File Commands
file access-list
List ACLs.
- Example::
slcli file access-list 12345678 –sortby id This command lists all hosts that are authorized to access volume with ID 12345678 and sorts them by ID.
file access-list [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --sortby <sortby>
Column to sort by
- --columns <columns>
Columns to display. Options: id, name, type, private_ip_address, source_subnet, host_iqn, username, password, allowed_host_id
Required argument
file access-revoke
Revokes authorization for hosts accessing a given volume
- Example::
slcli file access-revoke 12345678 –virtual-id 87654321 This command revokes access of virtual server with ID 87654321 to volume with ID 12345678.
file access-revoke [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- -h, --hardware-id <hardware_id>
The id of one SoftLayer_Hardware to revoke authorization
- -v, --virtual-id <virtual_id>
The id of one SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest to revoke authorization
- -i, --ip-address-id <ip_address_id>
The id of one SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress to revoke authorization
- --ip-address <ip_address>
An IP address to revoke authorization
- -s, --subnet-id <subnet_id>
The id of one SoftLayer_Network_Subnet to revoke authorization
Required argument
file replica-failback
Failback a file volume from the given replicant volume.
- Example::
slcli file replica-failback 12345678 This command performs failback operation for volume with ID 12345678.
file replica-failback [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
Required argument
file replica-failover
Failover a file volume to the given replicant volume.
- Example::
slcli file replica-failover 12345678 87654321 This command performs failover operation for volume with ID 12345678 to replica volume with ID 87654321.
file replica-failover [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --replicant-id <replicant_id>
ID of the replicant volume
Required argument
file replica-order
Order a file storage replica volume.
- Example::
slcli file replica-order 12345678 -s DAILY -d dal09 –tier 4 –os-type LINUX This command orders a replica for volume with ID 12345678, which performs DAILY replication, is located at dal09, tier level is 4, OS type is Linux.
file replica-order [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- -s, --snapshot-schedule <snapshot_schedule>
Required Snapshot schedule to use for replication, (HOURLY | DAILY | WEEKLY)
- Options:
- -l, --location <location>
Required Short name of the data center for the replicant (e.g.: dal09)
- --tier <tier>
Endurance Storage Tier (IOPS per GB) of the primary volume for which a replicant is ordered [optional]
- Options:
0.25 | 2 | 4 | 10
- -i, --iops <iops>
Performance Storage IOPs, between 100 and 6000 in multiples of 100,if no IOPS value is specified, the IOPS value of the original volume will be used
- --force
Force cancel block volume without confirmation
Required argument
file replica-partners
List existing replicant volumes for a file volume.
- Example::
slcli file replica-partners 12345678 This command lists existing replicant volumes for block volume with ID 12345678.
file replica-partners [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --sortby <sortby>
Column to sort by
- --columns <columns>
Columns to display. Options: ID, Username, Account ID, Capacity (GB), Hardware ID, Guest ID, Host ID
Required argument
file replica-locations
List suitable replication datacenters for the given volume.
- Example::
slcl file replica-locations 12345678 This command lists suitable replication data centers for block volume with ID 12345678.
file replica-locations [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --sortby <sortby>
Column to sort by
- --columns <columns>
Columns to display. Options: ID, Long Name, Short Name
Required argument
file snapshot-cancel
Cancel existing snapshot space for a given volume.
- Example::
slcli file snapshot-cancel 12345678 –immediate -f This command cancels snapshot with ID 12345678 immediately without asking for confirmation.
file snapshot-cancel [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --reason <reason>
An optional reason for cancellation
- --immediate
Cancels the snapshot space immediately instead of on the billing anniversary
- --force
Force cancel block volume without confirmation
Required argument
file snapshot-create
Creates a snapshot on a given volume
slcli file snapshot-create 12345678 --note snapshotforsoftlayer
This command creates a snapshot for volume with ID 12345678 and with addition note as snapshotforsoftlayer.
file snapshot-create [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- -n, --notes <notes>
Notes to set on the new snapshot
Required argument
file snapshot-delete
Deletes a snapshot on a given volume
file snapshot-delete [OPTIONS] SNAPSHOT_ID
Required argument
file snapshot-disable
Disables snapshots on the specified schedule for a given volume
slcli file snapshot-disable 12345678 -s DAILY
This command disables daily snapshot for volume with ID 12345678.
file snapshot-disable [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --schedule-type <schedule_type>
Required Snapshot schedule [INTERVAL|HOURLY|DAILY|WEEKLY]
Required argument
file snapshot-enable
Enables snapshots for a given volume on the specified schedule
slcli file snapshot-enable 12345678 -s WEEKLY -c 5 -m 0 --hour 2 -d 0
This command enables snapshot for volume with ID 12345678, snapshot is
taken weekly on every Sunday at 2:00, and up to 5 snapshots are retained.
file snapshot-enable [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --schedule-type <schedule_type>
Required Snapshot schedule [INTERVAL|HOURLY|DAILY|WEEKLY]
- --retention-count <retention_count>
Required Number of snapshots to retain
- --minute <minute>
Minute of the day when snapshots should be taken
- --hour <hour>
Hour of the day when snapshots should be taken
- --day-of-week <day_of_week>
Day of the week when snapshots should be taken
Required argument
file snapshot-list
List file storage snapshots.
Example:: slcli file snapshot-list 12345678 –sortby id This command lists all snapshots of volume with ID 12345678 and sorts them by ID.
file snapshot-list [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --sortby <sortby>
Column to sort by
- --columns <columns>
Columns to display. Options: id, name, created, size_bytes
Required argument
file snapshot-order
Order snapshot space for a file storage volume.
Example:: slcli file snapshot-order 12345678 -s 1000 -t 4 This command orders snapshot space for volume with ID 12345678, the size is 1000GB, the tier level is 4 IOPS per GB.
file snapshot-order [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --capacity <capacity>
Required Size of snapshot space to create in GB
- --tier <tier>
Endurance Storage Tier (IOPS per GB) of the file volume for which space is ordered [optional, and only valid for endurance storage volumes]
- Options:
0.25 | 2 | 4 | 10
- --upgrade
Flag to indicate that the order is an upgrade
Required argument
file snapshot-restore
Restore file volume using a given snapshot
Example:: slcli file snapshot-restore 12345678 -s 87654321 This command restores volume with ID 12345678 from snapshot with ID 87654321.
file snapshot-restore [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- -s, --snapshot-id <snapshot_id>
The id of the snapshot which will be used to restore the block volume
Required argument
file volume-cancel
Cancel an existing file storage volume.
slcli file volume-cancel 12345678 –immediate -f This command cancels volume with ID 12345678 immediately and without asking for confirmation.
file volume-cancel [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --reason <reason>
An optional reason for cancellation
- --immediate
Cancels the file storage volume immediately instead of on the billing anniversary
- --force
Force modify
Required argument
file volume-count
List number of file storage volumes per datacenter.
file volume-count [OPTIONS]
- -d, --datacenter <datacenter>
Datacenter shortname
- --sortby <sortby>
Column to sort by
file volume-detail
Display details for a specified volume.
file volume-detail [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
Required argument
file volume-duplicate
Order a duplicate file storage volume.
slcli file volume-duplicate 12345678 This command shows order a new volume by duplicating the volume with ID 12345678.
file volume-duplicate [OPTIONS] ORIGIN_VOLUME_ID
- -o, --origin-snapshot-id <origin_snapshot_id>
ID of an origin volume snapshot to use for duplcation.
- -c, --duplicate-size <duplicate_size>
Size of duplicate file volume in GB. *If no size is specified, the size of the origin volume will be used.* Minimum: [the size of the origin volume]
- -i, --duplicate-iops <duplicate_iops>
Performance Storage IOPS, between 100 and 6000 in multiples of 100 [only used for performance volumes] *If no IOPS value is specified, the IOPS value of the origin volume will be used.* Requirements: [If IOPS/GB for the origin volume is less than 0.3, IOPS/GB for the duplicate must also be less than 0.3. If IOPS/GB for the origin volume is greater than or equal to 0.3, IOPS/GB for the duplicate must also be greater than or equal to 0.3.]
- -t, --duplicate-tier <duplicate_tier>
Endurance Storage Tier (IOPS per GB) [only used for endurance volumes] *If no tier is specified, the tier of the origin volume will be used.* Requirements: [If IOPS/GB for the origin volume is 0.25, IOPS/GB for the duplicate must also be 0.25. If IOPS/GB for the origin volume is greater than 0.25, IOPS/GB for the duplicate must also be greater than 0.25.]
- Options:
0.25 | 2 | 4 | 10
- -s, --duplicate-snapshot-size <duplicate_snapshot_size>
The size of snapshot space to order for the duplicate. *If no snapshot space size is specified, the snapshot space size of the origin file volume will be used.* Input “0” for this parameter to order a duplicate volume with no snapshot space.
- --billing <billing>
Optional parameter for Billing rate (default to monthly)
- Options:
hourly | monthly
- --dependent-duplicate <dependent_duplicate>
Whether or not this duplicate will be a dependent duplicateof the origin volume.
- Default:
- --force
Force modify
Required argument
file volume-list
List file storage.
- Example::
slcli file volume-list -d dal10 –storage-type endurance –sortby capacity_gb
file volume-list [OPTIONS]
- -u, --username <username>
Volume username
- -d, --datacenter <datacenter>
Datacenter shortname
- -o, --order <order>
Filter by ID of the order that purchased the block storage
- --storage-type <storage_type>
Type of storage volume
- Options:
performance | endurance
- --sortby <sortby>
Column to sort by
- --columns <columns>
Columns to display. Options: id, username, datacenter, storage_type, capacity_gb, bytes_used, ip_addr, active_transactions, mount_addr, rep_partner_count, created_by, notes
file volume-modify
Modify an existing file storage volume.
- Valid size and iops options can be found here:
slcli file volume-modify 12345678 --new-size 1000 --new-iops 400
file volume-modify [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- -c, --new-size <new_size>
New Size of file volume in GB. *If no size is given, the original size of volume is used.* Potential Sizes: [20, 40, 80, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 12000] Minimum: [the original size of the volume]
- -i, --new-iops <new_iops>
Performance Storage IOPS, between 100 and 6000 in multiples of 100 [only for performance volumes] *If no IOPS value is specified, the original IOPS value of the volume will be used.*
- -t, --new-tier <new_tier>
Endurance Storage Tier (IOPS per GB) [only for endurance volumes] *If no tier is specified, the original tier of the volume will be used.*
- Options:
0.25 | 2 | 4 | 10
- --force
Force modify
Required argument
file volume-order
Order a file storage volume.
- Example::
slcli file volume-order –storage-type performance –size 1000 –iops 4000 -d dal09 This command orders a performance volume with size is 1000GB, IOPS is 4000, located at dal09.
slcli file volume-order –storage-type endurance –size 500 –tier 4 -d dal09 –snapshot-size 500 This command orders an endurance volume with size is 500GB, tier level is 4 IOPS per GB,located at dal09 with an additional snapshot space size of 500GB
Valid size and iops options can be found here:
file volume-order [OPTIONS]
- --storage-type <storage_type>
Required Type of file storage volume
- Options:
performance | endurance
- --size <size>
Required Size of file storage volume in GB
- --iops <iops>
Performance Storage IOPs. Options vary based on storage size. [required for storage-type performance]
- --tier <tier>
Endurance Storage Tier (IOP per GB) [required for storage-type endurance]
- Options:
0.25 | 2 | 4 | 10
- -l, --location <location>
Required Datacenter short name (e.g.: dal09)
- --snapshot-size <snapshot_size>
Optional parameter for ordering snapshot space along with endurance file storage; specifies the size (in GB) of snapshot space to order
- --service-offering <service_offering>
The service offering package to use for placing the order. [optional, default is ‘storage_as_a_service’]. enterprise and performance are depreciated
- Options:
storage_as_a_service | enterprise | performance
- --billing <billing>
Optional parameter for Billing rate (default to monthly)
- Options:
hourly | monthly
- --force
Force order file storage volume without confirmation
file volume-limits
List number of block storage volumes limit per datacenter.
slcli file volume-limits This command lists the storage limits per datacenter for this account.
file volume-limits [OPTIONS]
- --sortby <sortby>
Column to sort by
- -d, --datacenter <datacenter>
Filter by datacenter
file volume-refresh
Refresh a duplicate volume with a snapshot from its parent.
- Example::
slcli file volume-refresh volume_id snapshot_id
Refresh a duplicate volume_id with a snapshot from its parent snapshot_id. Refresh a duplicate volume with a snapshot from its parent.
file volume-refresh [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID SNAPSHOT_ID
- -f, --force-refresh
Cancel current refresh process and initiates the new refresh.
- Default:
Required argument
Required argument
file volume-convert
Convert a dependent duplicate volume to an independent volume.
file volume-convert [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
Required argument
file snapshot-schedule-list
Lists snapshot schedules for a given volume
file snapshot-schedule-list [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
Required argument
file volume-refresh
Refresh a duplicate volume with a snapshot from its parent.
- Example::
slcli file volume-refresh volume_id snapshot_id
Refresh a duplicate volume_id with a snapshot from its parent snapshot_id. Refresh a duplicate volume with a snapshot from its parent.
file volume-refresh [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID SNAPSHOT_ID
- -f, --force-refresh
Cancel current refresh process and initiates the new refresh.
- Default:
Required argument
Required argument
file volume-convert
Convert a dependent duplicate volume to an independent volume.
file volume-convert [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
Required argument
file volume-set-note
Set note for an existing file storage volume.
- Example::
slcli file volume-set-note 12345678 –note ‘this is my note’
file volume-set-note [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- -n, --note <note>
Required Public notes related to a Storage volume
Required argument
file volume-options
List all options for ordering a block storage
- Example::
slcli file volume-options slcli file volume-options –prices dal13
file volume-options [OPTIONS] [LOCATION]
- -p, --prices
Use –prices to list the server item prices, and to list the Item Prices by location,add it to the –prices option using location short name, e.g. –prices dal13
Optional argument
file disaster-recovery-failover
Failover an inaccessible file volume to its available replicant volume.
- Example::
slcli file disaster-recovery-failover 12345678 87654321 This command performs failover operation for volume with ID 12345678 to replica volume with ID 87654321.
file disaster-recovery-failover [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --replicant-id <replicant_id>
ID of the replicant volume
Required argument
Failover an inaccessible file volume to its available replicant volume. If a volume (with replication) becomes inaccessible due to a disaster event, this method can be used to immediately failover to an available replica in another location. This method does not allow for failback via API. After using this method, to failback to the original volume, please open a support ticket. If you wish to test failover, please use replica-failover.
file snapshot-set-notification
Enables/Disables snapshot space usage threshold warning for a given volume
file snapshot-set-notification [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
- --enable, --disable
Required Enable/Disable snapshot notification. Use slcli file snapshot-set-notification volumeId –enable to enable
Required argument
file snapshot-get-notification-status
Get snapshots space usage threshold warning flag setting for a given volume
file snapshot-get-notification-status [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
Required argument
file duplicate-convert-status
Get status for split or move completed percentage of a given file duplicate volume.
file duplicate-convert-status [OPTIONS] VOLUME_ID
Required argument
Get status for split or move completed percentage of a given file duplicate volume.