token=None): """Authenticates to the SL API with an IAM Token :param string a_token: Access token :param string r_token: Refresh Token, to be used if Access token is expired. """ self.auth = slauth.BearerAuthentication('', a_token, r_token)
[docs] def refresh_iam_token(self, r_token, account_id=None, ims_account=None): """Refreshes the IAM Token, will default to values in the config file""" iam_client = requests.Session() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent': consts.USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'application/json' } data = { 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'refresh_token': r_token, 'response_type': 'cloud_iam' } sl_config = self.settings['softlayer'] if account_id is None and sl_config.get('account_id', False): account_id = sl_config.get('account_id') if ims_account is None and sl_config.get('ims_account', False): ims_account = sl_config.get('ims_account') data['account'] = account_id data['ims_account'] = ims_account try: response = iam_client.request( 'POST', '', data=data, headers=headers, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth('bx', 'bx') ) if response.status_code != 200: LOGGER.warning("Unable to refresh IAM Token. %s", response.text) response.raise_for_status() tokens = json.loads(response.text) except requests.HTTPError as ex: error = json.loads(response.text) raise exceptions.IAMError(response.status_code, error.get('errorMessage'), '') from ex a_expire = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(tokens['expiration'])) r_expire = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(tokens['refresh_token_expiration'])) LOGGER.warning("Tokens retrieved, expires at %s, Refresh expires at %s", a_expire, r_expire) self.settings['softlayer']['access_token'] = tokens['access_token'] self.settings['softlayer']['refresh_token'] = tokens['refresh_token'] config.write_config(self.settings, self.config_file) self.auth = slauth.BearerAuthentication('', tokens['access_token']) return tokens
[docs] def call(self, service, method, *args, **kwargs): """Handles refreshing IAM tokens in case of a HTTP 401 error""" try: return super().call(service, method, *args, **kwargs) except exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError as ex: if ex.faultCode == 401: LOGGER.warning("Token has expired, trying to refresh. %s", ex.faultString) return ex else: raise ex
def __repr__(self): return "IAMClient(transport=%r, auth=%r)" % (self.transport, self.auth)
[docs] class Service(object): """A SoftLayer Service. :param client: A SoftLayer.API.Client instance :param name str: The service name """ def __init__(self, client, name): self.client = client = name
[docs] def call(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """Make a SoftLayer API call :param service: the name of the SoftLayer API service :param method: the method to call on the service :param \\*args: same optional arguments that ```` takes :param \\*\\*kwargs: same optional keyword arguments that ```` takes :param service: the name of the SoftLayer API service Usage: >>> import SoftLayer >>> client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() >>> client['Account'].getVirtualGuests(mask="id", limit=10) [...] """ return, name, *args, **kwargs)
__call__ = call
[docs] def iter_call(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """A generator that deals with paginating through results. :param method: the method to call on the service :param integer chunk: result size for each API call :param \\*args: same optional arguments that ```` takes :param \\*\\*kwargs: same optional keyword arguments that ```` takes Usage: >>> import SoftLayer >>> client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env() >>> gen ='Account', 'getVirtualGuests', iter=True) >>> for virtual_guest in gen: ... virtual_guest['id'] ... 1234 4321 """ return self.client.iter_call(, name, *args, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ["__name__", "__bases__"]: raise AttributeError("'Obj' object has no attribute '%s'" % name) def call_handler(*args, **kwargs): " Handler that actually makes the API call " return self(name, *args, **kwargs) return call_handler def __repr__(self): return "<Service: %s>" % (,) __str__ = __repr__