Source code for SoftLayer.managers.dns

    DNS Manager/helpers

    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
import time

from SoftLayer import exceptions
from SoftLayer import utils

[docs] class DNSManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """Manage SoftLayer DNS. See product information here: :param SoftLayer.API.BaseClient client: the client instance """
[docs] def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.service = self.client['Dns_Domain'] self.record = self.client['Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord'] self.resolvers = [self._get_zone_id_from_name]
def _get_zone_id_from_name(self, name): """Return zone ID based on a zone.""" results = self.client['Account'].getDomains( filter={"domains": {"name": utils.query_filter(name)}}) return [x['id'] for x in results]
[docs] def list_zones(self, **kwargs): """Retrieve a list of all DNS zones. :param dict \\*\\*kwargs: response-level options (mask, limit, etc.) :returns: A list of dictionaries representing the matching zones. """ if kwargs.get('iter') is None: kwargs['iter'] = True return'SoftLayer_Account', 'getDomains', **kwargs)
# return self.client['Account'].getDomains(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_zone(self, zone_id, records=True): """Get a zone and its records. :param zone: the zone name :returns: A dictionary containing a large amount of information about the specified zone. """ mask = None if records: mask = 'resourceRecords' return self.service.getObject(id=zone_id, mask=mask)
[docs] def create_zone(self, zone, serial=None): """Create a zone for the specified zone. :param zone: the zone name to create :param serial: serial value on the zone (default: strftime(%Y%m%d01)) """ return self.service.createObject({ 'name': zone, 'serial': serial or time.strftime('%Y%m%d01'), "resourceRecords": {}})
[docs] def delete_zone(self, zone_id): """Delete a zone by its ID. :param integer zone_id: the zone ID to delete """ return self.service.deleteObject(id=zone_id)
[docs] def edit_zone(self, zone): """Update an existing zone with the options provided. The provided dict must include an 'id' key and value corresponding to the zone that should be updated. :param dict zone: the zone to update """ self.service.editObject(zone)
[docs] def create_record(self, zone_id, record, record_type, data, ttl=60): """Create a resource record on a domain. :param integer id: the zone's ID :param record: the name of the record to add :param record_type: the type of record (A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, etc.) :param data: the record's value :param integer ttl: the TTL or time-to-live value (default: 60) """ resource_record = self._generate_create_dict(record, record_type, data, ttl, domainId=zone_id) return self.record.createObject(resource_record)
[docs] def create_record_mx(self, zone_id, record, data, ttl=60, priority=10): """Create a mx resource record on a domain. :param integer id: the zone's ID :param record: the name of the record to add :param data: the record's value :param integer ttl: the TTL or time-to-live value (default: 60) :param integer priority: the priority of the target host """ resource_record = self._generate_create_dict(record, 'MX', data, ttl, domainId=zone_id, mxPriority=priority) return self.record.createObject(resource_record)
[docs] def create_record_srv(self, zone_id, record, data, protocol, port, service, ttl=60, priority=20, weight=10): """Create a resource record on a domain. :param integer id: the zone's ID :param record: the name of the record to add :param data: the record's value :param string protocol: the protocol of the service, usually either TCP or UDP. :param integer port: the TCP or UDP port on which the service is to be found. :param string service: the symbolic name of the desired service. :param integer ttl: the TTL or time-to-live value (default: 60) :param integer priority: the priority of the target host (default: 20) :param integer weight: relative weight for records with same priority (default: 10) """ resource_record = self._generate_create_dict(record, 'SRV', data, ttl, domainId=zone_id, priority=priority, protocol=protocol, port=port, service=service, weight=weight) # The createObject won't creates SRV records unless we send the following complexType. resource_record['complexType'] = 'SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType' return self.record.createObject(resource_record)
[docs] def create_record_ptr(self, record, data, ttl=60): """Create a reverse record. :param record: the public ip address of device for which you would like to manage reverse DNS. :param data: the record's value :param integer ttl: the TTL or time-to-live value (default: 60) """ resource_record = self._generate_create_dict(record, 'PTR', data, ttl) return self.record.createObject(resource_record)
@staticmethod def _generate_create_dict(record, record_type, data, ttl, **kwargs): """Returns a dict appropriate to pass into Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord::createObject""" # Basic dns record structure resource_record = { 'host': record, 'data': data, 'ttl': ttl, 'type': record_type } for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): resource_record.setdefault(key, value) return resource_record
[docs] def delete_record(self, record_id): """Delete a resource record by its ID. :param integer id: the record's ID """ self.record.deleteObject(id=record_id)
[docs] def get_record(self, record_id): """Get a DNS record. :param integer id: the record's ID """ return self.record.getObject(id=record_id)
[docs] def get_records(self, zone_id, ttl=None, data=None, host=None, record_type=None): """List, and optionally filter, records within a zone. :param zone: the zone name in which to search. :param int ttl: time in seconds :param str data: the records data :param str host: record's host :param str record_type: the type of record :returns: A list of dictionaries representing the matching records within the specified zone. """ _filter = utils.NestedDict() if ttl: _filter['resourceRecords']['ttl'] = utils.query_filter(ttl) if host: _filter['resourceRecords']['host'] = utils.query_filter(host) if data: _filter['resourceRecords']['data'] = utils.query_filter(data) if record_type: _filter['resourceRecords']['type'] = utils.query_filter(record_type.lower()) object_mask = 'id,expire,domainId,host,minimum,refresh,retry,mxPriority,ttl,type,data,responsiblePerson' results ='SoftLayer_Dns_Domain', 'getResourceRecords', id=zone_id, mask=object_mask, filter=_filter.to_dict(), iter=True) return results
[docs] def edit_record(self, record): """Update an existing record with the options provided. The provided dict must include an 'id' key and value corresponding to the record that should be updated. :param dict record: the record to update """ record.pop('isGatewayAddress', None) self.record.editObject(record, id=record['id'])
[docs] def dump_zone(self, zone_id): """Retrieve a zone dump in BIND format. :param integer id: The zone ID to dump """ return self.service.getZoneFileContents(id=zone_id)
[docs] def sync_host_record(self, zone_id, hostname, ip_address, record_type='a', ttl=7200): """For a given zone_id, will set hostname's A record to ip_address :param integer zone_id: The zone id for the domain :param string hostname: host part of the record :param string ip_address: data part of the record :param integer ttl: TTL for the record :param string record_type: 'a' or 'aaaa' """ records = self.get_records(zone_id, host=hostname, record_type=record_type) if not records: # don't have a record, lets add one to the base zone self.create_record(zone_id, hostname, record_type, ip_address, ttl=ttl) else: if len(records) != 1: raise exceptions.SoftLayerError("Aborting record sync, found %d records!" % len(records)) rec = records[0] rec['data'] = ip_address rec['ttl'] = ttl self.edit_record(rec)
[docs] def sync_ptr_record(self, ptr_domains, ip_address, fqdn, ttl=7200): """Sync PTR record. :param dict ptr_domains: result from SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.getReverseDomainRecords or SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.getReverseDomainRecords :param string ip_address: ip address to sync with :param string fqdn: Fully Qualified Domain Name :param integer ttl: TTL for the record """ host_rec = ip_address.split('.')[-1] edit_ptr = None for ptr in ptr_domains['resourceRecords']: if ptr.get('host', '') == host_rec: ptr['ttl'] = ttl edit_ptr = ptr break if edit_ptr: edit_ptr['data'] = fqdn self.edit_record(edit_ptr) else: self.create_record(ptr_domains['id'], host_rec, 'ptr', fqdn, ttl=ttl)